7 reasons to get a virtual assistant

Shruti Baveja
Virtual Assistant
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2019

Helping businesses to grow, achieve more in less time and get mission-critical help to forge ahead, virtual assistants are the right choice for executives, busy professionals and enterprising entrepreneurs short on time, but big on vision.

Attaining the freedom and flexibility to thrive, virtual assistants offer businesses a chance to reinvent themselves.

Here are 7 reasons hiring a virtual assistant can be the right move for your busy professional practice or business.

Increasing Number of Challenges

If you have more work than you can handle in a day, and getting ahead seems tougher with each passing work challenge, it’s time to hire a virtual assistant.

Doing well financially, businesses need to break even.

If bills are accumulating, calls are not returned and data entries become a burden, break free with a VA on the job.

Feeling overwhelmed can be had for business.

It can keep you from performing at your optimal best.

It pays off to hire the best talent in the business and seek expert assistance to handle your time-sensitive tasks.

Short on Time

Busy, time-consuming tasks can be real killers when there are not enough hours in a day.

A true wakeup call is when you land in an office where the desk is piled up with paperwork, there are hundreds of unanswered emails and no one to pick up the ringing phone.

You need to hire a virtual assistant ASAP to clear the backlog and handle your lengthy, long drawn out work chores and tasks.

Caught In Monotonous Tasks

Consider the kind of day Tom Cruise’s character has in the movie Edge of Tomorrow and you’ll realize that you can’t be fighting the same battles every day.

Monotonous tasks require a special drive, persistence and motivation. This is why a virtual assistant is an invaluable asset for your business.

Now handle all the repetitive tasks and template work assignments and cut the monotony that comes with handling the same tasks day in and day out.

Keep Calm and Attain Work-Life Integration

Attaining work-life balance is passed.

The newest elixir of effective work functionalities is work-life integration and virtual assistants can accomplish this for themselves and their clients too.

Now, lead an enriching professional and personal life and get your life and work in line.

Core Tasks are Critical

When you don’t work on core tasks that are critical to your business, because you’re caught up in the mundane, it is important to stop and reassess the workload.

Stephen Covey talked about the 7 effective habits of highly successful persons and perhaps the most important one was working on tasks that are vital, but not urgent.

If you are swinging from one deadline to another, without adding value to your professional and business practices, it is vital to hire a virtual assistant.

Handling a Growing Business

While a growing business should be a cause for congratulations, it can turn out to be a source of problems too.

Why should a virtual assistant be the solution to your problems?

Well, with a cost of 20% of the in-house employee, a full-time virtual assistant can make for exponential growth and enhanced quality of life.

Do Your Tasks Better

This can be a tough one for entrepreneurs and professionals who thrive on the Superman Syndrome.

You cannot be everywhere at once or excel at all tasks.

Delegating those which you cannot handle is important.

Learn how to excel by letting go.

Employees cost more than their salaries.

They don’t work full hours courtesy office politics, traffic jams and water-cooler conversations.

Firing people comes with its own costs too. Personal budgets cannot and should not stifle growth margins.

The Bottom-Line

To be more productive, you need to cut down on work stress.

Helping clients to be able to move the needle, virtual assistants are up to helping in everything from administrative tasks to accounting, bookkeeping, real estate, email marketing, content and social media management, travel and booking requirements and so much more.

Eliminate the hassles of hiring, selecting and on boarding full-scale assistants.

Opt for a full-time virtual assistant instead and get the best person to offload overwhelming workloads to, while you work on core tasks that matter most.



Shruti Baveja
Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant. Assisting Entrepreneur and Small Business owner in growing their online business.