A transcription and translation of the so-called “Alchemical herbal”

Marco Ponzi
Published in
61 min readDec 15, 2023

An illustrated Latin text discussing 98 medicinal herbs appears in several Italian manuscripts, the earliest of which is Bodley Canon. Misc. 408, written in Milan in 1378. According to Sergio Toresella (“Gli erbari degli alchimisti”, 1996), the text received its name from “the great Bolognese naturalist Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522–1605), who gathered a certain number of these herbals and bound them together under the title ‘Piante degli Alchimisti’ [Plants of the Alchemists].” The name can be misleading, since most of the text is about medical recipes, with only a few references to metals (Herba Folio, 48, Herba Lunaria, 69).

This web page by Philip Neal includes a list of manuscripts of the work published by Vera Segre-Rutz in “Il Giardino Magico degli Alchimisti” (2000).

The Latin text of the Alchemical Herbal that appears below is mostly based on ms Florence BBU 106 (Northern Italy, first half of the 15th Century) published by Stefania Ragazzini, “Un erbario del XV secolo: il Ms. 106 della Biblioteca di Botanica dell’Università di Firenze”, 1983. The included images are also from that manuscript.

Missing or unclear passages were completed on the basis of BNF Lat. 17848, BNF Lat. 17844 (both from Northern Italy, 15th Century) and of the manuscript published by Segre-Rutz (Pavia, Aldini 211, Northern Italy, end of the 14th Century). For a chapter that is almost entirely missing in the other manuscripts (Herba Amorsu serpentis, 32) Morgan Library PML 22.222 (Germany, 15th Century) was used (Curt F. Bühler, “An Anonymous Latin Herbal in the Pierpont Morgan Library”, 1954). In the Florentine ms, the extensively censored charm based on Consolida Major and Minor (herbs 97 and 98) appears on the verso of the illustration of Consolida Minor (98) and Consolida media (unnumbered); it is not entirely clear whether this paragraph has the same origin as the other chapters.

Herba Antolla minor / Antola minor. 1.

Ad sanandum omnia vulnera. Accipe folia et radices istius herbe et fac pulverem et de pulvere pone in vulneribus: facit sanare et purificare illa vulnera. Item mulier que patitur egritudinem in matrice asuescat comedere de ista herba per spatium triginta dierum et erit sanata. Accipiat de dicta herba et pistet eam et faciat emplastrum super morsura: subito removet dolorem et tosicum. Item si quis habet angustiam aut dolorem in corpore, bibat de pulvere suprascripte herbe et subito curatur. Nascitur in terreno macro ubi sunt castani.

For healing any wound. Take the leaves and roots of this herb and make a powder. Apply the powder to the wounds: they will be healed and cleansed. Similarly, a woman suffering from uterine ailments should eat this herb for thirty days and she will be healed. Take some of this herb, crush it, make a poultice and put it upon a bite; it immediately relieves the pain and removes poison. If anyone experiences discomfort or pain in the body, drink the powder of the aforementioned herb, and healing will occur instantly. It grows in thin terrain where chestnuts grow.

Herba Bortines. 2.

Si quis habet os tortum propter aliquam malitiam. Accipiat folia istius herbe cum vino cocta et emplastretur super per spatium triginta dierum et reducet os in suo prestino statu et est experimentum probatum. Item ista herba, cum vino vermegio cocta, in modum emplastri posita super guttam frigidam per spatium quindecim dierum, liberat dictam guttam et hoc probatum est. Colligitur de mense maii. Nascitur in alpibus salvaticis et in loco frigido.

For a twisted mouth due to some ailment. Take the leaves of this herb, cook them with wine, and apply the poultice for thirty days; it will restore the mouth to its normal state, and it is proven. Also, when cooked with red wine in the form of a poultice and applied to a cold gout for fifteen days, it heals the gout, it is proven. It is gathered in May. It grows in wild mountains and cold places.

Herba Torogas. 3.

Ad sanandum omnem feritam mortalem. Accipe folia et semina istius herbe et pistentur simul et emplastrentur super feritam: saldabitur cito per spatium eundi unum miliarum. Item si quis portaret super se de foliis aut de sementibus istius herbe, numquam posset mori absque vera penitentia. Et quando colligitur debet sic dici: herba Torogas, veni ad me ex parte Domini nostri Jesu Christi filii Dei vivi. Nascitur in montibus asperrimis et in locis occulti.

For healing any mortal wound. Take the leaves and seeds of this herb, grind them together, and apply the poultice to the wound; it will quickly heal in the time of going a mile’s distance. If one carries the leaves or seeds of this herb, they will not die without true repentance. When collecting it, one should say: “Herb Torogas, come to me by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.” It grows in the roughest mountains and in hidden places.

Herba Nigras. 4.

Si quem momorderit canis rabiosus. Accipe istam herbam et folia; pistentur cum aceto forti postea emplastrentur super morsuram: subito curabitur. Et volendo fieri sanus de sua persona accipiat semina istius herbe et portet super se et semper erit sanus de persona sua. Et nascitur in montibus frigidis et probatum est.

For someone bitten by a rabid dog. Take this herb and its leaves; grind them with strong vinegar, then apply the poultice to the bite: it will heal immediately. To maintain good health, one should carry with himself the seeds of this herb and he will always remain healthy. It grows in cold mountains and it is proven.

Herba Stellaria. 5.

Si esset aliqua femina que non posset concipere filios. Accipe de ista herba et ei da comedere per spatium IX dierum et, transactis IX dierum, femina utatur cum marito suo sicut est asueta et concipiet per virtutem Dey et istius herbe. Et si non concipiet, sterilis erit omnino aut maritus suus. Item si quis portabit super se de ista herba nulla bestia poterit ei nocere. Item scias quando habes tecum de ista herba quod nullus canis haberit potestatem nec vigorem latrandi versus te nec versus aliquam personam que esset tecum. Nascitur in terreno alpestro de alpibus frigidis.

For a woman unable to conceive. Take this herb and have her eat it for nine days, and after nine days, let her conjoin with her husband as usual; she will conceive by the power of God and of this herb. If she still does not conceive, she will remain barren or her husband is sterile. Also, carrying this herb prevents harm from any beast. Also, when you carry with you a piece of this herb, no dog will have the power or the strength to bark against you nor against any person who is with you. It grows in alpine terrain in cold mountains.

Herba Bonifatia. 6.

Si esset aliquis qui haberet membrum fractum videlicet ossum. Accipiat de ista herba et pistet cum asongia castroni et empastrentur et ponatur emplastrum super feritam aut fracturam ossis et saldabitur os vel vulnus. Item si femina non posset concipere filios, comedat de foliis istius herbe per spatium XL dierum; subitio concipiet utendo marito suo. Item si quis habet linguam paganam. Accipiat folia istius herbe et confricet linguam superius et inferius et subito curatur. Item si quis habet dolorem propter aliquam decensionem de alto. Accipe de ista herba et fac pulverem et da ei bibere cum bono vino per spatium XV dierum et liberabitur a dolore. Item si quis esset crepatus; utatur de ista herba et subito sanatur.

For someone with a broken bone. Take this herb and grind it with castor oil, make a plaster, and apply it to the wound or fractured bone; the bone or wound will heal. If a woman cannot conceive, let her eat the leaves of this herb for forty days; she will conceive promptly by conjoining with her husband. If anyone has a pagan tongue [“lingua pagana”, meaning unclear], take the leaves of this herb, rub the tongue up and down, and it will be immediately cured. If someone has pain due to a fall from a height, take this herb, make a powder, and give it to drink with good wine for fifteen days; they will be relieved of pain. If someone has a rupture, use this herb, and they will be immediately healed.

Herba Betonega. 7.

Si esset aliquis quem momorderit bissa aut pataretur dolorem splenis aut malum oculorum palpebrantium. Sepe pone de ista herba super oculos et sanabitur. Item si quis pataretur dolorem flanci. Acipe onzias decem istius herbe et coque eam cum vino vermegio et emplastrentur super flanchum per spatium X dierum et sanabitur. Item ad dolorem matricis: accipe folia istius herbe et comede cruda sicut insalata per spatium X dierum et sanabitur. Et si non potest habere virida, fac pulverem de foliis et bibe cum bono vino calido: sanabitur per spatium XXX dierum et hoc est probatum. Item si quis pissaret sanguinem: accipe de ista herba cruda vel pulverizata et da ei comedere per spatium XV dierum, sanabitur et est probatum. Item ad sanandum unam feritam sine unguento. Accipe folia istius herbe et pista bene et pone super feritam et subito removet dolorem et facit stagnare sanguinem et claudit venas. Et ita saldabitur omne vulnus. Item si aliqua femina haberet creaturam mortuam in ventre. Accipe de ista herba et da ei comedere, vel pulverizata, da bibere per spatium III dierum, femina erit liberata; et habet XXXII virtutes suprascripta herba.

If there is someone who has been bitten by a snake or suffers from pain in the spleen or inflammation of the eyelids. Place this herb over his eyes several times, and they will be healed. Also, if someone suffers from pain in the side, take ten ounces of this herb and boil it with red wine, then apply the mixture as a plaster on the side for ten days, and they will be healed. Similarly, for pain in the womb, take the leaves of this herb and eat them raw like a salad for ten days, and it will be healed. If one cannot have it fresh, make a powder from the leaves and drink it with good warm wine; it will be healed in thirty days, and this has been proven. Also, if someone passes blood in their urine, take this herb either raw or powdered and let them eat it for fifteen days, and it is proven. For healing a wound without ointment, take the leaves of this herb, grind them well, and place them on the wound. It will immediately remove the pain, stop the bleeding, and close the veins. Thus, every wound will be healed. Also, if a woman has a dead fetus in her womb, take this herb and let her eat it, or if powdered, let her drink it for three days, and the woman will be freed; and this herb has thirty-two virtues.

Herba Instanutia. 8.

Si quis haberet catarum: accipiat radicem istius herbe que sit colecta de mense iunii die IV lune et ille qui colligit debet esse nudus vestimentis suis et confessus de omnibus pecatis suis. Accipe radicem istius herbe onzias tres pro qualibet vice, et mediam libram melis et fac coqui in aqua tantum quod radis sit cocta per se, et si decresit buliendo, iunge de aqua et quando est sic cocta accipe ed da ei bibere de illa aqua ieiuno stomacho per spatium trium dierum et erit sanus. Item ad sanandum malum yecoris vel splenis. Accipe de ista herba et da ei comedere aut pulveriza et da ei bibere per spatium XI dierum et sanabitur. Nascitur in praticis, videlicet in terris domesticis.

