Progress Report: Q4 Issue No.4

Product Roadmap and Community Highlights of Viola.AI

Freddie Lacorte
3 min readSep 26, 2018


To the Viola.AI Community,

In the 4th issue of our Progress Report, we are sharing with you how the ICO project of Viola.AI has been progressing as of 3 October 2018— with the objective of identifying deliverables for and setting expectations of the Community.

You may refer to the concise version of our Product Roadmap on the Viola.AI website as follows:

The screenshot above shows the expected deliverables that may be subject to changes on delivery timeline, and shall be announced to the Community accordingly. A more descriptive version of the Whitepaper can be viewed here.

The Team has been working on the Real-ID Verification (one of the Core Capabilities of Viola.AI) with facial recognition and is expected to launch by end of October. This would protect the users of Viola.AI against online love scams and address other dating and relationship challenges faced by singles and couples.

Below is a selected mock-up that we are sharing to the Community as we get ready for the next release of the app.

For illustration purposes only

Token Distribution: Bonus Tokens & Rewards

Bonus Tokens on ICO Stages and Earned Tokens in Various Campaigns

As announced since 17 September, all contributors and supporters of Viola.AI ICO have been informed that Bonus Tokens and Earned Tokens are scheduled for distribution on 29th of the same month.

Following the 60-day lock-down period after end of the Public Sale, which ended on 31 July, the Viola.AI Team has started distributing all Bonus Tokens in multiple batches in the following sequence: Private Sale, Pre-Sale and Public Sale. The 3rd batch of distribution includes Bonus Tokens for all contributors (members of the ‘Alpha Club’) who have bought VIOLET Tokens during our initial Public Sale that ran between 14 to 21 March and the re-launched stage on 17 June to 31 July.

In fulfillment of our promise to the ardent supporters and members of the Viola.AI Community who have shown their ‘Proof of Love’ for Viola.AI since December 2017 until July 2018 by participating in our Bounty Program, Referral Program (including the ‘Top 20 Leaderboard’), ‘What Would You Ask VIOLA’, ‘If You Were VIOLA’, weekender campaigns and other community engagement initiatives, all Token Rewards are also scheduled for token distribution after the completion of the first 3 batches.

Please tune in on our Viola.AI COMMUNITY chat on Telegram for further announcements.

Post-ICO Bounty Program

Proof of Love Contest of the Month: Viola.AI App (MVP) Review

We are yet to announce the winners of last month’s Proof of Love Contest of the Month, where participants have contributed their app reviews of Viola.AI App (MVP) on Google Play and App Store based on the theme set for September. October’s theme will be launched and announced to the Community accordingly.

Our Mission continues.
We are
‘Changing the World, One Relationship at a Time’.

On behalf of the Viola.AI Team,

F R E D D I E | L A C O R T E
Head of Community Management, Viola.AI

