šŸ“½ On Directorā€™s Cut: Viola.AI Scene 1 (Mobile App UI)

šŸŽ¬ When Michael Meets Rachel

Freddie Lacorte
3 min readAug 30, 2018


Who says that a Mobile App UI canā€™t be presented just like a movie scene?

The Storyline

When Michael meets Rachel

The Title

Today. A Week After. Two Years Later.

The Plot

Receiving a suitable match

Getting notified on an upcoming date with user-validated favourite flower and colour to purchase.

Declaring Marriage (Proof of Love) on the Blockchain through REL-Registry

(RELationship Registry on Viola.AI)

Viola tears upā€¦out of joy

Today. A Week After. Two Years Later.

TODAY: The ā€˜Getting-To-Knowā€™ Stage.

A WEEK AFTER: The Coupleā€™s First Date (Definitely not their last)

TWO YEARS LATER: The Coupleā€™s Declaration of Marriage on the Blockchain (Viola.AI REL-Registry).

A SUCCESS STORY. Michael and Rachelā€™s story lives onā€¦A milestone worth celebrating with Viola.AI.

The Scene: A Call-For-Action

Now, watch our short video clipā€¦with a smile. šŸ˜

ā€œandā€¦cut! Thatā€™s a wrap!ā€

Thanks for watching!


Sheā€™s a Lifelong Love Advisor, powered by Artificial Intelligence, that evolves from dating, couple-hood to marriage; and serves to the best of its ability throughout ā€” helping people find love, helping romance blossom, and helping relationships nourished right until twilight years.

Imagine having a 24/7, ready-listening ear, your own virtual confidant.

Viola.AI is the brand associated to the concluded ICO project of Singapore-based Viola Tech Pte Ltd, backed by over 14 years of experience in the dating industry of Lunch Actually Group, that aims to provide a full-loop, multi-dimensional solution to diverse challenges of singles, attached and married couples.

Itā€™s the First Blockchain-Powered Relationship Registry (REL-Registry) and Lifelong AI Love Advisor, delivering a wide-array of user benefits among Community Members, approved Merchants, Matchmaking Experts and trusted Partners across the globe.

VIOLET Token (VAI) is listed on IDEX. New Crypto Exchange listings will be announced upon confirmation.

Viola.AIā€™s mission continues, ā€˜To Change The World, One Relationship at a Timeā€™.

Lots of LOVE from Singapore to the World,

F R E D D I E | L A C O R T E
Head of Community Management, Viola.AI
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