Online Dating Bots — How Reliable are they?

Christina Thung
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2018

The online world has completely changed how we find dates or solve our relationship problems. Technology has given us the ability to talk with a random person on the internet and create a meaningful bond. However, this also leads to fraud and bad experiences that are not really under the control of the person using the technology.

Online dating bots is a great example which enables anyone to find love. However, it does have major disadvantages.

One such venture Viola.AI is offering a platform that uses blockchain and artificial intelligence to solve the challenges that singles and couples face in their love and relationships. This is very different from what online dating bots are capable of.

In this article, we will dive deep into a simple comparison of online bots vs. Viola.AI. By doing this comparison, we will be able to understand precisely on how Viola.AI is transforming the online dating scene and helping people solve their relationship problems, thanks to the relatively new technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence.

Real-ID Verification: Getting to know who is on the other side is important for the safety as well ensuring a great experience. Online dating bots verification is either not present or is managed by a middleman which is always at risk of tampering. Viola.AI simplifies the whole process by taking the verification process to the blockchain. The verification system is completely decentralized and is aided by visual recognition.

Deep Learning about Users: Deep learning is a key component of the Viola.AI platform. It takes everything into account and creates a database for them. It takes into account the background, conversation history, preference, and user behavior. The online dating bots are not capable of creating a detailed image of the user and hence lacks regarding customized content and matching.

Relationship Advice and Solutions: Some online dating bots do give relationship advice and solution, but they are generic stuff and is not personalized for the user. Viola.AI, on the other hand, provides a deep understanding and hence offers highly personalized relationship advice and solutions.

Arrange Real Dates: Arranging dates are the real challenge. Online dating bots fail to provide enough features for flawless arranging real dates. Viola.AI comes equipped with all the tools and process for arranging real dates which can further improve the overall user experience.

Caters to a wide range of users: Online dating bots are primarily aimed at single people. This lead to ignoring a large portion of the population who are either married or attached. Viola.AI brings in the seamless transition for a wide range of users, making it a great choice for the anyone out there.

Feedback collection: No system is perfect, and hence feedbacks are important for their improvement. Dating bots are not created to take user inputs seriously and hence lack user feedback process. Viola.AI understands feedback important and continually collects feedback to improve their machine and deep learning algorithms.

Smart AI calendar: Occasions are a crucial part of managing the relationship and building new ones. Dating bots lack calendar and the ability to remind you on special occasions. Viola.AI uses a smart AI calendar that reminds you on occasion.

Community support: Anyone who is in love would know the importance of having a community surrounding you. A good community will always help you improve yourself and your relationship with others. Viola.AI provides a platform and the necessary features to grow a community that provides quality content and services. Online dating bots just don’t the means to create a thriving community around them and hence fail to create a community around them.

Gamification: Gamification can help improve interactions with the app and within the users using the app. Viola.AI comes with gamification and further improves the user experience. Online dating bots just lack this feature.

That’s it. We went through a simple comparison of online dating bots vs. Viola AI. What do you think about the comparison? Comment below and let us know!



Christina Thung

Content Creator, Marketer | +1 Netflix, Films and Fiction |