Virtual assistant: 5 tips for the best collaboration

BPO & Remote Staffing Company
4 min readDec 9, 2019

Working together with a virtual Assistant and wondering how you can best tackle that? A virtual assistant comes in many different forms. From a personal assistant who takes over tasks on call to experienced professionals who help you grow and innovate.

To work well together with a virtual assistant, it is important to tackle the work from a clear strategy. So you can get started with more than one virtual assistant who occasionally takes over a task. From a strong foundation and a good basis, so that you get the hands free to grow and do business.

Virtual Assistant Services
Fusion Business Solution Pvt Ltd

What is a virtual assistant? Tips for working well together

Curious about what a virtual assistant is and how you can work well together? We have listed a few handy tips for you:

  • Build a foundation: a stable basis
  • Regular contact: informed
  • All data together: keep an overview
  • Give feedback: evaluate the work
  • Dare to let go: outsourcing creates time

Build a foundation: a stable basis

A good virtual assistant looks beyond a number of separate tasks, to be able to support you properly from a foundation and a stable basis. It is the focus that we have at Virtual Business Collective, with which, for example, we immediately find an hour for you within one hour. Important because you can really add value to your company at that hour.

From a stable basis and a good foundation, you no longer work on operational tasks that cost you too much time. A virtual assistant help you to plan how you work on tasks and ensure that you can organize the processes efficiently. For a team in which everyone has a task so that you keep your hands free to grow and innovate.

Regular contact: informed

Even if the foundation and basis are good, it is important to keep in regular contact. To outsource more tasks, to check how things are going and to share developments as quickly as possible as soon as you work with a virtual assistant, that influences processes within the company. Favorable effects to be able to grow faster, or surprising effects that you had not seen beforehand. By keeping each other informed regularly, it is possible to keep this in mind and make adjustments in a timely manner. Important, to prevent an assistant from ultimately not contributing optimally to growth and innovation within the organization.

All data together: keep an overview.

A virtual assistant works with various data sources and flows. It is important to keep that data neatly together as much as possible, at a central location. From a database or in an online overview that is clear to both the assistant (s) and you and your employees.

Create insight and overview of the data, so it is clear who works with what. That prevents things from being left behind or from being unable to work efficiently with them. It has to do with good planning and with clear processes, with which a virtual assistant can add important value to your company.

Give feedback: evaluate the work.

Good planning, an efficient process, and a productive team require feedback by evaluating the work, to indicate what is going well and where more attention is needed. To make the foundation and the foundation stronger, so that from there, it is possible to continue working on more growth and innovation.

Moreover, by regularly evaluating the work, it is possible to adjust it gradually. For example, to the growth and innovation that is taking place, because you have more time for it yourself. In this way, the work of a virtual assistant always matches the way you and your company develop. For more broad support, more than a personal assistant who occasionally takes over a few tasks without a clear plan.

Dare to let go: outsourcing creates time.

And the most important tip to work well with a virtual assistant? Dare to let go, by outsourcing tasks. This creates time that you can use to add more value to your business. For example, you can outsource accounting, just like social media management. Important tasks that need to be done, but with which you probably won’t add the most value.

By daring to let go and outsource more, you will notice that more valuable time becomes available. Something we can support you with a Virtual Business Collective. If you want to do that step by step, with steps that are realistic and results that you can measure. So that you can think further from the first results, to further grow and develop your company.

More than a virtual assistant: our FUSION method

We are not just a virtual assistant; we like to go a few steps further. We do this with our FBSPL method. We find time for your company, work on efficient planning, and help optimize processes. We provide an effective team to work productively, giving you the opportunity to grow with your company.

Curious as to how we go beyond what a virtual assistant does and how that will benefit your company? Please contact us to handle virtual assistant services related tasks & start your free trial now today. We are happy to show you how we help other entrepreneurs or come to visit you for an hour, in which we immediately find one-hour extra time for you.



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