If someone has catarrh, take the root of this herb collected in June on the fourth day of the moon by someone naked and confessed of all their sins. Take three ounces of the root for each dose, and half a pound of honey. Boil them in water until the root is entirely cooked. If water decreases while boiling, add more. When it is cooked in this way, let them drink the water on an empty stomach for three days, and they will be cured. Also, for healing the illness of the liver or spleen, take this herb and let them eat it or powder it and let them drink it for eleven days, and they will be healed. It grows in cultivated fields, namely in domestic terrain.

Herba Canalaritas romana. 9.

Si quis esset feritus vel perforatus cum lanzia. Accipe folia istius herbe et pista ea. Et pone super feritam et subito sanabitur et est probatum. Et dicta herba habet multas alias virtutes. Sed precipue ista herba nascitur in montibus Cicilie in locis asperimis et petrosis et fortis.

If someone is wounded or pierced by a lance, take the leaves of this herb, grind them, and apply them to the wound. It will be immediately healed, and this has been proven. And this herb has many other virtues. But especially this herb grows in the mountains of Sicily in very rough, rocky, and harsh places.

Herba Rena. 10.

Si esset aliquis qui non posset urinare. Accipe radicem istius herbe et eam pista et da ei bibere; subito sanabitur et urinabit. Item si quis patitur dolorem in corpore. Accipiat radicem istius herbe et comedat et subito curatur et est probatum.

If someone cannot urinate, take the root of this herb, grind it, and let them drink it; they will immediately be healed and urinate. Also, if someone suffers from pain in the body, take the root of this herb and let them eat it, and they will be immediately cured, and this has been proven.

Herba Triacho. 11.

Ad sanandum dolorem capitis. Accipe de ista herba et utere et comede ieiuno stomacho cum vino et sic curabitur dolor capitis et splenis et est probatum. Item ad sanandum unum vulnus inveteratum. Accipe folia istius herbe et recentia si potest habere et pulverizentur et de pulvere pone super vulnus. Et saldabitur et curabitur. Nascitur in terrenis salvaticis et nemorosis.

For healing the pain of the head, take this herb and use it and eat it on an empty stomach with wine, and the pain of the head and spleen will be healed, and it is proven. Also, for healing an inveterate wound, take the leaves of this herb, and if possible, fresh, powder them and put the powder on the wound. It will be healed and cured. It grows in wild and wooded terrain.

Herba Bososilles. 12.

Si esset aliqua femina que non posset parere. Accipiat de ista herba et teneat super cossam destram: statim pariet et est probatum. Item ad sanandum oculum maculatum. Accipe folia istius herbe et emplastrentur super oculum vel super oculos maculatos per spatium XV dierum et subito removentur macule oculorum.

If a woman cannot give birth, take this herb and hold it on her right thigh: she will immediately give birth, and it is proven. Also, for healing a spotted eye, take the leaves of this herb and apply them as a plaster on the spotted eye or eyes for fifteen days, and the spots will be immediately removed.

Herba Angalles. 13.

Ad faciendum pretiosum et optimum unguentum apropriatum ad omnia mala. Accipe succum foliorum istius herbe et onzias decem trementina et onzias X incensi et onzias X cere albe que sit virgo et duos cyatos vini et duos cyatos suci foliorum istius herbe; et omnia ista fac bullire simul tantum quod incorporentur et postea pone in uno vaxe et dimite quiescere per duos dies, postea pone super feritas vel super plagas natas et super cancrum et subito saldatur et curatur omne vulnus. Nascitur in alpibus claris et collige die X lune mensis augusti.

For making a precious and excellent ointment suitable for any ailment, take the juice of the leaves of this herb, ten ounces of turpentine, ten ounces of incense, and ten ounces of white wax, which must be virgin. Also, two cups of wine and two cups of the juice of the leaves of this herb. Boil all these together until they are incorporated, then put them in one container and let them rest for two days. Afterward, apply it on wounds, ulcers, and cancers, and immediately all wounds will be healed. It grows in clear mountains, and it should be collected in August on the tenth day of the moon .

Herba Toros / Tors. 14. [BNF Lat. 17848 f7v]

Si quis momorderit serpens. Accipe folia istius herbe et emplastrent super morsuram, subito removet dolorem et venenum et infraentum morsure et est probatum. Quando colligitur ista herba, debent dici ista verba: “Gloria. Exorzizo te herba toros per deum patrem vivum nostrum et venias ad me cum omni tua virtute dicta superius. Vos scitis quod ego precor vos et peto”. Per omni macula oculorum. Accipe succum istius herbe cum bono vino mixtum per XI dierum spatium et sanabuntur et clarificabuntur oculi, et est probatum. Nascitur herba ista in montibus altis et frigidis.

If someone is bitten by a snake, take the leaves of this herb and apply them as a plaster on the bite; it will immediately cure the pain, the poisoning and the wound[?] of the bite, and it is proven. When this herb is collected, these words should be said: “Glory. I exorcise you, herb Toros, by our living God, come to me with all your virtues said above. You know that I pray and invoke you”. For all eye spots. Take the juice of this herb mixed with good wine for the space of eleven days, and the eyes will be healed and clarified, and it is proven. This herb grows in high and cold mountains.

Herba Grancia / Grantia. 15.

Ad extrahendum ferum vel lignum. Accipe folia istius herbe et pistentur et postea emplastrentur super feritam ubi est ferrum aut lignum et subito extrahit illud ad se per spatium trium horarum. Et si vis probare istud accipe unam acum magnam et finge quo vis, videlicet in uno corpore alicuius bestie mortue et videbis virtutem istius herbe. Itam si quis haberet testiculos inflatos: accipe radicem istius herbe et fac emplastrum super testiculos et da ei comedere ieiuno stomacho et subito curabitur. Nascitur in terrenis alpestribus videlicet in locis frigidis.

For extracting iron or wood, take the leaves of this herb, grind them, and apply as a plaster where the iron or wood is. It will soon be extracted, within three hours. And if you want to test it, take a large needle and insert it wherever you want, for instance in the body of a dead animal, and you will see the power of this herb. Likewise, if someone has swollen testicles, take the root of this herb and make a plaster on the testicles, let the patient eat the root on an empty stomach, and he will immediately be cured. It grows in alpine terrain, namely in cold places.

Herba Tortorollis / Tortorellis. 16.

Ad sanadum mamillam inflatam: accipe folia istius herbe cum Menta; postea emplastrentur super mamillam per tres dies et sanabitur. Nascitur in terrenis domesticis et in plannitiis non petrosis.

For healing a swollen breast, take the leaves of this herb with mint. Then apply them as a plaster on the breast for three days, and it will be healed. It grows in domestic terrain and in non-rocky plains.

Herba Lingua cornena. 17.

Si esset aliquis schotatus in igne vel in aqua. Accipe folia istius herbe cum vino cocta et pone super scotaturam: subito sanabitur. Item si quis esset ydropicus. Accipe radicem istius herbe et fac pulverem et da ei bibere cum brodio pedini cocti et bibat de isto per spatium XXX dierum et sanabitur, item ad sanandum costam fractam in corpore. Accipe radicem istius herbe ei da ei bibere cum vino. Facit desinflare cassum et sanare costam. Item ad sanandum malum splenis. Accipe folia istius herbe et fac pulverem et de ei bibere cum vino ieiuno stomacho per spatium dierum XV, sanabitur et est probatum. Nascitur in terrenis salvaticis et obscuris ubi sol nunquam lucet.

If someone was burned by fire or water, take the leaves of this herb with cooked wine, and apply them on the burn: it will be healed immediately. Also, if someone has dropsy, take the root of this herb, make a powder, and let them drink it with the broth of pig’s feet for thirty days, and they will be healed. Likewise, for healing a broken rib in the body, take the root of this herb and let them drink it with wine. It will reduce swelling and heal the rib. Also, for healing the illness of the spleen, take the leaves of this herb, make a powder, and let them drink it with wine on an empty stomach for fifteen days. It will be healed, and this is proven. It grows in wild and dark terrain where the sun never shines.

Herba Trifolio. 18.

Ad sanandum oculum machulatum. Accipe folia istius herbe et fac pulverem et de pulvere ista pone in oculo: sanabitur per spatium XV dierum et probatum est.

For healing eye spots, take the leaves of this herb, make a powder, and put the powder in the eye: it will be healed within fifteen days, and it is proven.

Herba Ariola. 19.

Ad sanandum unam feritam vel aliquod aliud vulnus. Accipe folia istius herbe et pistentur et postea pone super feritam vel super vulnus et subito sanabitur; est probatum. Ista herba nascitur ad fontes obscuras et in locis petrosis et salvaticis.

For healing a wound or any other injury, take the leaves of this herb, grind them, and then apply them on the wound or injury, and it will be immediately healed; it is proven. This herb grows near dark springs and in rocky and wild places.

Herba Superna. 20.

Ad sanandum omnem infirmitatem cuiuscumque modis sit, ista herba est apropriata. Sed operare debes eam secundum infirmitatem. Si infirmitas est in corpore, de herba ista debes comedere. Si surdus, in aure debes ponere et sic debes operari ad omnem infirmitatem. Nascitur in montibus ubi nascitur marmotus.

This herb is suitable for healing any illness of any kind, t. But you must use it according to the illness. If the illness is in the body, you must eat this herb. If it is deafness, you must place it in the ear, and operate like this for every illness. It grows in mountains where the marmot lives.

Herba Faba inversa. 21.

Si esset aliquis qui non haberet bonum visum. Accipe grana istius herbe et prime si sunt recentia, et si non, pone in bono vino et postea pistentur et accipe succum istorum granorum et pone in oculis; facit clarificare oculos et videre. Item radix istius herbe est apropriata ad omnia vulnera. Accipe radicem istius herbe et unam branchatam salis et conbure in uno testo et pulverem pone super vulneribus et subito sanabuntur vulnera et curabuntur.

