Viola.AI calls for real-life stories on #LoveForAll Campaign

Share your #LoveForAll stories and get the chance to win 1000 VIOLET tokens when your story gets featured by Viola.AI!

Freddie Lacorte
5 min readMay 11, 2018


“We believe that every individual has the right to be in a happy, positive and fulfilling relationship. We exist to help our customers to find the love and happiness they deserve.”

Lunch Actually Group
14+ Years in the Love Industry, Parent Company of Viola.AI

Love can be defined in countless ways. Love is the universal source of happiness, of peace, and of change. Love for everybody… #LoveForAll

In Viola.AI’s mission, “To change the world, one relationship at a time”, LOVE is at its core. It triggers change, it triggers peace and happiness for all.

Giving birth to the RELationship Registry (“REL-Registry”), we have had fair encounters with community members who have shared with us their own interpretation of this concept, their real-life situations and challenges faced by the people surrounding them and the society at large. All these observations show how our project could potentially influence and bring positive impact to the world.


#LoveForAll Stories from the Viola.AI Community

Here are some highlighted excerpts of stories from the community that are worth sharing:

The Love For Similarities. The Love For Differences.

“Some people are restricted in love because of their own personal beliefs. One can only marry another who comes from the same culture. e.g. a Frenchman gets engaged / married with a Pakistani. Unusual! Usually it is when people live out the same language or culture. I don’t know how Viola.AI could fix the problem of limiting love (That’s how I’d call it!).I had the same problem about restricted relationships. There are millions of people who have the similar challenge.”

“There are over 40 million Kurds in the world. They are like French or Italian. They have no state and live scattered in different countries. Most of them live in their autonomous region in Turkey, Iraq, overall, many millions in Germany. Within the Kurds there are different religions, Yazidis, Muslims, Christians. That still exists with other nations. The Yezidis marry only by religion! That means, one is only allowed to marry someone who is also Yezide. Among the Yazidi there are again groups that have yet to play a role.”

“The approach with the REL registration and the connected face recognition sounds great. I think that’s great and I’ve never seen it on a dating site before. It also has great potential.”


The Love For Equality. The LOVE For Diversity.

“As far as my understanding is concerned, the goal of Viola.AI is to help people in finding their one true love. But in today’s society, the idea of love between a man and woman is giving space for new kinds of relationship — like multiple people from both genders living and loving together; also, homosexual relationships, is a part of the reality.”

“Lots of people got into a relationship out of the dictation of the society — despite their true happiness in a non-conventional relationship.”


The Love For Empowerment. The Love for Transparency.

“I was just talking to a friend last week about how smart an idea like this would be! Disrupting the catfishing market! I also like the personalized touches to the app you guys thought of, such as having an assistant to keep you on your game along the way. The AI reminds me of the movie Hitch!”

“In today’s dating world a lot of people are hesitant to even start looking for significant others where a lot of profiles are fake and people are not who they say they are, or genuinely don’t know how dating works anymore. Need a little help along the way. Can’t wait to be a user of this product!”


Invitation to Participate

We are inviting all of you, the Viola.AI Community members, our fans, and our supporters to join our #LoveForAll Campaign, to join our mission, in making our project bring social change, a positive social impact to the world.

Speak up and let us know your thoughts on how Viola.AI’s project could potentially achieve small-to-big wins.

As we strive to bring positive influence to the world, one relationship at a time, as we step forward in making the society a better place to live in — share with us, your real-life situations, events, challenges, that can touch the lives of many.

It is your time to make a change by sharing your own stories, or even of narratives of the people dearest to you. For privacy, you may request for anonymity, not to publish your name elsewhere.

Eligibility & Token Distribution

  • Participants must be registered members of Viola.AI, at least 18 years of age.
  • VIOLET tokens to be rewarded, being part of bonus tokens, are subjected to 60-day lock-down period. Tokens will be distributed 60 days after the end of ICO to the ERC20-Compatible wallet indicated in the ‘Personal Details’ form on profile.

Submission & Selection of Entries

We are allocating 10,000 VIOLET tokens for this campaign as we pick the 10 best real-life stories from the Viola.AI Community!

Send your #LoveForAll stories to Viola.AI and get the chance to win 1,000 VIOLET tokens when your stories get selected by our team.

Submit your entries from now until 8 June 2018, Friday, 11.59pm SGT. Your stories will also be featured across our online materials (with an option for anonymity upon request). Winners will be announced on 11 June, Monday.

Submit your #LoveForAll entries here

What are you waiting for?

Let your stories be heard and take a step to make a change for the good of many, #LoveForAll. Submit your story now!

For enquiries, contact me via Telegram — or leave your comments below.

Available Resources

Read White Paper | Watch Explainer Videos

For Unmarried Couples

For Married Couples

For Singles

Lots of LOVE from Singapore to the World,

F R E D D I E | L A C O R T E
Head of Community Management, Viola.AI
DM me on Telegram | Follow me on Medium | Connect with me on LinkedIn

Help billions of people find love and happiness.

VIOLET Token Sale begins on 17 June. Get whitelisted here.

