VIPole for teamwork: techniques and tricks

VIPole Secure Messaging and Collaboration
9 min readDec 2, 2015
vipole for teamwork

Imagine a large estate that welcomes dozens of guests. The building has many rooms, some are hidden and only the owner knows how to get there and how to open the door. In one room folks play bridge, the other room is a dancing hall, the third room is for political and philosophical debates, a small room gives privacy for the conversation of the two. This is a natural way of human communication. When you choose one of VIPole solutions for business, you become an owner of a virtual estate, and you create rooms and invite people. Confidential conversations never leave the borders of the estate.

The connected world has given us all the opportunities that we could never imagine before, but as we can be more effective now, we have to show the best of what we can do every day. Communication habits have changed significantly throughout the past decade, and internet communication has become a heavy and sometimes the dominating part of daily interactions. Chats, blogs, social media, messengers — it’s now common to participate in a group chat, that connects the parents of the classmates, in a group chat of your foreign language course or of your local volleyball team. The workplace communications tend to be more conservative, depending on the field. Tech companies and news organizations are among the pioneers who are the first to discover the convenience of messengers for business.

Encrypted instant messaging for enterprises has changed the landscape of business communications, as we knew it a few years ago. Sophisticated products are designed to meet sophisticated demands. VIPole is not just an app, it can become your own private corporate messenger with encrypted conversations, group chats related to projects and secure voice and video calls.

VIPole is for you if:

  • You want your team members to be always connected and discuss your projects securely, whenever, wherever.
  • You often assemble conference calls and you want to exclude wiretapping.
  • You care about the safety of the personal data of your employees, partners and clients.
  • The documents you are working with may ruin everything if leaked. You don’t want them to ever be leaked or even vulnerable.
  • You want to separate your business affairs from the free services where the service provider knows your personal data.
  • You need a multifunctional and safe tool with all communication and collaboration features in one app.

Our customers call VIPole a Skype alternative, as we offer private messaging, group chats, video calls and audio calls. But we’ve got more features for teams including task management and file storage, we are secure and we guarantee privacy for every our user. Your safety and productivity are the main aspects taken into account for the design and the architecture of VIPole. The new features we introduce are inspired by the experience and the wishes of our customers.

VIPole allows to structure all working discussions into different flows in accordance with the projects, the topics and the departments. Every VIPole feature has both evident and hidden opportunities, are you sure that you know how to make them work for you as productively as possible?

Arrange chat rooms and invite your people


«We are currently developing a new website for our company, and the project involves me as the marketing director, marketing managers, designers and developers of course. We’ve hired a talented freelance designer to create data visualizations, and this girl is in several time zones away from us. However, the distance does not affect her efficiency. I created an encrypted group chat in VIPole for everyone involved in the project and she actively participates in all discussions; we exchange the screenshots of the design, discuss them and arrange weekly brainstorms in a video chat. VIPole is handy, because everything we need is in one app. »

James F., Marketing director

The rhythm of life of modern companies requires appropriate tools. Business communication should be fast, easy, multiplatform and protected from outsiders. Internal conversations of companies evolved into a set of short messages that require prompt reaction. A communication tool that minimizes rituals in communication and enhances effectiveness is what any team needs. Prefaces are irrelevant when you need just to clarify details. Group chats in VIPole allow to arrange convenient simultaneous work in teams. The employees are not tied to departments, they are tied to projects, which makes communication goal-oriented.

The chats are flexible and can be initiated or wiped away forever anytime. The optimization of communication around projects makes the performance of the whole team smarter. Communication in group chats is generally less formal than traditional communication via e-mail and all team members always feel involved in the projects that they participate in.

The messengers have transformed not only the form of communication; they changed the style and the way of perceiving. They became the technology that is in tune with the spirit of the digital age and the ways of creating and processing information, to which we are accustomed today. Instant messaging allows you to get immediate feedback on every current issue and you may contribute to the discussion anytime you come up with a bright idea.

Download VIPole and enjoy encrypted private messaging:

  • Conveniently structured dialogues with the latest active in the top of the list.
  • All types of data connected with a concrete contact in VIPole are in one window: messages, files, events and calls.
  • Quick search in history (Ctrl+H makes it even quicker).
  • Edit or delete messages to change them respectively on the devices of all the participants of the conversation.
  • Spell checking on the language that you’ve chosen.
  • Format the text to highlight certain ideas.
  • Contact everyone immediately without the mess of mailing lists. Even when offline, all the participants of the groups stay aware of all conversations.