If someone does not have good vision, take the seeds of this herb and press them if they are fresh. If not, put them in good wine, then grind them. Take the juice of these grains and put it in the eyes; it makes the eyes clear and able to see. Also, the root of this herb is suitable for all wounds. Take the root of this herb and a handful of salt, and burn them in a pot. Put the powder on the wounds, and they will immediately be healed and cured.

Herba Paris. 22.

Ad sanandum os fractum per febrem aut per aliam malitiam. Accipe succum istius herbe cum oleo dulci mistum et unge os fractum; per spatium quinque dierum curatur. Item si quis esset stultus per infermitatem aut per cibum sumptum. Accipe de ista herba et da ei comedere cum ovo aut cum alia re aut da ei bibere cum vino in pulvere facta per spatium dierum XXXIII cum vino et erit in sua memoria sicut in primis. Nascitur in montibus et in obscuris locis.

For healing a broken bone due to fever or other ailments, take the juice of this herb and mix it with sweet oil, and anoint the broken bone. It will be healed within five days. Also, if someone were stunned due to illness or food intake, take this herb and let them eat it with an egg or with something else, or let them drink it as a powder with wine for thirty-three days, and they will recover their memory as it was before. It grows in mountains and in dark places.

Herba Ciloga. 23.

Ad sanandam malum flanchi. Accipe onzias X de ista herba et coque in aqua. Postea implastretur super flanchum et subito sanabitur absque dubio. Item ad dolorem dentium. Accipe de radice istius herbe et pone subtus dentem calida et statim removet dolorem. Nascitur in terrenis petrosis.

For healing the illness of the side, take ten ounces of this herb and cook it in water. Then apply it as a plaster on the side, and it will be immediately healed without a doubt. Also, for toothache, take the root of this herb and place it warm under the tooth, and the pain will be immediately removed. It grows in rocky terrain.

Herba Antollas. 24.

Si quis haberet venenum ad os suum. Accipe de herba ista et fac pulverem et de pulvere da ei bibere cum aceto forti; subito iactat venenum per os et est probatum. Item ad faciendum stagnare sanguinem et feritas saldare. Accipe de ista herba et pista et emplastrentur ubi exit sanguis, subito stagnatur sanguis et ferite saldantur et est probatum. Nascitur in pratis sabionosis in quibus vix longo tempore non moratur et colligitur de mense maii vel iunii.

If someone has poison in their mouth, take this herb and make a powder, and let them drink it with strong vinegar; they will immediately expel the poison through their mouth, and it is proven. Also, for making blood coagulate and wounds heal, take this herb, grind it, and apply it as a plaster where the blood flows. The blood will immediately coagulate, and the wounds will heal, and it is proven. It grows in sandy meadows where it does not last for a long time and is collected in the months of May or June.

Herba Antolla lupanas / Antola lupanas. 25.

Si quis pataretur malum lupe. Accipe de ista herba et emplastretur super malum lupe per spatium XXV dierum: curatur malum lupe vel alia mala pessima et est probatum vere. Item si qua femina esset cui sanguis exiret inferius: bibat de succo istius herbe per spatium decem dierum ieiuno stomacho: subito curatur. Nascitur in alpibus frigidis et obscurissimis.

If someone suffers from the illness of lupus, take this herb and apply it as a plaster on the lupus for twenty-five days: the lupus or other severe illnesses will be cured, and it is truly proven. Also, if any woman has blood flowing from below, let her drink the juice of this herb for ten days on an empty stomach: she will be immediately cured. It grows in cold and very dark mountains.

Herba Cofflesanas. 26.

Ad sanandum sanguinem qui exiret de naso aut de aliqua allia parte persone. Accipe succum istius herbe et pone in illo loco a quo exit sanguis: subito stagnatur sanguis nasi et ferite et est probatum. Item si quis amixisset loquellam per aliquam malitiam: accipe de ista herba et da ei comedere vel bibere per spatium XXVII dierum, restauratur loquella si amixisset propter infirmitatem et est probatum per magistrum Tadeum florentinum doctorem in artibus medicinarum. Nascitur in terreno alpestro et frigido.

For healing blood that flows from the nose or any other part of the body, take the juice of this herb and put it in the place where the blood flows: the blood from the nose and wounds will immediately coagulate, and it is proven. Also, if someone has lost the ability to speak due to some illness, take this herb and let them eat or drink it for twenty-seven days, and their speech will be restored if they lost it due to illness, and it is proven by Master Thaddeus the Florentine, a doctor in the arts of medicine. It grows in alpine and cold terrain.

Herba Canceallis / Cancealis. 27.

Ad sanandum malum fistulle aut cancri et alia mala et omnes plagas inveteratas. Accipe de ista herba et pista eam et pone super plagas et utere per spatium XXII dierum, sanabitur fistula et alia curantur ut supra. Item si quis haberet porros ad manus aut ad alium locum persone sue accipiat succum istius herbe et ponet super porros. Subito curatur et probatum est.

For healing the illness of a fistula, cancer, and other severe illnesses and all inveterate wounds, take this herb, grind it, apply it on the wounds, and use it for twenty-two days, and the fistula and other illnesses will be healed as mentioned above. Also, if someone has warts on their hands or elsewhere on their body, take the juice of this herb and apply it on the warts. They will be immediately cured, and this is proven.

Herba Toffanas. 28.

Ad sanandum malum pulmonis. Accipe de ista herba et de herba Istatoris et insimul misce et coque cum ovis ad modum herbolate et comede per spatium XV dierum curatur et sanatur et probatum est per magistrum Nicholaum de Pisiis et per magistrum Donatum de Ianua. Item ad feritam manuum et pedum aut aliorum membrorum nervosorum. Accipe de ista herba et pistetur cum sungia ursi et postea pone super feritam: subito curatur et saldatur ferita. Nascitur in alpibus frigidis et herbatiis longis.

To heal a lung ailment. Take this herb and the herb Istatoris, mix them together, and cook with eggs in the manner of a herbal preparation. Eat it for a period of fifteen days; it is cured and healed. This has been proven by Master Nicholas of Pisa and Master Donatus of Genoa. Also, for wounds on hands, feet, or other sinewy body parts. Take this herb and grind it with bear’s fat, then apply it to the wound: it is immediately healed, and the wound closes. It grows in cold mountains and wide meadows.

Herba Brancha lupina. 29.

Ad sanandum omnem plagam aut carbonos aut pariochle aut omnem pessimam infirmitatem. Accipe radicem istius herbe et postea pista et sic pistata pone supra malum et facit mortificare malum.

For healing any wound, carbuncle, or abscess or any other wicked disease, take the root of this herb, grind it, and apply it on the wound, and it will immediately eliminate the wound.

Herba Salsifica. 30.

Ad sanandum unum puerum crepatum. Accipe de ista herba et da ei comedere ieiuno stomacho per spatium XV dierum, sanabitur. Item ad sanandum tussim que venerit propter frigus. Accipe folia istius herbe et coque in aqua cum melle et da ei bibere in mane et in sero: cito liberabitur adiutorio Dei; et est probatum. Ad volendum sanare omnia mala vulnera. Accipe folia istius herbe et emplastrentur et pone super vulnus: subito saldatur et curatur et removet omnem quem infert plaga.

For healing a child afflicted with sores, take this herb and let them eat it on an empty stomach for fifteen days, and they will be healed. Also, for healing a cough due to cold, take the leaves of this herb, cook them in water with honey, and let them drink it in the morning and evening: they will quickly be relieved with the help of God, and it is proven. To heal all bad wounds, take the leaves of this herb, make a plaster, and apply it on the wound: it will be immediately healed, and it removes whatever harm the wound inflicts.

Herba Sabastrela / Sabastrella. 31.

Ad sanandum malum yecoris. Accipe de ista herba et de herba que dicitur Perozella et iste due herbe misceantur simul crude et da ei comedere ieiuno stomacho. Super alias medicinas ista est valde probata. Item si quis haberet curtum videre aut obscurum, comedat de ista herba omni die in omni sua vivanda et, si comederet ieiuno stomacho, esset melior et sanior.

For healing the illness of the liver, take this herb and the herb called Perozella. Mix these two herbs raw and let them eat it on an empty stomach. This medicine is very proven over other medicines. Also, if someone has a short or dark sight, let them eat this herb every day with every meal, and if they eat it on an empty stomach, they will feel better and healthier.

Herba Amorsu serpentis. 32.

[Morgan PML 22222, Herba cros amorosos]. Ad vulneraturam de serpente, accipe folia & pone super malum, acepit extra dolorem & inflaturam sanat; et est probatum. Et quando tu accipis hanc herbam, dic hec verba: gloria forma floriano, & statim accipe herbam per † deum vivum & verum; venias ad me cum tua virtute. Item ad omnem maculam de oculis, accipe succum de ista herba cum vino miste per spacium XV dierum, liberatus est, et est probatum. Et nascit in montibus altissimis in locis frigidis. Ad malum de dentibus, comede de ista herba quod est bona; eet firmat dentes & sanat zencinias. Et accipe in dei veneri de mense madio ad ieiunium.

[Morgan PML 22222]. To treat a snakebite, take the leaves and place them on the wound; it takes away the pain and heals the swelling, and it is proven. And when you collect this herb, say these words: “Gloria forma Floriano,” and immediately pick the plant “for the sake of † the living and true God; come to me with your power”. Also, for all eye spots, take the juice of this herb mixed with wine for a period of fifteen days, and one is freed, and it is proven. It grows in the highest mountains in cold places. For toothache, eat this herb as it is good; it strengthens the teeth and heals gum issues. And collect it on Venus’s day [Friday] in the the month of May on an empty stomach.

[BNF Lat 17848 f16v] Caro caruit sanum redece reduce sanum hemanuel paraclitum.

[BNF Lat 17848 f16v; a fragment of a different charm] The flesh was lacking, health returns, restore health, Emmanuel, comforter.

Herba Teodorixe / Tedorixe. 33.

Si quis esset malsanus. Accipe de istius herbe et da ei comedere cum ovo vel cum alia re per quam possit comedere et collige dictam herba tertia die lune mensis iunii et, si portaveris tecum, omnes malefactores ad te fugient. Nascitur in montibus Cicilie vel in montibus nostris et in nocte facit magnum splendorem et si nesciret quod herba esset tu credes quod fantasma esset. Probatum est pro certo esse veram.

