Sending VIOLET tokens from MEW to Viola.AI App (MVP) Wallet [For ICO Contributors]

Exclusive to our Alpha Club Members — How can you send VAI to Viola.AI App?

Freddie Lacorte
2 min readSep 1, 2018


The following content is relevant and applicable to:-

  • Members of the Viola.AI Alpha Club (Contributors of Viola.AI ICO)
  • Alpha Club Members who have received their Paid Tokens upon distribution; where among them have eventually decide to send their VIOLET tokens to the Viola.AI App (MVP) Wallet instead

Greetings Viola.AI Community!

First of, here’s a shout out to our Community Member, Anne Loraine, who happens to be the first one who asked our Team…

“Hi! Can we send VAI (VIOLET tokens) from MEW (MyEtherWallet) to the MVP app?”

Yes! Contributors of Viola.AI ICO can send their tokens from MEW to our MVP App. In the meantime, this can only be done for Android users as our Viola.AI App Wallet is currently downloadable via Google Play.

Download our App on Google Play

8 Steps in sending your VIOLET Tokens from MEW to Viola.AI App (MVP) Wallet

  1. Go to
  2. Select Send Ether & Tokens and unlock your wallet.

3. Enter the designated receiving wallet address in the ‘To Address’ field on MEW. Your wallet address can be obtained from the My Wallet menu of the app and by clicking the QR code on the top right corner as shown in the screen below.

For illustration purposes only.

4. Enter the amount you would like to send upon selection of VAI on MEW.
If you do not see the token listed, click here

5. Click Generate Transaction. A couple more fields will appear.

6. Click the blue Send Transaction button below that.

7. A pop-up window appear to verify that the amount and the address you are sending to are correct.

8. Click, “Yes, I am sure! Make transaction.” button.

Lots of LOVE from Singapore to the World,

F R E D D I E | L A C O R T E
Head of Community Management, Viola.AI
DM me on Telegram | Follow me on Medium | Connect with me on LinkedIn

