Viola.AI Canada: Community Manager ERIC

“This project is undoubtedly one of the ‘diamonds in the rough’, so to speak.”

Freddie Lacorte
5 min readFeb 26, 2018


Eric wrote back to me after sending him an email about checking his interest of becoming an appointed Community Manager of Viola.AI. I felt his sincerity and passion to join the team and make himself an added value to make our ICO project achieve its goals.

Eric is one of those whom I have had great conversations with and found it very easy to dealt with.

Ladies and gentlemen, join me in welcoming our addition to the Community Managers of Viola.AI!
Introducing our Community Manager in Calgary Alberta, Canada…

Eric York-Slader (CM Eric)

Telegram: @Eric_ys

How did you hear about Viola.AI?
A :
I first heard about Viola.AI in late 2017 while I was actively researching​ a broad variety of ​blockchain projects​ and businesses! Viola.AI stood out to me because the company is backed by solid marketing and impressive brand visibility within the blockchain world. Having a stand-out business model in the blockchain world says a lot, given how saturated the industry has become as of late! At around the same time, I had been exploring and investing in the ICO market, and the Viola.AI brand had come across my radar a number of times through these channels as well. ​After vetting ​the project, I determined that it was a strong potential ICO investment and I ​immediately ​whitelisted for the token sale.

What was your first impression about the project/brand?
A :
​In all honesty, my first impression about the project​/brand​ was the same as ​the​ first impression t​hat I consciously bring to my outlook of all blockchain technology products: ​skepticism.​ If my research has taught me anything, it is that there a huge number of businesses and products out there, but very few of these businesses and products are backed by strong and skilled teams with realistic growth plans and strategies.​

​As I delved further into my vetting of Viola.AI, my skepticism diminished. This business is different than other blockchain technology projects. It is founded based on past industry experience, developed by an impressive team of skilled professionals, and being marketed at a top-tier level. This project is undoubtedly one of the “diamonds in the rough”, so to speak.

What is it about Viola.AI that captured your attention and why?
A :
​Viola.AI checks all the boxes. They have an experienced team, ​an ​ambitious ​yet ​realistic road​ ​map​ for success​, ​and ​great ICO potential.​ Perhaps most importantly, all of these assets are being communicated through their channels in a clear and transparent format which is vital to the success of companies like these, especially in such a competitive and saturated industry.

What is your impression about the Viola.AI Team?
A :
A​s much as it is true to say that we live in a digital world and this industry/type of project is ​certainly an extension of that, it is refreshing to see and read about the real faces behind this business. Prior to being in touch with the company directly, I spent some time reading about the team on their site. I was impressed by the range of expertise and skill that the team possesses, and I was also impressed by the realism and the story behind the development of the company.

Since being in touch with Viola.AI regarding project work, I have primarily been in talks with Freddie Lacorte (Viola.AI’s Head of Community Management), who has been extremely informative and has shared his enthusiasm for the project with me directly. I’m excited to be joining such an impressive and forward-thinking team!​

In which area of your expertise or skills do you think would give great impact to Community Management in your respective country?
A :
​I have a digital marketing and computer programming background, and I strongly feel that I will be able to use my full-stack marketing skills effectively on Viola.AI’s behalf. I feel confident that I will be successful in managing the social accounts in accordance with the goals of the organization, and I look forward to embracing other opportunities with Viola.AI such as creating successful ad campaigns, engaging with the public and with potential consumers about the product, and generally helping to create awareness about how blockchain technology can be implemented in such a traditionally “human” industry. The application of technology to facilitate human connection is simply a reality of our times (we’re seeing it all the time with the dating apps that already exist) and I think that Viola.AI’s product will be well-received by Canadians.

What do you feel about being appointed as one of the Community Managers of Viola.AI?
A :
Simply put, I feel extremely honored to be part of a project that I really believe in. I look forward to my next steps with the company and to being a small part of what I believe will be a very successful launch.

Anything else you’d like to say?
A :
​I’m a pretty simple guy, but I am not easy to impress when it comes to new technology and the businesses that operate in this world. Having said this, I really do believe that Viola.AI has a strong chance of being a stand-out product and brand in this industry, and I feel very grateful to be a part of this team during the launching stage.

Where can we find you if you’re not working?
A :
​When I’m not behind the screen, you’ll find me spending time with my ​Italian ​Greyhound puppy, checking out new restaurants with my girlfriend in the city I live in, or listening to hip-hop music. I’m a self-proclaimed technology nerd, so much of my free time is spent on the same things I am pursuing through my career: researching blockchain technology opportunities and businesses, investing in cryptocurrency, and generally making an effort to stay on top of this ever-changing and ever-exciting industry!

If given the chance to become a super hero, who would you be and why?
A :
1960’s Spiderman — the most meme-able super hero of all time.

