Stepping into the world of Software Testing

What is Software Testing?

Prajakta Ganakwar
Published in
5 min readMay 20, 2022


Software testing is a process used to identify the correctness, completeness, security, and quality of developed computer software. It is taken as a process that should be done during the development process. In software development, software testing is done to verify that a software program or application, or product:

  • Meets specific users’ needs
  • Is likely to function according to its specifications; and/or
  • Does not have any major problems affecting its intended purpose

What is Software Development Life Cycle?

Software development is an iterative process. Each iteration is a phase of the software development life cycle. The purpose of each phase is to progressively develop and refine a product until it achieves its planned goals.

It is an essential part of this process and must be performed in every stage or phase. It’s important to know that software testing isn’t just about testing for bugs; rather, it’s about validating your expectations against what you’ve built so far. By having tests at various levels throughout your codebase — unit test coverage, integration test coverage, system test coverage — you can ensure that everything works together as expected and don’t forget anything in one area before moving on to another

Why do we need software testing?

Software testing is a very important part of the software development process. It is used to find out if the software works as expected and meets customer requirements.

Software testing is done by testing engineers who are experts in creating test cases to verify whether or not the software is meeting its design goal. They also determine whether or not changes need to be made to meet the needs of the users. Testing engineers can work on different types of projects such as web applications, mobile apps, and desktop applications.

When to test the software?

To perform successful software testing, you have to understand when to test it. The following are some of the steps that you can follow for performing testing in an effective way:

  • Testing should start as soon as possible. You can start testing even before coding is done, but it’s better to start after all requirements are finalized and approved by stakeholders. This will help you avoid any changes that might occur later on.
  • Testing should be performed throughout the project lifecycle. For example, unit tests should be written along with code so that every change made in code can also be verified using automated tests in order to make sure no bugs were introduced during the development phase without getting noticed by testers or developers who worked on new features/bug fixes etcetera (this applies especially when working remotely). It’s also recommended to write integration test scenarios early enough so they won’t be missed during the final QA session since it will result in late defect fixes which might cause a delay in the release date! As soon as someone finishes developing feature X (or bug fix Y), he/she should run its corresponding unit tests together with other existing ones before committing changes to a version control system such as GitLab — this way everyone knows whether there are any problems which require fixing ASAP instead wasting time debugging later down line; not only does this prevent further delays caused by unexpected issues due lack knowledge about them beforehand but also ensures continuity between sprints allowing teams members focus on other projects without worrying about unfinished tasks from previous ones…

What is the Requirement specification document?

It is a document that contains the requirements of the software products. It consists of user requirements, functional requirements, and non-functional requirements.

What is the SRS document?

Software requirements specification (SRS) is the most important document in SDLC which provides details about application functionality, user interface, and other important aspects.

What are the contents of the SRS document?

The sections and topics covered in an SRS include: Introduction, System Environment, and Context, Business Rules, User Interface Design (if applicable), Software Features, Data Flow Diagrams (if applicable), Information Security Considerations (if applicable), Glossaries for Technical Terms and Organizations involved in the development process, etc

What are the bugs in software testing?

The “bug” is the most common thing that programmers encounter. A bug is a mistake in the code, an error, or a defect. There are many different types of bugs — syntax errors, runtime errors, logic errors, and more. Bugs can be found during unit testing, integration testing, and system testing.

A bug usually appears in one of these states:

  • Undetected: The code works as intended but does not perform its function correctly (e.g., it does not do what it should).
  • Detected: You notice something unusual about your application (e.g., an error message appears) but cannot figure out what caused it to happen or how to fix it at this point in time (it needs further investigation).

What is the bug life cycle in software testing?

There is a bug life cycle in software testing. Bugs are detected from different sources, such as user feedback and automated testing tools. Bugs are reported by the users or testers to their respective managers. The managers then assign the bugs to either developers or testers for fixing them according to their priority level. Once selected, these bugs should be tested again before being closed off so that nothing goes wrong during production release or any other stage of the development process where they can cause problems later on if not adequately addressed earlier on at one point in time when they were first discovered through various methods like through manual testing or automated testing tools like Selenium WebDriver.

This post will be very helpful for freshers.

The software testing process is a very important and integral part of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). It is a process that ensures that the product under development meets its requirements and quality standards.

Software is a product developed using programming languages like Java, C++, etc., in order to meet business needs by providing solutions for complex problems. To do this, software developers need to be skilled at building applications based on customers’ requirements. The main purpose of software development is to create useful products which can help solve problems faced by customers or businesses when dealing with their operations.

A good example would be an application that helps you keep track of your finances or manage your shopping list while shopping online!

