How to Write for “Viral Post”

Douglas Wrucke
Published in
7 min readMay 8, 2024


Photo by Jeffrey Czum on Unsplash

Do you want your stuff to get seen?


>> I mean really seen!! :)

I may have an answer for you.

Try me out here :)


The idea behind this pub and the workings behind the idea is this:

Just plain getting folks stuff OUT THERE, in ways that (by themselves) they would never have an opportunity to get it done.

How do we accomplish that?

Pretty easy, actually :)

We find stuff on this publication and we link what we have found onto our own social media/outside sources somewhere . . .and then wait for someone else to DO THE SAME

-for us!!

Sounds good?

Yea, I thought so also


Here’s the rubber meets the road particulars for how we’re going to get this done here.

Once again, fairly easy….just hang on for the ride


I’m going to do a ‘live as I can make it for you’ example:




Douglas Wrucke

CFO. Have built multiple businesses. Still running several of them. Multiple websites owner/creator/