Automation Testing

Maee Sable
2 min readJun 30, 2022


Every software company tests their products before the release. Nevertheless, every released software always has some bugs. Even though the software testers try their best to find every possible bug with manual testing, bugs often reappear since manual testing does not have that much accuracy, besides it is time-consuming.

This is why automation testing is becoming popular and is considered as one of the best ways to increase the efficiency and coverage of software testing.

What is Automation Testing?

It is a process in which automation tools run the test cases as well as a test suite, predefined actions on a software application, reporting outcomes, comparative results, and generate detailed test reports.

So, isn’t it sound magical for a tester? Yes, obviously! Damn, a tester can test every possible way and that doesn’t make him bored.

Now, let’s see how it’s making our life so easy-cheesy. So, start the fight between Manual Testing and Automation Testing.

Automation Testing Life Cycle

To offer the best quality product, an organization should follow up with the step-by-step Automation Testing life cycle to pull off success in the market. Take a look at the below image that shows the six stages of Automation Testing:

The Scope of Automation Testing

Before carrying out the testing process, one must check for the feasibility of automation. Here are the things to consider while identifying the scope of Testing Automation:

  1. What are the modules that can be automated?
  2. What are the total effective costs and the team size?
  3. What are the tests to be automated, and which is the approach to be taken?

