Viola.AI UK: Community Manager MARK

“You know, there’s a lot of lonely people in the world”, says Mark during his video interview.

Freddie Lacorte
3 min readMay 5, 2018


“You know, there’s a lot of lonely people in the world”, says Mark during his video interview.

“The job ad that I saw on Telegram that says — ‘Make a difference in other people’s lives’ captured my attention…”, he added.

These statements from Mark easily sum up his character, which could easily tell that his passion to help other people to finding love and happiness is commendable.

Ladies and gentlemen, join me in welcoming our addition to the Community Managers of Viola.AI!

Introducing our Community Manager in Wales, United Kingdom…

Mark Wynne (CM Mark)

Telegram: @MachMark2

How did you hear about Viola.AI? I think it was on EtherScan!

What was your first impression about the project/brand? Immediately thought what a great idea and use of new tech, how could you not be driven to help people find love?

What is it about Viola.AI that captured your attention and why? Working with a company that has a firmly established history in this industry and to challenge yourselves to adapt and incorporate new tech shows a fearless attitude to break new ground and evolve, we all have to evolve.

What is your impression about the Viola.AI Team? Very impressed, to have the founders engaged in driving the business forward and the breadth of skills across the senior management I believe is key to the future success. Leadership from the front.

In which area of your expertise or skills do you think would give great impact to Community Management in your respective country? The ability to adapt and change when required in a fast moving world; not being afraid to stand out against the status quo, showing courage when you know something is right.

What do you feel about being appointed as one of the Community Managers of Viola.AI? WOW ! I’m so excited to be given the opportunity and looking forward to helping both clients and fellow Viola.AI colleagues be the best that they can be, which I believe will bring greater success to our investors and clients alike.

Where can we find you if you’re not working? Usually out walking with my wife Tina and/or our puppy ‘Cyan’ (Cyan is actually 12 !!!)

If given the chance to become a super hero, who would you be and why?Hmmmm, not sure if this Super Hero exists: Mr ‘Don’t Beat Yourself Up’ has the ability to help you get over your mistakes quickly, quite often people are their own worst critic and punish themselves for just making a mistake instead of learning from it and just try not to mess up again. Always look at the intent, if someone is generally trying to do good, forgive the errors quickly.

From Singapore to the World,

F R E D D I E | L A C O R T E
Head of Community Management, Viola.AI
DM me on Telegram | Follow me on Medium | Connect with me on LinkedIn

