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A New Years Present

Lasse Schuirmann
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2019


Hey VIPERdevs :)

This is a quick end of the year report as well as my christmas/new years present to us all.

Last Year

We’ve been having a great journey this year. Some of you joined, some of you are with us since another year or even day one. Just in November we were able to onboard two already awesome new members, Lilian and Fabian, who are already kicking of things in a new and better way.

Together, we’ve created products for many startups. Yes, we messed up some things along the way, as all founders do — luckily the majority of it was internally. And this is exactly what makes us stronger and what makes us grow. We’ve figured out solutions to all those problems that we or others have created and we are stronger than ever. VIPERdev is quite a company, this month alone we are finishing a whopping 4 products that are ready to launch.

Next Year

The numbers and the sales pipeline are looking really great, and we’re gaining stability while growing every month. Of course there are many things to work on and to improve, as well as people to hire — we wouldn’t be a startup without those :)

Looking at our new year, there will be some exciting news which will unfold. We will be showcasing some new products which are being developed right now; there are a bunch of exciting partnerships unfolding too allowing us to serve founders even better and help them beyond simply being a reliable CTO but pushing further to make their business actually successful.

As a bonus, we will be pushing some great things to Accelerato as well as FounderFlirt and release some new products for making the life of early stage founders easier.

The Christmas Present

I’ve thought for a while about how I can reward all of you for being with us. The logistics of sending things around worldwide though are pretty hard.

There’s one thing though, which we’ve talked about since a long while. We’ve always wanted to all meet up in one place, and finally make a VIPERdev Summit happen. We’ve been starting to look into visa and some other formal requirements as well as budgeting and I can now promise that we will finally have a VIPERdev Summit 2020 in Germany.

So, merry christmas to those who celebrate that (otherwise insert your favourite next festivity here) and I am seeing forward to an awesome new year where we’ll finally meet up with the whole team.




Lasse Schuirmann
Editor for

CEO, VIPERdev. Building software products incremental and fast.