If someone is sick, take this herb and let them eat it with an egg or with something they can eat. Collect this herb on the third day of the moon in June, and if you carry it, all evildoers will flee from you. It grows in the mountains of Sicily or in our mountains and shines very brightly at night, and if you did not know that the cause is this herb, you would believe it to be a ghost. It is proven to be true.

Herba Lucea et de novem una [one of nine]. 34. [BNF Lat 17848 f17v]

Ad sanandum oculos infirmos. Accipe folia istius herbe et fac aquam et pone in oculis et subito curatur et sanatur.

For healing weak eyes, take the leaves of this herb, make water with them, and apply it to the eyes. The eyes will be immediately healed and restored.

Herba Ditimo bianco / Ditimo biancho. 35.

Si quem momorderit serpens aut alia bestia venenosa. Accipe radicem istius herbe et pistetur et tempera cum aceto et emplastretur super morsuram, subito removet dolores et sanatur. Item accipe de dicta radice suprascripte herbe et da ei comedere et subito sanatur et tollitur inflatura. Item si quis receperit tosichum aut venenum per os suum. Accipe de radice istius herbe et fac pulverem et de pulvere da ei bibere cum vino et subito sanatur: est probatum. Item ad stagnandum sanguinem plage vel ferite. Accipe folia istius herbe et fac pulverem et de pulvere pone super plagas: subito sanabuntur et stagnabitur sanguis. Item ad omnem dolorem ventris. Accipe de radice supradicte herbe et fac pulverem et de pulvere da ad bibendum cum vino et subito sanabitur. Item ad dolorem dentium. Accipe de radice istius herbe et calefac ad ignem et postea pone in oleo et sic calidam pone super vel sub dentem, et removet dentium dolorem.

If someone is bitten by a snake or any other poisonous creature, take the root of this herb, grind it, mix it with vinegar, and apply it on the bite. It will immediately relieve pain and promote healing. Also, take the mentioned root, give it to the affected person to eat, and the swelling will be promptly reduced. Additionally, if someone ingests poison through their mouth, take the root of this herb, make a powder, and let them drink it with wine, and they will be immediately healed; it is proven. Moreover, for stopping the blood in wounds or injuries, take the leaves of this herb, make a powder, and apply it on the wounds; the wounds will heal immediately, and the blood will coagulate. Also, for any abdominal pain, take the root of the aforementioned herb, make a powder, and let the person drink it with wine; the pain will be relieved promptly. Likewise, for toothache. Take the root of this herb and warm it by the fire. Afterwards, add oil and apply the warm mixture either over or under the tooth, and it removes the pain of the teeth.

Herba Riquilizie / Requilitie / Requificia. 36.

Ad sanandum malum catarrhi aut omnem saramentum pectoris. Accipe de ista herba et ficos sicos et mel et zucharum album et de istis rebus accipe onzias III cuiuslibet rei et fac bullire in aqua et de illa aqua da bibere cuilibet persone patienti malum et utatur per spatium dierum X de dicta aqua et sanabitur. Item ad sanandum malum bonamathici. Accipe de dicta herba et emplastretur super malum et subito curatur. Nascitur in plannitiis marinis et in silvis maris et est probatum.

For healing the illness of catarrh or any ailment of the chest. Take this herb and dried figs, honey, and white sugar. Take three ounces of each and boil them in water. Let the patient drink the water over ten days and he will be healed. Also, for healing the illness of “bonamatichus” [unidentifiable illness or body part, possibly related with the uterus, “matrix”], take the herb mentioned above, make a plaster, and apply it on the ailment and it will be immediately healed, it is proven. It grows in seashores and maritime forests and it is proven.

Herba Illocharias. 37.

Ad sanandum dolorem aut percussionem dentium. Accipe radicem istius herbe et coque in aceto forti et postea sic calidum pone super dentem qui patitur dolorem: subito removet dolorem et sanatur cito et sciendum est quod ille dens amplius non sentiet dolorem et est probatum. Item ad sanandum malum splenis. Accipe folia istius herbe cum ovis cocta et da ei comedere per spatium V dierum curabitur et sanabitur. Nascitur in terrenis alpestribus, in pratis.

For healing toothache or a blow to the teeth. Take the root of this herb, cook it in strong vinegar, then apply it warm over the aching tooth. It immediately removes pain and heals quickly. It should be noted that the tooth will no longer feel pain; it is proven. Also, for healing spleen issues, take the leaves of this herb with cooked eggs and let the person eat them; within five days, they will be healed, it is proven. It grows in mountain meadows.

Herba Folleas / Foleas. 38.

Si esset inspirtatus. Accipiat de ista herba et portet super se; statim liberabitur. Et in illa domo in qua esset dicta herba non posset stare spiritus malignus: imo fugit per virtutem istius herbe. Et si qua factura esset facta in illa domo in qua esset ista herba subito erit devastata per virtutem istius herbe et quilibet fur vel homo debilis qui esset in illa domo in qua esset dicta herba subito fugiet et non poterit stare in ea et colligitur in mense maii in poncto lune quod vocatur Gemini et colligi debet in die Veneris in illo puncto quod superius dixi. Nascit in marchia de Anchona, in montibus Frianze.

If someone is possessed, let them take this herb and carry it with them; immediately, they will be freed. In the house where this herb is present, no evil spirit can stay; rather, the power of this herb makes it flee. If the evil eye is cast in the house where this herb is, the curse will be quickly removed by the virtue of this herb, and any thief or wicked person in that house will suddenly flee and cannot stay there. It should be collected in the month of May, at the position of the moon called Gemini, and it must be gathered on the day of Venus [Friday] when the moon is in the position mentioned earlier. It grows in the region of Ancona, in the mountains of Frianza [Fiastra?].

Herba Angalles / Angales. 39.

Ad sanandum malum centebrii [cerebri?] id est tegne. Accipe folia istius herbe cum sungia vetera et emplastretur super caput ubi est tegna per spatium X dierum, sanatur et curatur et super omne.

For healing the illness of the skull, that is, scabies. Take the leaves of this herb with old fat and plaster them on the head where there is scabies for a period of ten days; it will heal and be cured completely.

Herba Luza mandragora / Luza mandragola. 40.

Ad sanandum feritas sine unguento. Accipe folia istius herbe et pista. Postea pone super feritas per spatium trium horarum aut quatuor; saldabitur omnis ferita cuiuscumque modi sit. Item si esset aliqua femina que non posset concipere filios. Accipe de ista herba Mandragolla et herbam suam da ei comedere sicut esset radix cum salle et subito quando comederit utatur viro suo per tres vices et in mane erit gravida per virtutem istius herbe et colligitur de mense maii die tertia lune. Et faciendo strapare cum uno cane vel cum alio animali aut alio modo et aspice quando fodis eam ut non tanges eam. Et vides manus et pedes noli timere sed subito accipe canem et liga ad pedes Mandragolle et sta alonge ut non audias rumorem Mandragore qui veneit tum gravis quod canis subito moritur.

For healing wounds without ointment. Take the leaves of this herb and crush them. Then place them on the wound for three or four hours; any kind of wound will be healed. Also, if there is any woman who cannot conceive children, take this Mandrake herb and give it to her to eat as if it were a root with salt. Immediately, when she consumes it, let her conjoin with her husband three times, and in the morning, she will be pregnant by the virtue of this herb. It should be collected in May on the third day of the moon. And when extracting it with a dog or another animal or in another way, be careful not to touch it while you dig. And when you see its hands and feet, do not be afraid but quickly take a dog and tie it to the feet of the Mandrake, and stand far away so that you don’t hear the cry of the Mandrake, which is so powerful that the dog suddenly dies.

Herba Illiloris / Illioris. 41.

Ad sanandum unam feritam. Accipe folia istius herbe et emplastrentur super feritam per spatium V dierum; saldatur ferita et hoc est probatum per magistrum Miniatum de Florentia. Item ad sanandum unum crepatum. Accipe radicem istius herbe in aqua cocta et emplastra super petenegium crepati per spatium XV dierum; sanabitur et hoc est probabtum. Item si quis portabit super se de ista herba amabitur ab omnibus personis qui videbunt eum, et debet colligi de mense maii quinto decimo die.

For healing a wound. Take the leaves of this herb and plaster them on the wound for five days; the wound will heal, and this is proven by Master Miniatus of Florence. Also, for healing sores. Take the root of this herb in boiled water and plaster it on the sore for fifteen days; it will heal, and this is proven. Also, if anyone carries this herb with them, they will be loved by all the people who see them. You should gather it on the fifteenth day of May.

Herba Tilles. 42. [BNF Lat. 17848 f21v]

Ad faciendum ut pilli aut capilli nascantur super persona ubi vis. Accipe succum istius herbe et mel cum songia galli et fac unguentum et pone ubi vis ut pilli aut capilli nascantur per spatium XV dierum, subito nascuntur pilli aut capilli. Item folia istius herbe saldant omne vulnus. Nascitur in terreno alpestro et in pratis sabinosis. Et reperitur in saltarona et in aliis alpibus. Et debes colligere flexis genibus et nudis dicendo ista verba: “Herba Tiles, precor te ut per Deum sanctum et per amorem Dei nostri quod tu venias ad me cum omni tua virtute et mihi praesta tuam virtutem et obedi mihi in omnibus que ego praecipiam tibi. Sicut Abraam obedivit Deo prima de sacrificio.” Et collige ieiuno stomacho die XV Lune, et hoc est probatum.

To make hair grow wherever you want on the body. Take the dried part of this herb and honey with rooster’s fat and make an ointment. Apply it where you want hair to grow for fifteen days; soon, hair will grow. Also, the leaves of this herb heal all wounds. It grows in stony and sandy terrain. And it is found in Saltarona [Saltara?] and other mountain regions. You must collect it with bent knees and bare, saying these words: “Herb Tiles, I pray you by the Holy God and by the love of our God that you come to me with all your power and grant me your power and obey me in all that I command you. As Abraham obeyed God before the sacrifice.” Collect it on an empty stomach on the fifteenth day of the moon, and this is proven.

Herba Paroiscas / Paroischas / Paroyschas. 43.