Give your development, testing, design, marketing and any other departments a safe and handy space for interaction and control the process. The participants of a group chat do not necessarily have to know each other personally and authorize each other. They are working on the same project and they can discuss it even without knowing how all the people involved look like. Clearly structured business communications save time and reduce unnecessary efforts for the start of each new conversation.

Make all your calls private

Basic CMYK

«I especially appreciate multiuser videochats in VIPole, as I am constantly in touch with my team even when I am off the office. Once I was abroad on a business trip and my deputy caught a flu, leaving an unexperienced intern responsible for all the affairs of our department. All of sudden a potential client got in touch with our intern with an urgent order that might become fruitful. Of course, I had to chair the conversation. I assembled a conference in VIPole with the customer, the deputy who worked from home and the intern. We got the deal».

Alexander R., Senior relationship manager

Video calls are essential for a true human connection, all emotions are evident immediately. This is why an opportunity to talk to someone and to simultaneously see this person helps you to win the trust of the clients and to stay in touch with the team when you are not in the office. Voice and video conversations cannot be fully replaced by text chats. We want to see our fellow thinkers during the brainstorm and get inspired by the fire in their eyes.

This is why we are paying special attention to the development of VIPole video conferences.

  • Up to 9 people can participate in VIPole video and audio conferences simultaneously.
  • Any conference participant may invite people from the contact list to the conference.
  • Video quality can be set in accordance with the channel capacity.
  • It’s easy to adjust the voice volume of any conference participant.
  • The conference participants can also change their voice tone.

VIPole unites geographically distributed teams with the members located in different parts of the world.

How to hold a conference in VIPole effectively:

  1. First assemble a group chat.
  2. Invite the chat members to the conference.
  3. Communicate in the conference room.
  4. Exchange documents and presentations in the chat room.
  5. Provide and receive feedback, both oral and written.
  6. When the discussion is over, you may either keep the group or delete it, depending on the secrecy of the issue.

After the conference, it’s easy to send the follow-up letter to all participants, highlighting the main ideas and decisions.

Store your data in a safe space

file sharing

«An independent audit company is assessing the effectiveness of our business now and they have the access to our workflows and contracts. We are always in touch and we need a secure channel to exchange sensitive documents and discuss the details. Initially our company used VIPole for inner conversations only, but now the auditors have switched to VIPole as well. It is now easy to exchange data and feel secure for it, because everything in VIPole is encrypted».

Maria L., Chief accountant

In VIPole, all your files are encrypted on your device before you send them and stay encrypted while they are transmitted to your contacts. When you start using VIPole on a new device, you easily download not only the history of your conversations and you may download all the files that you send or got.

All documents in VIPole can be uploaded to the chat and discussed immediately. The files stay encrypted both on the server and on the devices of the chat participants. To send a file, just drag it from the folder in the dialog window or to the name of the user in your contact list. Sending screenshots is even easier — just copy the necessary image and paste it in the dialog. The recipients will see the preview and receive a notification when the data is synchronized. You may send files to offline users as well — they will get them as soon as they connect to VIPole.

VIPole synchronizes all your files across all your desktop and mobile apps and the server. You may easily switch devices and reach your documents anytime. Finding any document is quick, as everything is structured in connection with the users with whom you exchanged files and with the date of sending. Apart from the folders with files, you may check the list of recently synchronized files.

Secure your team and business

secure the team

VIPole was made to connect the teams and to protect their documents. We have developed the secure system to protect your sensitive data, and once you become a VIPole user, you get the full ownership of your data. The system architecture allows you to create the secret phrase for your encryption keys that is not captured neither on our servers, nor on your device. Your correspondence is encrypted end-to-end, and the strong symmetric cryptographic algorithms guarantee the security of your personal data and the contents of your text conversations as well as your audio and video calls.

Read more about the protection of your personal data and encryption in VIPole.

There are many cute messengers on the market. They are nice and entertaining. Unlike them, VIPole is not for chit chats, VIPole is made for business affairs. We respect our users and give them the opportunity to manage the security of all types of their online conversations.

Make your team connected and productive with any budget. VIPole may arrange your communication completely for free and you get a smarter control and security with our business solutions. When your company grows, the new members smoothly join all conversations. Everything is flexible and everything is controlled by you — VIPole is the ultimate tool to unite and to accelerate your business.

VIPole offers end-to-end encrypted messaging and collaboration solutions for teams and enterprises dealing with commercially or personally sensitive information, and individuals wishing to protect themselves from hackers, identity thieves and malware. More at



VIPole Secure Messaging and Collaboration

Secure messaging, calling, file sharing and videoconferecing solutions for individuals, teams and enterprises.