Viola.AI USA: Community Manager PAUL

“I believe the use of Viola.AI will cause a synchronicity of options beyond the point of simple acceptability.”

Freddie Lacorte
3 min readMay 5, 2018


Paul has been one of the early supporters of Viola.AI. He’s been a member since December 2017 and has contributed to the success of our Pre-Sale. Currently, he’s a member of the Alpha Club — Viola.AI’s by-invitation-only group that entitles its members to firsthand updates, and other exclusive benefits.

At the age of 53, it clearly shows that his seniority is not a hurdle to taking a step forward to fulfil his desire of helping others find their path to love and happiness through Viola.AI.

Paul Micheal Bultman (CM Paul)

Telegram: @PaulBultman

How did you hear about Viola.AI? I first saw Viola from a pre-sale advertisement on one of the main cryptocurrency search sites.

What was your first impression about the project/brand? I liked Viola’s application of New World technology to help facilitate the management of an old world problem and had an immediate appreciation for the fact that the founders had a great deal of experience in matchmaking before cryptocurrency existed and AI seemed much further Beyond reach.

Paul currently works in an organic food co-operative in Seattle. He is also the Vice-President and Co-Founder of his own business showcasing Indie Music.

Our newest CM, a social media savvy and a crypto enthusiast, never misses out his daily meditation and hiking activities too!

What is it about Viola.AI that captured your attention and why? Viola.AI is in the process of creating a database of individuals and methods that I believe can short-circuit the roundabout methods of hunting through many people before finding someone that may be considered acceptable, I believe the use of Viola.AI will cause a synchronicity of options beyond the point of simple “acceptability”.

What is your impression about the Viola.AI Team? I’m very impressed with the Viola.AI Team and have a strong trust in their background and forward vision.

In which area of your expertise or skills do you think would give great impact to Community Management in your respective country? I believe my experience in advertising, social networking, and Tech will help accelerate the growth of Viola members in the US and further the overall goals of Viola’s vision.

What do you feel about being appointed as one of the Community Managers of Viola.AI? I feel fantastic about being one of Viola’s Community managers. I love being part of a company that’s forward-thinking, cutting edge, and very technical while in the process of serving one of the most important human needs.

Any thing else you’d like to say? I find the Viola.AI project to be fun and interesting, it’s difficult not to smile while explaining it to others. People are always interested and curious toward the possibilities it implies.

Where can we find you if you’re not working? I’m usually hiking, going to a tech meeting or a show in town.

Just like Paul, do you want to make a difference in other people’s lives too? We are currently looking for Community Managers (part-time, remotely) for Korea, Vietnam or Japan. You can send me your updated resume through my Telegram link below.

From Singapore to the World,

F R E D D I E | L A C O R T E
Head of Community Management, Viola.AI
DM me on Telegram | Follow me on Medium | Connect with me on LinkedIn

