Meet Franco Finn: The Warrior’s + Virgin Sport SF ‘Hypeman’

Virgin Sport
Virgin Sport
Published in
4 min readAug 31, 2017
Franco Finn

We are so excited to announce that Franco Finn will be our unofficial ‘hypeman’ at the Twin Peaks Mile on October 14 at Virgin Sport SF! Currently, he’s the hypeman for the Warriors basketball team, a professional auctioneer, actor, television host, reporter, radio host, and much, much more… read more below to learn about the life of a hypeman.

Who are you and where are you from?

I’m born and raised in San Francisco. I’m a true native San Franciscan & rooted in this beautiful city by the Bay. Representing the 415 all day everyday!

What’s it like being a ‘hype man’ for the Warriors?

It’s the most amazing, supernatural, unique experience ever being the “Hypeman” for the Golden State Warriors. Each and every night when I walk across center court and get in front of 20,000+ fans on a nightly basis, nothing beats the adrenaline & energy I feel from the fans. It makes me proud especially to work for one of my favorite childhood teams growing up. It’s truly living the dream in every sense. I equate it to being a rockstar performer. When you dish out the energy & positive vibes and you get it right back from the fans, it feels like you’re rocking a live concert and show at every game.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen or experience as a hype man?

Franco Finn, working the crowd

One of the most memorable experiences I’ve had as the Hypeman is doing an on-court live promo in front of the music legend Prince. We had a fun contest giving away tickets to one of his upcoming shows and I was literally a few feet in front of him. I’ve also interviewed many celebrities that have visited Oracle Arena from Snoop Dogg, Jessica Alba, Chris Rock, Bill Murray, among others. However, my most memorable and unique experience was when I performed the viral hit “Gagnam Style” dance routine with the Warriors Dance Team, live and center court during one of the games. No one had a clue that I had some dance moves like that!

Prince. Legend. We’re jealous! What would you say to someone who’s afraid of trying something new — fitness related?

I would tell someone to push their boundaries. Never be complacent and always challenge yourself to go one step further.

Get out of your comfort zone and you’ll see that it’s all about mind over matter.

When you look at things in compartments and break it down one thing at a time, the overall task or activity won’t seem as daunting.

As Sir Richard Branson used to say, “Screw it Let’s Do it!”. You have to have that mentality whenever you’re taking a risk.

What are you most excited about for Virgin Sport SF?

I’m most excited about Virgin Sport coming to my hometown of San Francisco. This city is where it will kick things off for Virgin Sport and propel this event to another level. Race events have always been our city’s most popular events and so now with Virgin Sport bringing it’s brand of fitness fun to SF, it’s a perfect combination that will sure make a huge impact and set the bar high. I’m excited about the Twin Peaks Mile run as it has one of the most beautiful views of San Francisco.

We can’t wait to have you! What are your current biggest projects?

I’m involved in a new television show that will hopefully debut either this Fall or next year in 2018. Without disclosing too much information, I’m going to be the main TV host for this unique program that revolves around sports & food! Can’t wait to share this with the entire country and so it’s still under wraps. I’m also a professional auctioneer and so I have a ton of big charity fundraiser events where I help raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for these very deserving non-profit organizations. I keep a very busy schedule with the Golden State Warriors NBA season, San Francisco Giants special events, and a ton of other freelance opportunities that come my way.

Whew! You are a busy man. Where are you going next?

Where I’m going, you’ll need a cape to fly and get there! I feel like I’m Clark Kent by day and then Superman when it’s event time! I like to take it to new heights whenever I’m the MC, host or “hypeman” for any of my events. I’m always striving to create the best experience possible with everything that I do. I make the most out of any situation. Just when you think you’ve reached the top of the pinnacle, guess what, it’s time to keep on climbing. This goes back to my motto of never being complacent and always challenging yourself to go one step further.

Follow Franco on Twitter and Facebook here, and catch him at Virgin Sport SF — sign up for the Twin Peaks Mile on October 14 or the SF Bay Half on October 15, hurry, it’s coming around the corner!



Virgin Sport
Virgin Sport

The first step of a movement to play sport the Virgin way.