Meet The Team: Q&A With Co-Founder of Viola.AI — Jamie Lee

Christina Thung
Published in
5 min readDec 8, 2017

The team behind Lunch Actually Group is currently embarking on a new journey, one that is set to develop the World’s Most Effective A.I. Advisor and Assistant for Dating and Relationships. It is no easy task — but for Co-Founder Jamie Lee, this has been a project in the making for the past 2 years and one that he believes would help billions of people create better lifetime relationships!

Aside from helping expand Lunch Actually Group’s business from Singapore to Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Thailand, Jamie is the business mechanic who constantly loves to improve things and to strive for the perfect system in all his businesses.

We sit down with Jamie, Co-Founder and Business Development Head of Viola.AI to talk about dating, relationship, this newest project, and the road ahead. Enjoy!

Hi Jamie, please start by telling us: What is Viola.AI?

J: Viola.AI is our solution for singles and couples experiencing the current love and relationship challenges, such as poor security and abuse of data, increasing number of love scams worldwide, more singles facing dating fatigue because of the swiping culture that rarely leads to real dates, and the increasing number of divorce cases due to relationship breakdown.

Viola.AI harnesses on the latest technology in artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency and trustless smart contracts to develop a powerful lifelong relationship advisor named Viola and an AI-driven marketplace to create and
sustain successful and happy relationships for all singles and couples.

To achieve the objectives, Viola.AI is equipped with several core capabilities.

a) A.I. Engine — Provides highly personalized matching and discreet relationship advices which evolves according to the user’s relationship status by employing A.I. with personalised machine learning engine and natural language empathy.

b) Blockchain Technology — Protects users through Real-ID Verification with visual recognition technology, facilitates trustless and efficient transactions with Viola.AI Wallet and Hedged Escrow System

c) Marketplace — Provides timely recommendations to address the user’s needs for goods and services, offers strong community support with quality content and advice that addresses user’s enquiry and allows customization of Viola.AI core services on 3rd party platforms.

Wow, that sounds very complex. How does Viola.AI aim to be a game changer in this industry?

J: Viola.AI will be trained by Lunch Actually’s 13 years of accumulated data of 3500 datasets and 1.1 billion data points, the existing social and engagement data from users of Viola.AI and importantly from the content and data generated by the community of users, experts and merchants.

Viola.AI will be the first dating and relationship AI to be able to evolve its advice based the relationship stage of its user, to ensure that she is able to value-add in a relevant manner. This eliminates the conflict of interest for dating services in which the more effective they are, the faster their customers would leave them. Viola.AI is also more proactive in its approach to helping couples solve their problems early before it gets too big and help couples take consistent steps to keep their relationships healthy and intimate.

By applying AI & tokenized blockchain economy and smart contracts within Viola.AI would effectively disrupt and transform the industry. And we believe that it’s the best future for our users and the industry.

How did the idea of Viola.AI come to life?

J: After 13 years in the industry, we have been seeing firsthand the challenges that not only singles and couple face, but also the challenge in the industry itself. There are many rogue dating services which are not ethical and resort to using bots and scammers just to earn revenue. (because they would only be able to monetize when the user is single.)

This is very bad as it would affect the reputation of the dating services in general.

With all these information, the idea of Viola.AI came about 2 years ago. Viola.AI will solve all these challenges — and more, to help all singles and couples, and even other players in the industry, to grow and better the industry together.

What are the biggest misconceptions of dating service by the industry or public that you think needs to be addressed?

J: The biggest misconception is that running a dating service is easy, and that our margin is very high because we charge users to use our service. Most people do not realize that there’s a lot of cost involved in running a regional business like ours. Offices, manpower, tech and other resources are needed in order for us to help our clients.

It’s the same or not more — with Viola.AI. Our team now is small and we operate on a separate start-up from our Lunch Actually Group business, but we believe in our project and will definitely require more resources to grow Viola.AI to what we envision her to be!

What advantages does the blockchain bring for your business?

J: Falsification of photos and profile is very common in online dating with scammers and rogue dating services employing bots to scam their users. Viola.AI is employing new verification system called Real-ID which we will scan a person’s face and verify it against his/her photo used and social media. The process is then decentralized and stored on the Blockchain. This helps user to be sure that whoever they are connecting with are genuine and not a scammer or bot. Viola.AI will also employ end-to-end encryption to protect its users so any hack would not compromise the identity and content of the users, like the infamous Ashley Madison hack, especially since the data is very personal and sensitive.

There are other competitors in this love industry scene; what sets you apart from your competitors and why?

J: I would say that Viola.AI is the first of her kind. Other industry players only focus on ‘singles’, or only on ‘couples’. There is no service at the moment that can combine both together based on the user’s relationship status.

Another unique feature of Viola.AI is how she works with the community to help generate great dating and relationship advice for singles to married couples. Viola.AI will then learn from the best and highest-rated answers and reward these contributors with VIOLA tokens. In the past, contributors would get nothing for their contributions and value add to other users in their communities. Under Viola.AI, they will be rewarded for their efforts and wisdom.

How would you define success for Viola.AI?

J: We are very excited to bring Viola.AI to the world for all singles and couples to use to better their relationships.

We would measure success of Viola.AO based on:

  • the number of signs-up
  • their Daily Active Use (DAU) and Monthly Active Use (MAU) because that would mean that users find Viola.AI to be useful
  • questions asked in Viola.AI community and and ratings of answers
  • transactions on our recommendations
  • and how long a person stays active on Viola.AI

Stay tuned for next posts as we meet the rest of the team behind Viola.AI.

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FIND OUT how you can get FREE VIOLA tokens.



Christina Thung

Content Creator, Marketer | +1 Netflix, Films and Fiction |