What are the new trends in Software Testing?

Prajakta Ganakwar
5 min readMay 20, 2022


AI in Testing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a new trend in software testing. AI can be used for regression and has the potential to help with testing because it can learn.

AI is a good fit for testing because it can do some of the boring and repetitive tasks that people don’t want to do, like running hundreds or thousands of tests which would take days or weeks for a human tester to complete.

AI also learns from previous test cycles and will keep improving its performance over time as more data becomes available. This means that you won’t need to retrain your AI every time there’s an update to your app, which saves you time and effort in building new features while still maintaining quality assurance standards across all devices/platforms using machine learning algorithms

Automation by Machine Learning

Machine Learning Testing

Machine learning is the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to software testing. In this context, machine learning means that a computer can learn from data and make predictions based on what it has learned.

In machine learning testing, you use software tools to create and evaluate test cases automatically. You can also use these tools to monitor your tests for bugs as they run on actual devices or different environments like browsers and operating systems to ensure that your code works correctly under all circumstances. Machine-learning algorithms are used to identify certain kinds of bugs in code, such as concurrency issues or memory leaks. It’s important to note that machine-learning algorithms aren’t able to detect all types of errors — they simply provide guidance about where bugs most likely exist based on historical data about similar situations in the past.

DevOps in Testing

DevOps, or a DevOps culture, is a collaboration between the development and operations teams that helps in improving efficiency and productivity. It also reduces time to market, improves quality, and increases efficiency.

A common practice in DevOps is continuous integration (CI) which allows you to automate testing by integrating changes into the software more frequently. In CI, all developers are responsible for writing code that works well with the existing system while they’re writing new features or fixing bugs. The idea is to make it easier for everyone involved in software development to testing their work as it’s being written — rather than waiting until it’s completed before testing takes place.

Testers' Roles and Responsibility

  • Testers' roles and responsibilities
  • Testers need to be more proactive. They need to be involved in the development process and not just at the end of it. They also need to learn more about coding and automation testing.
  • The whole concept of Test-Driven Development (TDD) is so popular these days because it’s all about allowing testers to become more involved with the design, while still making sure they’re able to test their own code effectively. If a team wants TDD, then the tester must have a good understanding of how the software works before he or she starts writing tests for it. That’s why having a baseline knowledge of programming languages such as Java or Python can help your team build better products faster — both now and down the road when maintenance needs arise!

Test Automation of Legacy Apps

Test automation of legacy apps is a new trend in software testing. The importance of test automation is not only to save time and money but also to make better quality software.

We can automate the testing process by writing scripts that validate the functionality and performance of our applications. This allows us to run repeated tests every day or whenever any change happens in our applications.

However, using tools like Selenium WebDriver or Cucumber is not always effective when it comes to testing legacy apps because they don’t know how these old programs work... You may have noticed this problem yourself when trying out some older apps on your smartphone — they just don’t work well with modern browsers at all!


AIOps is an application of AI, ML, and Data Science to IT Operations. It is the next generation of IT automation that uses big data and machine learning to automate the identification and resolution of common information technology issues.

IT departments have traditionally used manual processes in order to resolve bugs, errors, performance problems, or security breaches within their systems and networks. With AIOps however, these problems can be identified automatically through machine learning algorithms that analyze large quantities of system data (such as logs) with minimal human intervention required.

AIOps also allows companies to perform proactive maintenance on their infrastructure by analyzing historical trends in data usage patterns — detecting anomalies before they become major issues that affect end-users’ experience with your service.

Internet of Things (IoT) Testing

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity that enables these objects to collect and exchange data. IoT is everywhere — from your thermostat to your car and even the suit you wear at work.

The internet has changed how we interact with each other in many ways on a daily basis. It has also made it possible for us to have real-time access to information about our surroundings through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram; streaming services like Netflix; smart home devices like TVs or refrigerators that can be controlled remotely; fitness trackers like Fitbit; drones used for photography or videography; robotics such as autonomous cars or drones capable of delivering packages from online shopping websites such as Amazon Prime Now, etc., just to name a few examples!

While most people think about traditional types of testing when they hear about software testing, there are many new trends emerging in this field that will continue evolving over time due to the ongoing growth within technology industries worldwide (including Asia).

Virtual Reality (VR) Testing

Virtual reality (VR) testing is a valuable tool for software testing and quality assurance. VR can be used to test user experience, identify problems and bottlenecks in the user journey, assess usability and performance issues, as well as stress-test applications.

There are a number of techniques that can be used in VR testing including:

  • Environment Testing: This type of testing helps identify issues with hardware and software compatibility, integration with other systems or networks, etc. It also verifies that the correct infrastructure is in place to support the application being tested.
  • Stress Testing: This type of testing evaluates how an application performs under heavy load conditions by simulating large volumes of data requests or concurrent users accessing it simultaneously. Stress tests ensure that applications remain stable even under adverse circumstances such as when there are network failures or hardware failures within servers/workstations hosting them.

Performance as a Service (PaaS)

Performance as a Service (PaaS) is a new trend that has already started to take off and will continue to do so in the coming years. PaaS involves providing performance testing as part of an end-to-end service rather than being provided by different vendors.

One of the reasons for this trend is the fact that it allows companies to focus on their core competencies instead of worrying about other aspects like infrastructure and administration tasks. This helps them save time, money, and resources while still achieving results through automation and scaling capabilities without having any downtime during upgrades or maintenance activities.

The rapid pace of innovation, testing trends, and demand for quality applications show no signs of slowing down.

Software testing is an essential part of creating software. The rapid pace of innovation, testing trends, and demand for quality applications show no signs of slowing down.

AI and automation are part of this trend. Software testing tools are also part of this trend.

