How To Make Friends As An Adult

Virgin Sport
Virgin Sport
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2017

Once you’re past the age of forced social interactions of schooling or university and as people progress in their lives, becoming more settled into a routine, it can be a bit harder to make friends.

Maybe you just don’t love your coworkers to the point that you want to see them after hours, and you find meeting people in bars to be unappealing.

The best way to make friends as an adult that is a bit counter-intuitive? Act like a kid and join a sports team again. After all, we all know how important play is for kids — and it holds true for adults.

Our friends at ZogSports host communities in cities all over the Bay Area, and has over 450 teams that play with them each season. But it’s not all groups of friends and coworkers that play together, there are over 1,400 individuals who ZogSports helps find a team for each season.

On average, 45% of all individuals who sign up are brand new to ZogSports.

“It can be a challenge to meet new people,” says ZogSports General Manager, Nick Cruit.

“We’re really conscious of that when we create teams of individuals so we try our best to match people based on their age and ability level within a sport.

More often than not, a player will sign up with us for the first time and then find a group of people they want to keep playing with, either as a small group or as a full team. It’s fun to run into teams who first met as free agents and are still playing together 5 years later. It’s that sense of play, community, and connection that keep people coming back. It’s why I love doing what I do!”

Fitness is what keeps us young, and reminds us to keep moving through life with a little more levity and a little less seriousness.

Next up: join a sports team with ZogSports, then sign up for Virgin Sport SF. We promise you’ll have a good time, and maybe even meet your new best friend.



Virgin Sport
Virgin Sport

The first step of a movement to play sport the Virgin way.