10 and more ways to protect your privacy and identity in VIPole

VIPole Secure Messaging and Collaboration
6 min readSep 15, 2015

«Online privacy is dead» or «Online privacy — no such thing» — these headlines that reporters use with yet another data breach catch the eyes, but think twice before trusting journalists.

VIPole puts anonymity at the forefront. Forcing someone to provide the real name for using the service is to our mind like forcing to expose your passport data. However, for some popular social media services it’s common. Moreover, certain apps even require your location to function. Many apps don’t even need personal data to work, but they collect it anyway to maximize the reach of online marketing campaigns. In VIPole, there are no ads, there is no spam from shops, and there is no content targeted to you because of your location, age, gender, search history or any preferences. We provide private communication only.

“All your data are belong to us” and how to stay away from it

While the ways of personal data collection and storing online are evolving, it becomes harder to keep privacy. Besides, many services are just too convenient and entertaining to leave them for the sake of security. While using mainstream networks for chitchat, you may switch to VIPole for those conversations that you prefer to hide from being tracked, analyzed and exploited.

VIPole does not collect your data to make the service better or personalize it like other communication companies claim to do. In VIPole, only you own your data.

We do not know our users by sight or by name, but we know exactly what is important to you — your safety and privacy. In this respect, we share the same vision and values.

Apart from the basic algorithms of data protection in VIPole, we developed a number of tools that enable you to hide yourself, your contacts and your data even within the service.

Everyone may become a target once

Maintaining your contacts and conversations private online is immensely important even if you think that no one could ever come up with the idea of hacking your humble accounts. The vast majority of people on the internet are not concerned about who has the access to their data online. VIPole is for those who care.

Keep in mind, that people out of the public spotlight may also become the target of hackers, not only top ranking politicians and business owners. The aims of hackers are different, and what is dear and important to you may be turned into an instrument to manipulate you. If there is information that may ruin you — do not entrust it to the services that are unable to keep the secrets.

Identity protection in VIPole

  • End-to-end-encryption. The activity of every VIPole user is hidden from the prying eyes due to the encryption algorithms. We spoke about encryption in details in one of our preceding posts. The system functions in a way to allow the users own their data and close the access to it on multiple levels. Even access to the VIPole server or to your computer does not give access to the data, as it is stored encrypted.
  • Account creation. All you need to become a VIPole user is an e-mail. A phone number may tell much more about its owner than the e-mail does and may be exploited to track your location and activities. This is why VIPole does not oblige you to connect your account with your phone number. Your personality is unidentifiable in VIPole. We do not require your real name or your photo like some social media services do. You may be anyone you want as we respect your freedom of expression and the right to stay anonymous.
  • IP-masking. VIPole masks your IP in a way that no one can figure out your real address. In VIPole, nobody knows who you are and where you are. Moreover, you may hide your IP from certain contacts individually. Becoming a VIPole user, you join a carnival where no one can tear your mask off.
  • Voice changer. Change the voice heard on the other side during a call, turn it higher or lower. In VIPole, you may prefer do sound in a special way, and even your friends would be unable to identify you.

Privacy protection in VIPole

- I love you. - Seen.
  • Fixed online status. Hide yourself even from your contacts by setting a permanent status. Really, it is no concern of anyone when you are online. Your status may be set not only for all users, but individually as well. You may prefer to be invisible or always online for the special people.
  • Contact list management. Limit the range of people who may contact you if you are unwilling to talk to strangers. Arrange your privacy settings in accordance with your desire to socialize.
  • Hidden contacts. Hide special contacts under an additional password. Unhide when necessary. No more questions like «who is this sweetie in your contact list if it’s not me?!”
  • No «seen» or «read» marks for messages. It’s up to you when to respond. We excluded these awkward moments.
  • No «last seen». Would you like to be stalked online? Neither do we, this is why we decided to live calmly without the «last seen» status. If you want to talk to someone — you start the chat. If you’re not in the mood — it’s your own private affair when to be online.

Protection of your conversations and files

  • Auto deleting messages. When you don’t want your history to be stored anywhere — set the expire time for your messages. Just remember: there is no opportunity to restore them if you need to recollect certain ideas from the conversation.
  • Editing and deleting messages. In VIPole, the deleted messages are removed from the server and the devices of all participants of the conversation forever. No more regrets. You can also edit your messages anytime to add the forgotten commas or even to change the contents completely.
  • History clearing. You can delete messages for certain people and for a certain period. You may also clear all the history at once.
  • Viewing self-connections. You may view the real-time connections to your account and close the app remotely. When you forget to log out, it is still easy to hide your conversations.
  • Fake secret phrase can be used to emulate a system crash or to remove all the VIPole data from the computer. In case of emergency, break glass.

The permanent off the record mode

While there were several dream layers in “Inception”, VIPole provides you with multilevel security. When you start using VIPole for your daily messaging and calls — you are already protected by end-to-end encryption. As you now know, there are extra security options within a safe system. It is up to you to eventually take ownership of your online privacy.

When the data is the currency, do not entrust your personal information to the companies that are easily accessible for hackers and governments. It is particularly topical for the paid services. Do you really want anyone to know what you spend your money on? Data leaks ruin not only reputations, but also lives sometimes.

Individualized experience based on your location and preferences is what marketing experts enjoy speaking about at the professional conferences. But the more individualization you get the more of yourself you entrust to the companies to sell and to buy. Was it your initial desire when you signed up? Hardly. In VIPole, we give you exactly what you came for — secure and private communication.

The human element is often the most vulnerable one in systems. In VIPole, you do not entrust your data to people. The code itself is responsible for your privacy here. Stay anonymous and enjoy encrypted conversations!

VIPole offers end-to-end encrypted messaging and collaboration solutions for teams and enterprises dealing with commercially or personally sensitive information, and individuals wishing to protect themselves from hackers, identity thieves and malware. More at www.vipole.com



VIPole Secure Messaging and Collaboration

Secure messaging, calling, file sharing and videoconferecing solutions for individuals, teams and enterprises. www.vipole.com