Weekly Progress Report: Q3 Isssue No. 1

Product Roadmap and Community Highlights of Viola.AI

Freddie Lacorte
6 min readAug 28, 2018


Greetings to all members of the Viola.AI Community! Stay with us in the next 6 minutes to keep yourselves in the loop about Viola.AI.


Today, 29 August, we are launching our Weekly Progress Report: Product Roadmap and Community Highlights— where all of you, our Community Members, will be kept informed more consistently, at least once a week, as to how our Team progresses, not solely on Product Development but also including the most relevant areas that we can talk about — triumphs, areas of opportunities, and even new discoveries.


It’s a weekly report that tracks the fulfillment of our Product Roadmap and other Must Have’s for a clearer view and to achieve a more universal understanding of the project’s status. By keeping you regularly informed, we hope to keep you all fairly dealt with by the volume and relevance of details that you deserve to receive from the Viola.AI Team.

What’s New on Viola.AI? Let’s dive in.

A snapshot of Viola.AI’s Product Roadmap till Dec 2018. Full view on our website


Amidst those small-to-big milestones illustrated above, in accordance to our Product Roadmap, Viola.AI has also triumphed with the Community on the following:

26 Jan 2018: Pre-Sale Completed
5 June: MVP Launched for Alpha Testing
25 July: Merchant Portal Launched for Alpha Testing
28 July: Viola.AI App (MVP) Launched on Google Play (AI Love Advisor)
31 July: Public Sale Completed
31 July: VAI (VIOLET Token) Listed on IDEX
7 August: Launched VAI Market Talk on Telegram
8 August: Distribution of Paid Tokens Completed
17 August: Released Final Eligibility Report of Bounty Program (with a few more updates to share with by end of the week)

Community ALERT #1: Over 200 Contributors are yet to claim their Paid VIOLET Tokens due to invalid and unverified token receiving wallets and/or passing the mandatory KYC.

We didn’t want to send your paid tokens elsewhere without your consent and without our full confidence that you’re getting them. Simply log on to your dashboard and fulfill set conditions to receive your tokens now. Email us at ico@viola.ai if you have any questions.

Community Alert #2: The token distribution of all bonus/earned tokens/referral rewards/token rewards happens on 29 September.

You are doing a great job! Please don’t stop. Continue reading…

Viola.AI App (MVP) for iOS

Beyond these triumphs are unexpected circumstances that we chose to keep ourselves driven to overcome and surpass. One of such moments, is pending approval of our MVP on the App Store for iOS users.

Despite meeting the app requirements for iOS, we have went beyond countless re-submissions and see ourselves getting in touch with our personal contacts and all means of expediting the approval process. At this point, we feel the need of not depending on the ‘waiting phase’ and cyclical re-submissions.

Hence, we soldier on and chose to stay focused in maximising time and opportunities — not for us, but for you, who deserve to get hands-on experience of our product (both for Android and iOS) and see the fruit of what we all believe in and witness its greatest potentials.

Community Alert #3: To Contributors [Exclusive to iOS Users ONLY] who opted to receive their Paid Tokens upon distribution through the Viola.AI App Wallet, you are given an alternative option to revert to ERC20-wallet address to get your Paid Tokens. Email us at ico@viola.ai if you prefer this instead.

Nevertheless, all of us — from the well-remembered names of admins, moderators, community members, contributors, partners, experts, bounty hunters, merchants and advisors; extended beyond those opted-to-hide a Telegram userID and even our silent supporters who have been there with pure best intentions to see our project flourish…

We are all working towards a common goal for the benefit of many— that is, to help billions of people find love and happiness.

Getting Experts ON-BOARD

The Team is now aggressively progressing into further enhancing the features and functionalities of the Merchant Portal as we cater to the Matchmaking, Dating and Relationship Experts. Furthermore, its major ‘push’ should commence in October as we continuously build our own ecosystem more viable and sustainable in the long run.

We are incentivising the Viola.AI users with VIOLET Tokens through Referral Commission for you to share into the revenue growth of ecosystem — every time a Successful Referral gets on-board such as referred business entities across the globe including merchant, dating/matchmaking companies and/or experts, and many other industries.

Through the use of VAI, dating singles are able to purchase Premium Services with tailored content supported by our trusted Partner Matchmaking Institute (MMI) based in New York — the only state-licensed matchmaking school in the world with over 3,000 matchmaking and relationship experts from 46 countries.

Visit https://merchant.viola.ai for more details of the Merchant Portal.

Approved Merchants who will be offering their goods and services through Viola.AI Marketplace will boost the use of VAI amongst its wide array of Token Utilisation Features.

You’re about to read the last section. Don’t close this window. =)

Product Development HIGHLIGHTS

We are also progressing in developing the following features on Viola.AI App to widen the utilisation and functionality of our product. Below are our drafted mock-ups that you can look forward to as we develop some of these in our next release within the next two months.

Online SUGGESTION BOX. Any matters of the heart? Or questions on our Weekly Progress Report? Which topics did you find most or least relevant and useful for you and for the community? What do you want to know next?

Answer our Online Suggestion Box

Let’s close this report with a video snippet of Viola.AI’s Co-Founder and CEO, Violet Lim, in her recent participation on TEDxNTU Talk held last 26 August in Singapore. In the short clip below, Violet shares her take on the deeper meaning of ‘Greater than the Sum of its Parts’ (Forward the clip to 4:50 for instant viewing).


Catch our next Progress Report on Monday, 3 September.

We remain grateful for your support and understanding as we continue to fulfill our mission in ‘Changing the World, One Relationship at a Time’.

On behalf of the Viola.AI Team,

F R E D D I E | L A C O R T E
Head of Community Management, Viola.AI
DM me on Telegram | Follow me on Medium | Connect with me on LinkedIn

Viola.AI on Fox Business aired on 29 July 2018

