The Power of Elasticsearch

Aakash Sonawane
3 min readApr 21, 2023


Elasticsearch is a powerful open-source search and analytics engine widely used for various purposes, such as full-text search, log analysis, data analytics, and business intelligence. In this blog, we will explore the power of Elasticsearch, including its architecture, indexing, querying, and data visualization.

Architecture of Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is a distributed, scalable, and high-performance system based on the Lucene library. It consists of multiple nodes that can be deployed across different servers or clusters and can process and analyze large volumes of data in real time. Elasticsearch also supports sharding and replication, which allows it to handle data growth and provide high availability and fault tolerance.

Cluster communication in Elasticsearch is the process by which the nodes in a cluster exchange information about the state of the cluster. This is important for managing the distribution of data across the nodes, ensuring high availability, and enabling tasks such as shard allocation and cluster rebalancing

Indexing Data in Elasticsearch

To store and index data in Elasticsearch, we must first create an index. An index is a logical namespace that contains one or more documents, which are the basic units of data in Elasticsearch. Each document is a JSON object that can have multiple fields and values.

scA mapping is a schema definition that tells Elasticsearch how to interpret the data and how to index and search it. It defines the data type of each field, such as text, keyword, date, and numeric types, and the analysis rules that should be applied to the text fields, such as tokenization, stemming, and stop words. Mapping can also include custom analyzers, token filters, and char filters.

To create an index, we can use the following command:

PUT /<index_name>

Once we have created an index, we can add documents to it using the following command:

PUT /<index_name>/_doc/<document_id>
"field1": "value1",
"field2": "value2",

Querying Data in Elasticsearch

To search and retrieve data from Elasticsearch, we can use various types of queries, such as full-text search, term query, match query, range query, and more. Here is an example of a simple full-text search query:

GET /<index_name>/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"<field_name>": "<query_string>"

This query will search for documents that contain the specified query string in the specified field. We can also use filters to refine our search results based on various criteria, such as date range, numeric range, and boolean conditions.

Visualizing Data in Elasticsearch

To visualize and analyze data in Elasticsearch, we can use various tools, such as Kibana, Grafana, and Tableau. Kibana is a popular open-source data visualization and exploration platform that is part of the Elastic Stack. It allows us to create interactive dashboards, charts, and reports based on the data stored in Elasticsearch.


Elasticsearch is a powerful and flexible search and analytics engine that can help us to make sense of large volumes of data. In this beginner’s guide, we have covered the basics of Elasticsearch, including its architecture, indexing, querying, and data visualization. With more practice and experimentation, you can explore many more features and use cases of Elasticsearch to meet your specific needs.