Ad sanandum morsuram serpentis. Accipe de ista herba et emplastra super morsurum; removet dolorem et venenum et hoc est probatum. Item ista herba habet istum virtutem quia si quis portaverit eam super se serpens non potest sibi appropinquare sed fugit cum sentit odorem istius herbe. Et colligi debet de mense maii in poncto lune quod vocatur Taurus. Nascitur in montibus frigidis.

For healing a snake bite. Take this herb and plaster it on the bite; it removes pain and poison, and this is proven. Also, this herb has this virtue that if someone carries it with them, a snake cannot approach but flees when it smells the scent of this herb. It should be collected in May at the position of the moon called Taurus. It grows in cold mountains.

Herba Corborelis / Corporelis. 44.

Ad sanandum malum magistri[?]. Accipe de ista herba et comede per spatium IX dierum in mane et in sero; per spatium suprascriptorum IX dierum curatur et sanatur et hoc est probatum et vere. Item ad sanandum feritas dubitativas. Accipe de ista herba et fac unguentum cum trementina et cera alba et de isto unguento pone super feritas dubiosas aut super alias plagas pessimas; valet istud unguentum super omne unguentum. Colligitur de mense iunii decima die lune et habet XXII virtutes in se dicta herba. Nascitur super montes frigidissimos.

For healing the illness “of the master”[?]. Take this herb and eat it for nine days in the morning and evening; it is cured and healed, and this is proven and true. Also, for healing doubtful wounds. Take this herb and make an ointment with turpentine and white wax, and place this ointment on doubtful wounds or other serious wounds; this ointment is better than any other ointment. It is collected on the tenth day of the moon in June, and the said herb has twenty-two virtues in itself. It grows on the coldest mountains.

Herba Cipolla marina / Cipola marina. 45.

Ad sanandum vulnus inveteratum: fac unguentum de radice istius herbe cum sunzia vetera porci rubei et cera alba postea pone super vulnus inveteratum; subito saldatur et sanatur per spatium dierum V. Item si quis haberet cetebrum, id est tigneam, super capud. Accipe radicem istius herbe et fac unguentum cum sonzia vetera porci et emplastrentur simul, postea pone super tegniam de isto unguento. Valet istud unguentum super alias medicinas. Nascitur prope littus maris.

For healing an inveterate wound: make an ointment from the root of this herb with old red pig’s fat and white wax, then apply it to the inveterate wound; it will immediately heal and be cured within five days. Also, if anyone had “cetebrum”, that is, scabies, on their head. Take the root of this herb and make an ointment with old pig fat and plaster them together, then apply this ointment to the scabies. This ointment is better than other medicines. It grows near the seashore.

Herba Palma Christi. 46.

Ad sanandum manus vel pedes vel alia membra que essent inflata. Accipe folia istius herbe et coque in vino; postea pone super membra inflata per spatium decem dierum: sanabitur et liberabitur, et est probatum. Item ad sanandum frigiditatem corporis per maximos humores frigidos. Accipe de ista herba et da ei comedere per spatium XV dierum, rectificat calorem naturalem et cor letificat. Colligitur de mese maii decima die lune.

For healing hands or feet or other limbs that are swollen. Take the leaves of this herb and cook them in wine; then apply to the swollen limbs for ten days: it will heal and be relieved, and this is proven. Also, for healing the coldness of the body from excessive cold humors. Take this herb and let it be eaten for fifteen days; it rectifies natural warmth and delights the heart. It is collected on the tenth day of the moon in May.

Herba Bazea minor et de novem una [one of nine]. 47.

Ad sanandum unam feritam. Accipe folia istius herbe et pista et pone super plagam. Subito sanabitur et saldatur et hoc est probatum. Et dicta herba habet IV virtutes. Item ad sanandum morsuram serpentis. Accipe folia istius herbe et pista et emplastrentur super morsuram, subito removet dolorem et venenum et sanatur et non est aliquod periculum ad cavendum. Nascitur in terrenis frigidissimis et petrosis.

For healing a wound. Take the leaves of this herb and crush them, then apply them to the wound. It will immediately heal and be cured, and this is proven. And this herb has four virtues. Also, for healing a snake bite. Take the leaves of this herb and crush them, then plaster them on the bite; it immediately removes pain and poison and heals, and there is no danger to beware of. It grows in the coldest, rocky terrain.

Herba Folio. 48.

Si quis vellet temperare ferrum, quod incideret alios ferros. Accipe succum istius herbe cum sanguine yrci mistum et tempera illud ferrum et est probabtum. Nascitur in montibus frigidis et petrosis.

If someone wanted to temper iron so that it would cut all iron. Take the juice of this herb mixed with the blood of a buck and temper that iron, and it is proven. It grows in cold and rocky mountains.

Herba Rigogolla / Rigogola. 49.

Ad sanandum febrem aut dolorem capitis. Accipe de ista herba et pista eam et postea emplastretur super tempora; curatur et sanatur. Item si quis haberet oculos rubeos propter aliquam malitiam. Accipe de ista herba et pistet et postea ponat succum in oculis et subito sanatur et hoc est probatum. Item is quis haberet parechios inflatos. Accipiat de ista herba et pistet cum cera alba et sepio [sebo?] castroni postea ponat super parechios et subito sanabuntur. Et hoc est probatum. Nascitur in terrenis domesticis.

For healing fever or head pain. Take this herb and crush it and then plaster it on the temples; it is cured and healed. Also, if anyone had red eyes due to some illness. Take this herb and crush it and then put the powder in the eyes, and it will immediately heal, and this is proven. Also, if anyone had swollen testicles. Take this herb and crush it with white wax and mutton’s fat, then apply it to the testicles, and they will immediately heal, and this is proven. It grows in domestic terrain.

Herba Pane porcino. 50.

Ad sanandum surdum. Accipe radicem istius herbe et pista bene et accipe humorem qui venit foras et misce cum oleo et lacte asine et ista fac bullire ad ignem tantum quod incorporentur simul, postea pone sic calidum in aure ut possit pati calorem et claude bene aurem cum bambaxio ut non exeat unguentum: subito sanabitur et audiet, Deo concedente. Item si quis esset stiptichus corporis. Accipe de radice istius herbe pistate et fac bullire in aqua et de illa aqua fac unum cristerium et subito sanatur. Item si quis haberet bugnonum supra se. Accipiat de radice istius herbe et pista cum lardo porcino et pone supra bugnonem. Subito sanatur et hoc es probatum.

For healing deafness. Take the root of this herb and crush it well, and take the juice that comes out and mix it with oil and donkey’s milk. Boil this mixture by the fire until they are well incorporated. Then, put it in the ear, so hot that they can endure the warmth, and close the ear well with cotton so that the ointment does not come out: it will immediately heal, and they will hear, God willing. Also, if anyone were afflicted with constipation of the body, take the root of this herb, grind it, and boil it in water. Make an enema with that water, and immediately the ailment is healed. Also, if anyone has a swelling on them, take the root of this herb, grind it with pork lard, and apply it on the swelling. It will be healed immediately, and this has been proven.

Herba Artetica montaria. 51.

Si quis haberet guttas frigidas in nodis manuum vel pedum. Accipe de ista herba et da ei comedere cum ovis et cum aliis rebus grassis. Item si quis haberet fluxum corporis: accipe de ista herba et da ei comedere cum ovis et subito sanabitur. Item ad sanandum malum matronis. Accipe de ista herba et da ei comedere: subito sanatur. Nascitur in terrenis frigidis, herbosis et salvaticis.

If anyone had a cold gout in the joints of hands or feet. Take this herb and let it be eaten with eggs and other fatty things. Also, if anyone had bowel incontinence: take this herb and let it be eaten with eggs, and immediately it will be healed. Also, for healing women’s[?] ailments. Take this herb and let it be eaten; they are immediately healed. It grows in cold, grassy, and wild terrain.

Herba Mulla campana / Mula campana. 52.

Ad sanandum dolorem dentium qui dolent propter rheuma frigidum. Accipe radicem istius herbe et pista unum modicum. Et postea pone supra dentem et subito sanabitur. Et si quis pateretur malum matronis vel fragilitatem stomachi. Accipe radicem istius herbe, et fac pulverem et de pulvere da ei bibere cum bono vino calido; subito removet dolorem et calefacit stomachum et letificat cor et facit alargare pectus et facit bonum flatum. Et hoc est probatum. Nascitur in montibus frigidis et radix habet odorem Zinzibris.

To heal toothache caused by cold rheumatism: take the root of this herb and crush it a little. Then, place it on the tooth, and it will heal immediately. And if anyone suffers from women’s ailments or stomach weakness: take the root of this herb, make a powder, and give it to them to drink with good warm wine; it immediately removes the pain, warms the stomach, delights the heart, expands the chest, and produces good breath. And this is proven. It grows in cold and rocky mountains, and the root has the scent of ginger.

Herba Zinzana / Zinziana. 53.

Ad sanandum malum febre. Accipe radicem istius herbe in aqua coctam et de aqua da ei bibere; per spatium trium dierum sanatur. Item si quis esset tosegatus aut mordutus ab aliqua bestia venenosa da ei bibere de aqua radicis istius herbe; subito removet tosicum et venenum. Nascitur in montibus frigidis et descopertis.

For healing fever. Take the root of this herb cooked in water and give it to drink; it is healed in three days. Also, if anyone were bitten or stung by any poisonous beast, give them to drink the water of this herb’s root; it immediately removes the venom and poison. It grows in cold and bare mountains.

Herba Oculus Domini. 54.

Ad sanandum malum lapidis. Accipe radicem istius herbe et fac pulverem et de pulvere cum vino da ei bibere per spatium XXX dierum curatur et sanatur. Item ad sanandum guttam arteticham. Accipe folia istius herbe et coque in aqua, postea pone supra guttam per spatium XV dierum, sanatur. Item si quis haberet vermes in corpore; fac pulverem de foliis istius herbe et da ei bibere cum bono vino; subito sanatur. Nascitur in terrenis macris, petrosis et calidis.

