$VIRES is here!

Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2021

Vires.Finance is a pool-based liquidity protocol facilitating lending and borrowing capabilities at rates defined by the market equilibrium.

UPD: Read Vires.Finance Protocol Roadmap and Tokenomics here.

Launched on July 21, 2021, Vires protocol has accumulated over 600M in total liquidity in less than 3 months. Today, $VIRES, the governance token of the protocol, has been generated.

Claim and stake

Everyone can start claiming $VIRES right now by clicking on the numbers and vires logo in the Account status section:

The number shows the total amount of rewards available for claim right now.

If you’re interested in the details of what exactly is being distributed or just find it boring to claim it all at once, you can choose a different claim source.

Claim all at once or step by step

You can also immediately stake claimed VIRES for 12.5% APY — the fixed return for the next 3 months.

As the system is evolving with more sophisticated participants joining the market, after the initial liquidity bootstrap incentivization, the VIRES token is being continuously distributed for participating in all markets both for borrowers and depositors.

For the next 3 months, a total of 100.000 VIRES will be distributed among depositors and borrowers. Each asset is set to share a part of the distribution stream in proportion to the asset’s total borrow. Each stablecoin is set to share the stream between borrowers and providers with a 50-50% ratio, Waves, BTC and ETH are to share their streams as 95% for deposits and 5% for borrows. This results in additional VIRES APR for depositors and also some compensation for borrowers. You can see the ⓥ APR next to each market/action respectively.After the governance bootstrap phase, these values will be decided through voting.

Available at exchanges

The VIRES-USDN swop.fi liquidity pool can be found here. Pro-tip: supplying VIRES and USDN provides APY.

Spot trading VIRES/USDN is available at waves.exchange.

Vires.Finance Protocol Governance Forum

Last but not least: join forum.vires.finance to make proposals, participate in discussions and advocate for the future development of VIRES as you see it.

What to do?

Provide liquidity to pools, earn and stake VIRES, follow us on social media for the latest updates:

UPD: Read Vires.Finance Protocol Roadmap and Tokenomics here.




Decentralized Lending and Borrowing Protocol for Waves Blockchain