Why Manual Testing is important?

Manual Testing is the process of manually testing software for defects. It requires a tester to play the role of an end-user whereby they use most of the application’s features to ensure correct behavior.

Prajakta Ganakwar
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2022


Manual testing is the process of manually testing software for defects. It requires a tester to play the role of an end-user whereby they use most of the application’s features to ensure correct behavior.

There are two types of manual testing: Whitebox and Blackbox. White box testers can see internal structures and components within the system under test (SUT), whereas black box testers only know what will happen when input is given. Manual testing is a time-consuming process because it requires human intervention in order for code defects to be found by testers.

Manual testing can be tedious as well as error-prone, due to its lack of automation compared with automated methods such as unit tests and integration tests

Manual Testing helps find bugs in the software system.

Software bugs are defects in the software. They may be obvious or they can be hard to find and fix. A bug could cause a program to crash, or maybe it won’t work as expected.

Whether you’re testing an app or a website, manual testers help identify problems before they become major issues for users. They use their experience with the product and its intended user base to see how it works in different situations (like on mobile devices). Manual testers also verify that all of the features have been implemented correctly by using them themselves!

Manual Testing helps finds out if all the requirements have been met or not.

Manual Testing is done by a tester or testing team. A test plan contains a list of all the test cases that need to be executed for a product to be called “complete”. When manual testing is done, it should be conducted in accordance with the test plan and other documents like user requirements and requirement specifications. Manual testing helps find out if all the requirements have been met or not, how well they have been implemented, and whether there is any gap between expectation & reality (for example: when users try using an application we can see how it works).

Manual Testing helps verify that the application is easy to use, understand, and meets its stated purpose.

Manual testing helps verify that the application is easy to use, understand, and meets its stated purpose. If your application does not meet its stated purpose, you may want to reconsider whether or not you should continue with the project.

When writing test cases for manual testing, always make sure that you consider how the user will interact with the product. Keep in mind what tasks they will perform and how they are likely going to feel while using your product or service.

With manual testing, you can find defects that are difficult to detect in automation testing and other types of testing.

Manual testing is important because it finds defects that are difficult to detect in automation testing and other types of testing. Manual testers can perform the tests on any software application irrespective of the platform or environment.

Manual testing is a cost-effective method of software testing, as it requires less time and effort than automation. Manual testers are skilled at identifying defects using different methods like test case design, documentation analysis, etc., which helps them understand how the software works. Manual testers find out hidden issues that may not have been found otherwise with automated tests alone.

Manual testers often use exploratory tests to verify their hypothesis about the defect’s root cause quickly without writing formal test cases — this saves time during execution as compared to writing formal test cases first before executing them later on during the execution phase which wastes lots of effort unnecessarily (time).