For healing kidney stones. Take the root of this herb and make a powder, and give the powder to drink with wine for thirty days; the ailment is healed and cured. Also, for healing arthritic gout. Take the leaves of this herb and cook them in water, then put them on the gout for fifteen days; it is healed. Also, if anyone had worms in their body; make a powder of the leaves of this herb and give it to drink with good wine; they are immediately healed. It grows in thin, rocky, and warm terrain.

Herba Sancta Maria / Santa Maria. 55.

Si qua femina non haberet lac. Accipe de ista herba et da ei comedere, videlicet de illa que facit signum album, subito lac sibi veniet. Item si quis homo vel femina se corrumperet in sompnis vel aliter da ei comedere de ista herba, videlicet de illa que non habet signa alba, et subito sanabitur a corruptione. Item ad sanandum vulnus inveteratum. Accipe folia et radices istius herbe et pistentur simul et ponantur super vulnus per spatium XV dierum saldabitur vulnus. Et hoc est probatum.

If any woman does not have milk. Take this herb, namely the one that has a white mark, and give it to her to eat and soon milk will come to her. Also, if any man or woman is corrupted in dreams or otherwise, give them to eat of this herb, namely, the one that does not have white marks, and soon they will be healed from corruption. Also, for healing an inveterate wound. Take the leaves and roots of this herb, crush them together, and apply them on the wound for fifteen days; the wound will be healed. And this is proven.

Herba Lunaria greca / Lunaria grega. 56.

Si quis portaverit supra se de ista herbe semper erit letus et nunquam urtebitur ab aliqua persona. Nascitur in montibus frigidis et in locis occultis.

If anyone carries this herb on them, they will always be joyful and never harmed by any person. It grows in cold mountains and hidden places.

Herba Capalias. 57.

Si quis esset surdus. Accipe de humore istius herbe cum oleo communi at misce simul iste duo et de isto pone in aure et fac ut sit calidum et pone de mane et de sero per spatium XV dierum, sanatur. Item si quis haberet vermes in corpore: accipe de ista herba et pistetur et emplastretur supra ventrem: omnes vermes moretur et egredientur inferius et hoc est probatum. Item si quis haberet fluxum corporis. Accipe de ista herba et da ei bibere cum bono vino et subito sanabitur. Nascitur in terrenis alpestris, salvaticis et sabionosis et colligitur de mense maii.

If anyone were deaf. Take the juice of this herb with common oil and mix them together, warm this mixture and put it in the ear, morning and evening, for fifteen days; it is healed. Also, if anyone had worms in their body: take this herb and crush it, then plaster it on the belly; all the worms will die and come out from below, and this is proven. Also, if anyone had bowel incontinence. Take this herb and give it to drink with good wine, and soon, they will be healed. It grows in alpine, wild, and sandy terrain. It is collected in May.

Herba Nascurso. 58.

Si esset aliquis scotatus in igne vel in aqua calida. Accipe de ista herba et pista multum bene folia et emplastrentur supra schotatura; statim removet dolorem et saldare facit. Item si quis esset stiticus in corpore. Accipe de ista herba cocta com aqua virzarum que sint bene grasse et de ista aqua quando vadis in lectum in sero bibe et in mane ieiuno stomacho et corpus manet absolutum. Et hoc est probatum. Nascitur dicta herba in aqua, proprie super aquas, et multum invenitur circa Pisas.

If someone were scalded by fire or hot water. Take this herb, crush the leaves very well, and plaster them on the scald; immediately, it removes the pain and promotes healing. Also, if someone had an obstruction in the body. Take this herb cooked with water from cabbage that is quite fatty, and drink this water, when you go to bed in the evening and on an empty stomach in the morning, the body is relieved. And this is proven. The said herb grows in water, literally above water, and it is abundant around Pisa.

Herba Belletolis / Belletollis. 59.

Ad sanandum malum dentium. Accipe de ista herba et tene in ore, statim facit dentem venire foras. Item ad faciendum ut ameris a qualibet persona. Accipe de ista herba que sit collecta die XII lune et debet colligi in nomine illius persone a qua cupis amari, et postea dicta herbam porta super te in modum quod aliquis non videat. Et quando habebis tecum, illa persona in cuius nomine fuerit collecta veniet tecum ubique et multum amabit homo vel femina. Nascitur in montibus frigidis.

For healing toothache. Take this herb and hold it in your mouth; it immediately makes the tooth come out. Also, to make someone love you. Take this herb collected on the twelfth day of the moon, and it should be collected in the name of the person you want to be loved by, and afterward, carry the herb with you in such a way that no one can see it. And, when you have it with you, the person in whose name it was collected will come with you anywhere, and people, whether man or woman, will love you very much. It grows in cold mountains.

Herba Metries. 60.

Ad sanandum guttas frigidas. Comede de ista herba cum ovis ieiuno stomacho per spatium XV dierum, sanabuntur gutte et hoc est probatum. Item ad sanandum malum splenis machulate. Accipe de ista herba et fac pulverem et de pulvere bibe cum bono vino per spatium X dierum, subito sanabitur et hoc est probatum. Nascitur in terrenis marinis in littore maris et colligitur de mense maii vel aprilis.

For healing a cold gout. Eat this herb with eggs on an empty stomach for fifteen days; the gout will be healed, and this is proven. Also, for healing a spotted spleen ailment. Take this herb and make a powder, and drink the powder with good wine for ten days; it will be immediately healed, and this is proven. It grows in marine terrain on the seashore and is collected in May or April.

Herba Ystatoris / Istatoris. 61.

Si esset aliqua femina que non posset concipere filios. Accipe de ista herba cocta et da ei comedere per spatium XV dierum postea utatur viro suo et concipiet adiutorio Dei et istius herbe. Et si qua persona portaret supra se de ista herba securus esset ab omni periculo et nullum poterit ei nocere. Et colligitur in puncto lune quod vocatur Taurus aut Gemini. Nascitur in Ispania in monte Caro et in monte Sacro.

If there were any woman who could not conceive children. Take this herb cooked and give it to her to eat for fifteen days, then let her conjoin with her husband, and she will conceive with the help of God and this herb. And if anyone carries this herb with them, they will be safe from all danger, and nothing can harm them. And it is collected at the position of the moon called Taurus or Gemini. It grows in Spain on Mount Caro and Mount Sacro.

Herba Polexinas. 62.

Ad sanandum malum capitis et algorem pectoris: accipe de ista herba et comede cum ovis in sero et in mane et hoc est probatum ad dolorem capitis. Item ad sanandum mala nata que non possunt sanari: fac pulverem de ista herba et pone super plagas veteres; subito saldabitur per spatium X dierum.

For healing head ailments and chest colds: take this herb and eat it with eggs in the evening and in the morning, and this is proven for head pain. Also, for healing persistent wounds that cannot be healed: make a powder of this herb and put it on the inveterate wounds; they will be healed within ten days.

Herba Serpentina. 63.

Si quis haberet tibias fractas. Accipe folia et radices istius herbe et postea misceantur cum cera alba cum oleo et lardo et fac unguentum et pone super plagas; subito saldantur et curantur.

If someone had broken shinbones. Take the leaves and roots of this herb, and mix them with white wax, with oil and lard and make an ointment, then put it on the wounds; they will be immediately healed and cured.

Herba Pionica. 64.

Ad sanandum malum matronis vel matricis. Accipe radicem istius herbe et fac pulverem et de pulvere cum vino da ei bibere ieiuno stomacho per spatium triginta dierum: sanabitur. Item si quis vellet cognoscere personam indemoniatham. Accipiat de dicta herba et ponat super eam, si erit demoniacha non poterit pati quod dicta herba maneat super se et clamabit fortiter. Item si quis portabit super se de dicta herba nullus demon poterit ei nocere. Item ad sanandum omnem feritas folia istius herbe sunt multum bona. Item ad morbum caducum. Accipe de radice istius herbe et bibe cum bono vino per spatium XXXX dierum, curatur et sanatur. Nascitur dicta herba in montibus petrosis ubi sol ferit.

For healing ailments of women or of the uterus. Take the root of this herb, make a powder, and give the powder to drink with wine on an empty stomach for thirty days: it will be healed. Also, if anyone wanted to recognize a demon-possessed person. Take this herb and place it on them; if they are demoniac, they cannot endure the herb remaining on them and will cry out loudly. Also, if anyone carries this herb with them, no demon can harm them. Also, for healing any wound, the leaves of this herb are very good. Also, for epilepsy. Take the root of this herb and drink it with good wine for forty days; it is cured and healed. The said herb grows on rocky mountains where the sun strikes.

Herba Ruga salvatica / Ruca salvaticha. 65.

Ad sanandum guttas frigidas. Accipe de ista herba et misce cum herba Istolaria et coque cum vino vermegio et postea emplastrentur super guttas frigidas per spatium XV dierum; sanabuntur et hoc est probatum per magistrum Petrum de Perosa et per magistrum Antonium romanum. Item ad sanandum dolorem renum et flanchi. Accipe de ista herba, Cnevedolla[?] et folia Absintii, et ista omnia coque in oleo veteri quinque aut sex annorum et emplastrentur super dolorem per spatium XII dierum, curatur et sanatur. Item ad sanandum iecur maculatum. Accipe de ista herba cruda et comede ieiuno stomacho per spatium XII dierum, sanatur. Nascitur in terrenis domesticis.

For healing a cold gout. Take this herb and mix it with Istolaria herb and cook it with red wine, then plaster it on the cold gout for fifteen days; it will be healed, and this is proven by Master Petrus of Peroxa [Perosa?] and Master Antonius the Roman. Also, for healing kidney and flank pain. Take this herb, Cnevedolla, and Absinthe leaves, and cook all of these in five or six years old oil, and plaster them on the pain for twelve days; it is cured and healed. Also, for healing a spotted liver. Take this herb raw and eat it on an empty stomach for twelve days; it is healed. It grows in domestic terrain.

Herba Caspetres. 66.

Ad faciendum ventositatem […]. Accipe de ista herba et da ei comedere […] petezare […] facet […] aliud quem petezare. Item si quis vellet esse invisibilis, accipiat de ista herba et ponat in ore et teneat os clausum plus quam possit inter gentes: nunquam videbitur. Et collige dictam herbam in ponto lune quod vocatur crepusculum. Nascitur dicta herba in marina vel in littore marino.

For producing flatulence […] Take this herb and give it to eat […] to provoke flatulence. Also, if anyone wanted to be invisible, let them take this herb and put it in their mouth, and keep the mouth closed as much as than possible among people: they will never be seen. And collect this herb at the moon’s position called dusk. The said herb grows near the sea or on the seashore.

Herba Brancha / Branca. 67.

Si quis portaret super caput suum de ista herba, nunquam haberet infirmitatem oculorum nec calor solis nec ignis nunquam offenderet oculos. Et quando aquila volat in altum portat in rostro suo de dicta herba ut sol non offendat oculos suos.

If someone carried this herb over their head, they would never have eye ailments, nor would the heat of the sun or fire ever harm their eyes. And when an eagle flies high, it carries in its beak some of this herb so that the sun does not harm its eyes.

Herba Spigonarda. 68.

Ad faciendum unguentum pretiosum. Accipe radicem istius herbe et fac pulverem cum totidem cera vel trementina et fac unguentum de istis rebus.

For making a precious ointment. Take the root of this herb and make a powder with an equal amount of wax or turpentine, and make an ointment from these things.

Herba Lunaria. 69. [BNF Lat. 17844 f69v]

Ad falsificandum monetam. Accipe folia et radices istius herbe. Item ad saldandum omnem feritam per spatium unius hore. Item si quis portabit supra se erit semper in gratia cuiuslibet persone et numquam ei deficiet.

For making false coins. Take the leaves and roots of this herb. Also, to heal every wound within an hour. Also, if someone carries it upon themselves, they will always be in favor with any person, and it will never fail them.

Herba Rigano. 70.

Si quis haberet fluxum corporis. Accipe de ista herba et da ei comedere, subito sanatur. Item si quis pissaret sanguinem: da ei comedere per spatium XV dierum, sanabitur. Item si quis esset fractus in petenegio comedat de ista herba, per spatium XXX dierum: sanabitur. Item ad sanandum feminam que haberet corruptionem sanguinis inferius. Comedat de ista herba per spatium XV dierum: sanabitur.

If someone had bowel incontinence. Take this herb and give it to them to eat; they will be healed immediately. Also, if someone were urinating blood: give it to them to eat for fifteen days; they will be healed. Also, if someone had ulcers in the pubis, let them eat this herb for thirty days: they will be healed. Also, for healing a woman who has a corruption of lower blood. Let her eat this herb for fifteen days: she will be healed.

Herba Sigillo de Santa Maria / Sigillo de Sancta Maria. 71.

Ad sanandum unum crepatum. Da ei comedere cum ovis de radice istius herbe per spatium XXX dierum et subito sanabitur. Item si quis esset frigidus propter nimios humores corporis: accipe de radice istius herbe et coque in vino albo et quando est bene cocta emplastrentur cum una unzia gariofolorum et media libra melis et omnia ista simul mista comede ieiuno stomacho cum bono vino albo et subito sanabitur.

For healing an ulcer. Give them to eat with eggs from the root of this herb for thirty days, and they will be immediately healed. Also, if someone were cold due to excessive body humors: take the root of this herb and cook it in white wine, and when it is well-cooked, plaster it with an ounce of cloves and half a pound of honey. All these mixed together, eat on an empty stomach with good white wine, and they will be immediately healed.

Herba Rapillis. 72.

Ad sanandum unum crepatum. Accipe de ista radice istius herbe et coque in aqua. Et postea emplastretur supra petenegium crepati per spatium XV dierum, sanabitur. Item ad sanandum yecur maculatum. Accipe folia istius herbe et fac pulverem et de pulvere cum bono vino da ei bibere per spatium XII dierum, sanabitur. Item ad sanandum morbum caducum: accipe folia istius herbe et fac pulverem et de pulvere cum bono vino da ei bibere per spatium XV dierum. Sanabitur et hoc est probatum.

For healing an ulcer. Take the root of this herb and cook it in water. And afterward, plaster it over the ulcerated pubis for fifteen days, and it will be healed. Also, for healing a spotted liver. Take the leaves of this herb and make a powder, and give the powder to drink with good wine for twelve days, and it will be healed. Also, for healing epilepsy: take the leaves of this herb and make a powder, and give the powder to drink with good wine for fifteen days. It will be healed, and this is proven.

Herba Bustania. 73.

Si quis caderet in terram, subito accipe de radice istius herbe et fac pulverem et de pulvere cum vino da ei bibere. Statim resurget sicut si non haberet aliquod malum. Item si quis poneret de radice istius herbe ad nasum subito caderet in terram tamquam mortuus et si vis adiuvare eum unge pulsum suum cum vino vel cum aceto et subito removet mulum et reveniet, et non habebit aliquod malum. Nascitur in litore maris et quando fodis eam cave bene ne olimentum vadat ad nasum.

If someone fell to the ground, immediately take the root of this herb and make a powder, and give them the powder to drink. They will immediately rise as if they had no ailment. Also, if someone were to put the root of this herb to their nose, they would immediately fall to the ground as if dead, and if you want to help them, anoint their wrist with wine or vinegar, and immediately they will be revived, and they will have no ailment. It grows on the seashore, and when you dig it, be careful that the fragrance does not go to your nose.

Herba Forus. 74. [BNF Lat. 17848 f34v]

Si quis portaret super se de ista herba, semper habebit bona fortuna. Et amabitur a qualibet persona istius mundi. Et collige in puncto lune quod vocatur gemini vel taurus. Et quando colligis dic ista verba: “Herba Forus veni ad me ex parte Spiritus Sancti”. Nascitur in montibus frigidis et petrosis.

If someone carried this herb with them, they would always have good fortune. And they would be loved by everyone in this world. And collect it at the moon’s position called Gemini or Taurus. And when you collect it, say these words: “Herb Forus come to me from the part of the Holy Spirit.” It grows in cold and rocky mountains.

Herba Capalarices / Capilarices. 75. [BNF Lat. 17848 f35v]

Ad faciendum aquam bonam ad omnem infirmatem oculorum. Accipe florem istius herbe et fac aquam ad campanam et de ista aqua pone in oculis per spatium XX dierum. Clarificabuntur oculi et removebitur omnis infirmitas et hoc es probatum. Item si quis vellet ponere scbndblxm kntfr dxbs perspnbs [scandalum inter duas personas]. Accipe de ista herba in uno die Jovis de nocte et pone super hostium per quod transibunt ille due persone. Et collige die XII lune si vis operari pro medicina.

For making a good water for all eye ailments. Take the flower of this herb and make water [by distillation] in a bell, and apply it to the patient’s eyes for twenty days. The eyes will be cleared, and any ailment will be removed, and this is proven. Also, if someone wanted to cause [following words in a simple cipher:] a scandal between two people. Take this herb at night on Jupiter’s day [Thursday] and place it on the door through which those two people will pass. And collect it on the twelfth day of the moon, if you want to use it for medicine.

Herba Luminellas. 76.

Si quis haberet maculam in oculo: accipiat de ista herba et pistet eam; emplastretur super oculum et subito sanabitur.

If someone had a spot in the eye: take this herb and pound it; plaster it on the eye, and it will be immediately healed.

Herba Ruschasia. 77.

Ad sanandum omnem maculam oculorum. Accipe folia istius herbe, et fac aquam distillatam et de ista aqua pone in oculis; subito sanabitur infirmitas et revidere remanet clarum. Item si quis haberet visum obscurum comedat de ista herba in suis vivandis. Facit visum clarum et manutenebit.

For healing spotted eyes. Take the leaves of this herb, and make water by distillation, and apply some of this water to the eyes; the ailment will be immediately healed, and the sight will remain clear. Also, if someone had dim sight, let them eat this herb in their food. It clears the sight and maintains it.

Herba Scudaria. 78.

Ad sanandum unum malsanum; da ei comedere de ista herba cum ovis per spatium XV dierum et sanatur ab omnia malsania. Item si quis haberet plagas malas in cruribus. Accipe de ista herba et fac unguentum cum sonzia porci. Et unge plagas cum isto unguento per spatium X dierum. Sanabitur et hoc est probatum. Item ad volendum currere plus quam alia persona, porta supra te de radice istius herbe in cropa, in pelle leporis que sit capta in die Veneris et curres plus quam alia persona portando supra te de ista herba. Et omnes qui te videbunt tenebunt te sicut esses magnus et fac ut sis castus si debes operari ista.

For healing an unwell person; give them to eat of this herb with eggs for fifteen days, and they will be healed of all illnesses. Also, if someone had bad sores on their legs. Take this herb and make an ointment with pig fat. And anoint the sores with this ointment for ten days. It will be healed, and this is proven. Also, if you want to run faster than anybody, carry with you the root of this herb in a leather pouch made of the skin of a rabbit captured on Venus’ day [Friday], and you will run faster than anybody by carrying this herb. And all who see you will hold you as if you were great. Act chastely, if you need to accomplish these things.

Herba Lunaria. 79. [BNF Lat. 17848 f43v]

Ad sanandum unum qui haberet cilia grossa sive oculos lessos vel nizatos. Accipe de ista herba et ipsam pulveriza et des infirmo ad bibendum cum vino calido mediam octavam dicte pulveris usque ad VIIII aut X dies in sero pro qualibet vice et sanabuntur oculi. Item si quis not posset urinare propter malum petre vel ranelle vel propter aliam causam, des ei ad bibendum mediam octavam pulveris ante dicte per qualibet vice cum modico vini calidi per dies XX in mane et sanabit. Item si quis haberet dolorem renum aut flanchi aut capiti, bibat.

For healing one who has swollen eyelashes or injured or twisted eyes. Take this herb and make a powder of it, and give it to the sick to drink with warm wine, one eighth [of an ounce] of the said powder up to nine or ten days in the evening each time, and the eyes will be healed. Also, if someone could not urinate due to bladder or kidney pain or for another reason, give them to drink one eighth [of an ounce] of the said powder for each dose with a little warm wine for twenty days in the morning, and they will be healed. Also, if someone had pain in the kidneys, flank, or head, let them drink.

Herba Tunegi. 80.

Ad dolorem cordis et stomachi removendum. Des ad bibendum cum vino calido pro qualibet vice mediam unziam pulveris dicte herbe et Deo concedente liberabitur.

For removing heart and stomach pain. Give to drink with warm wine half an ounce of the powder of this herb for each dose, and with God’s grace, they will be relieved.

Herba Lactica. 81.

Ad stricturam pectoris et tussim eiciendam: accipe mediam unziam pulveris huius herbe Lactice pro qualibet vice et ipsam bibe cum uno modico vini calidi in sero per spatium XV dierum aut XVI et sanaberis.

For relieving chest tightness and coughing: take half an ounce of the powder of this Lactica herb for each dose and drink it with a little warm wine in the evening for fifteen or sixteen days, and you will be healed.

Herba Barbaria. 82.

Ad fistolas sive grandes pustemas in gambas, in brachiis aut in toto tergo existens veraciter refugandas, per spatium dierum XI, tempore matutino, pulverem ex dicta herba factam fistulas et pustemis superpone et fugabuntur.

For effectively removing fistulas or large pustules in the legs, arms, or the entire back, for eleven days, in the morning, place powder made from this herb on fistulas and pustules, and they will disappear.

Herba Tura. 83.

Ad dolorem capitis sanandum. Accipe unum quartum huius herbe Ture et ipsum pone supra carbones ignitos et fumum ex inde egredientem recipe per nasum per os per vultum et sic dolor capiti recedit.

For healing headache. Take one quarter [of an ounce] of this herb Tura and place it on hot coals, and inhale the smoke coming from it through your nose, mouth, and face, and thus, the headache recedes.

Herba Gerbia. 84.

Ad sanandum aliquem habentem spasimum ad gulam vel strictum in pectore. Des ei ad bibendum mediam unziam pulveris dicte herbe per omni vice usque ad dies XIX vel XX de mane et sanatur.

For healing someone with a spasm in the throat or tightness in the chest. Give them to drink half an ounce of the powder of this herb for every dose for nineteen or twelve days in the morning, and they will be healed.

Herba Bruza. 85.

Ad debilitatem stomachi et capitis abiciendum. Accipe de pulvere istius herbe Bruzie et de ipsa exhibe ad bibendum cum modico vini calidi et sic faciendo capitis et stomachi dolorem abicietur.

For removing stomach and head weakness. Take the powder of this Bruzia herb and give it to drink with a little warm wine, and by doing so, the pain in the head and stomach will be removed.

Herba Lunaria tertia / Lunaria tercia. 86. [BNF Lat. 17848 f38v]

Si quis esset refrigidatus in capite aut in tota eius persona. Accipe de ista herba pistata et bene pulverizata et bibat ille qui est refrigidatus cum uno modico boni vini calidi mediam octavam per omni vice per aliquot dies et sanabitur.

If someone were cold in their head or in their whole body. Take this herb well ground and reduced to a powder and let the one who is cold drink one eighth [of a an ounce] with a little good warm wine every time for several days, and they will be healed.

Herba Attillia. 87.

Ad malum yecoris. Accipe de pulvere huius herbe onziam mediam pro qualibet vice et des ad bibendum cum vino frigido et sanitatem obtinebit. Item si quis haberet stomachum inordinatum sive guastum, bibat omni mane pro qualibet vice usque ad dies XV vel XVI de pulvere dicte et sanabitur.

For the illness of the liver. Take half an ounce of the powder of this herb for every dose and give it to drink with cold wine, and they will obtain health. Also, if someone had an upset or damaged stomach, let them drink every morning for every time up to fifteen or sixteen days of the said powder, and they will be healed.

Herba Victoria. 88.

Ad sanandum malum madroni. Accipe per qualibet vice de pulvere istius herbe onzium mediam et da ad bibendum patienti et sanabitur. Item si quis haberet malum stomachi. Accipe de pulvere dicte herbe et da bibere illi qui patitur quater aut quinquies mediam untiam per qualibet vice et liberabitur.

For healing the illness of the uterus. Take half an ounce of the powder of this herb for each dose and give it to drink to the patient, and they will be healed. Also, if someone had an illness of the stomach. Take the powder of this herb and give it to drink to the one who suffers four or five half-ounces for every dose, and they will be relieved.

Herba Rondella. 89.

Ad sanandum aliquem vel aliquam personam, habentem gulam grossam vel inflatam. Accipe de pulvere istius herbe mediam unziam pro qualibet vice et da ei bibere de mane infirmo per dies XV aut XVI et liberabitur. Et bibi debet dicta pulvis cum vino calido. Item ad sanandum scrofulas da bibere de suprascripta herba facta pulvere tot diebus ut supra et sanabitur.

For healing a man or a woman having a thick or swollen throat. Take half an ounce of the powder of this herb for every time and give it to drink in the morning to the sick for fifteen or sixteen days, and they will be relieved. And the said powder should be drunk with warm wine. Also, for healing scrofula, give to drink from the above-mentioned herb made into a powder for as many days as above, and they will be healed.

Herba Genesiana aliter Genciana / Genziana. 90.

Ad sanandum habentem malum madronis aut dolorem capitis. Accipiat omni vice quando sentit dolorem sibi fore venturum medium quartum pulveris istius herbe et bibat cum modico vini calido et protine cessabit dolor. Item si quis haberet febrem tertianam aut quartanam. Accipiat omni vice unum quartum pulveris dicte herbe. Et ipsam bibat in tribus terminis sive vicibus cum vino calido et liberabitur. Et debet esse Gianzana minor. Genziana maior habet virtutem purgandi stomachum ab omni putredine a pustemis et choleris in eodem coadunatis sive corumpimento corporis, si de pulvere ipsius accepis pro qualibet vice unum quartum et ipsum dederis ad bibendum cum modico vini per dies X aut XI in mane.

For healing someone with illness of the uterus or headache. Let them take, whenever they feel that the pain is coming, half a quarter [ounce] of the powder of this herb, and let them drink it with a little warm wine, and the pain will immediately cease. Also, if someone had a tertian or quartan fever. Let them take every time a quarter [ounce] of the powder of the said herb. And let them drink it in three terms or times with warm wine, and they will be relieved. And it should be lesser Gentian. Greater Gentian has the virtue of purging the stomach of all putrefaction, pustules, and choleric humor gathered in it, or corruption of the body, if you take a quarter ounce of its powder for every time, and you give it to drink with a little wine for ten or eleven days in the morning.

Herba Fiorina. 91.

Ad sanandum aliquam personam habentem in eius stomacho aliquem turpetudinem seu humorem cholericum aut flegmaticum. Accipe de pulvere istius herbe nomine Florine onziam mediam pro qualibet vice et da ei bibere in mane usque ad dies XX et sanabitur.

For healing someone with something foul or a choleric or phlegmatic humor in their stomach. Take half an ounce of the powder of this herb called Fiorina for every time and give it to drink in the morning for twelve days, and they will be healed.

Herba Capillaria / Capilaria. 92.

Ad faciendum capillos pulcros et flavos et ad fugandum tignollas. Accipe onzam unam istius herbe Capillarie et fac ea bullire cum uno bochali de lesivio postmodum lava caput decem aut duodecim vices et fient capilli pulcri, aureo consimiles.

For making hair beautiful and blond and for driving away lice. Take one ounce of this herb Capillaria and boil it with a jug of lye. Afterward, wash the head ten or twelve times, and the hair will become beautiful, similar to gold.

Herba Giralia. 93.

Ad sanitatem reducendam aliquem qui propter scalmanam sive caliditatem esset infirmus vel propter malum stomachi, da ei ad bibendum de pulvere istius herbe Giralie mediam unziam pro qualibet vice in mane usque ad dies XVI et sanus efficeretur.

For restoring health to someone who is unwell due to agitation or overheating. Give them to drink half an ounce of the powder of this herb Giralia for every time in the morning for sixteen days, and they will become healthy.

Herba Gratilia sive Gratiana. 94.

Si quis haberet dolore ad renes vel ad flanchum vel ad gambas vel per totum corpus. Accipe de ista herba et ipsam pulverizet et de pulvere bibat pro qualibet vice unziam mediam et liberabitur.

If someone had pain in the kidneys or in the flank or in the legs or throughout the body. Take this herb and powder it, and from the powder, let them drink half an ounce for every time, and they will be relieved.

Herba Granelaria / Granellaria. 95.

Si quis haberet malum ad gengivas vel si alicui dentes se moverent teneat in ore de ista herba Granelaria et sanabitur.

If someone had an illness in the gums or if someone’s teeth were loose, hold in the mouth of this herb Granelaria, and they will be healed.

Herba Pionia. 96.

Ad confortandum cerebrum et repelendum migraneam et malum procedens ex somatura capitis sive ex vachuatione. Accipe pro qualibet vice mediam unziam istius herbe Pionie et da ei bibere in sero infirmo per spatium dierum XII aut XV et liberabitur.

For strengthening the brain and repelling migraines and the illness arising from the overfilling or emptying of the head. Take half an ounce of this Pionia herb for every time and give it to drink in the evening to the sick for twelve or fifteen days, and they will be relieved.

Consolida major. 97. Consolida minor. 98.

Experimentum verissimum et probatum at conceptum mulierum. Et per hoc multe que steriles fuerant conceperunt. In vigilia […] sancti Johannis Baptiste [accipe] consolidam maiorem, et post minorem. Et […] extrahe de terra ante horam [tertiam, dicendo orationem dominicam, et] eundo et redeundo nemini [loquatur]. […] sucum extrahe de dictis herbis. Et cum illo suco scribe […] ista verba [“Dixit Dominus crescant † uehihoch] † et multiplicentur † [chabathay †” … Istam cartam taliter scriptam dum coit vir ad collum ligatam portet dum masculum habere cupit, et si feminam mulier].

[Most of the original text was censored, then partially overwritten by a later hand; the paragraph was reconstructed on the basis of a similar charm published by Peter van den Hooff, p.77]

A very true and proven experiment for the conception of women. And through this, many who were barren conceived. On the vigil of Saint John the Baptist […] take greater Consolida, and afterward, lesser Consolida. And extract them from the earth before the third hour [saying the Lord’s Prayer;] while going and coming back, [speak] to no one]. […] extract the juice from the said herbs. And with that juice, write […] these words [“The Lord God said be fruitful † uehihoch] † and multiply † [chabathay †” … If they want a boy, let the man carry the paper written in such a way, tied around his neck, during coitus; if they want a girl, let the woman carry the paper.]

