Methods of Register — An Issue Register.

A Civic Report on Towards the Reduction of the Ancillary Powers and the Decision-Making by the Private Companies and State Authorities.

Ancillary Industries that distribute Power.

Aswin Vijayakumar.
Published in
Sent as a


25 min readFeb 9, 2024



The study protects and builds some solid foundations on accessing a service-oriented government of the United Kingdom. Through the process of constant Data Gathering from the month of January 2023 to September 2023, a new 7 steps workflow evolved. The collected data in the form of documents, images, and information on relevant entities in this report are extracted into meaningful information. The presentation of the report uses some text-based recognition that involves segregation of content into topic, purpose, and other metadata. The study exposes what are Ancillary Processes and conducts deep study on the behavioral impacts of ancillary processes in place with the Government. Alongside, ancillary processes some issues and risks are also registered that are part of activities involving a decision-making by the public sectors and under the influence of state authorities.

The research report proposes a Latent Semantic Analysis Vector Method and a Tf-Idf Method to produce outcomes through processes such as Excoriation and Collation using Data Mappings that could be produced through a Scale from Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).

Background of this Report

The Viva from MSc. Dissertation of Data Science provided a strong belief in the work involved in-relation to working with Machine Learning Models, such as the integration of DevOps within Data Analysis and Data Science. This is mostly termed the MLOps.

Dating back around 15 years, one of the legislations introduced by the United Kingdom refers to the usage of the Ancillary Powers in one of its Carbon Budgeting Regulations. The prototypes our Team presented at two major competitions: The DigitalGovHack WSIS Forum 2023 Hackathon and The SAS Hackathon 2023 has an association to a subsidiary idea, CLINTx which is involved in Monitoring CO2 emissions through Computer-Vision. To impact the climate change, the activities conducted by businesses results in dumping the CO2 wastes into the atmosphere affecting the artic zones. As per the recent visualization on greenhouse gas emissions across trade sectors, the energy sector comes at the top with 73.2% usage. We drew a tabular format for representing the carbon emissions impacting the atmosphere.

The recent IoT, Internet of Things, improvements from the introduction of the Climate Change and Science Act in the United States have impacted some Chinese manufacturers to come up with Chicklets to the Industries. During my MSc. Data Science Dissertation involving “Addressing the Concept Drift in Face Recognition Models” opportunities to involve the IoT and Edge computing was limitless. One of the proposals towards Drift Detection on Edge Computing Devices involved integrating the model inside the camera and allowing the filters and the trained model to pass through a workflow.

Distribution of greenhouse gas emissions across the trade sectors.
Distribution of greenhouse gas emissions across the trade sectors.
Tabular Format for representing the carbon emissions impacting the atmosphere.
Tabular Format for representing the carbon emissions impacting the atmosphere.


An Ancillary Process involves the state or government acting or controlling the sector for the purposes of Grants and contract making. Such powers enable the Committee to gather data, conduct analysis and perform research through the Committee involving the Business Activity or Trade Activity.

The Ancillary Process are seen in Ancillary Healthcare too that involves the Health Sector utilizing its resources such as People and Systems to conduct research, analysis and gather information. With new technologies such as the ChatGPT and Generative AI, that has come into the radar, Question-Answering, Text-Completion, Image-Captioning, Image-Generation, Paragraph-Semantics, and other NLP (Natural Language Processing) tasks could be conducted.

Recently, the Ancillary Healthcare was observed during my study with legislations and speaking to external agencies such as the NHS and NHS England. Ancillary Services operating at the Transportation sector regulates and maintains operational efficiency, safety and stability to the Frequency, Inertia, Voltage and Reserve Storage. Developments in Information Systems have enabled the Governments to control the Parameters involved. Many Standards suggest the supporting Digital Information Products could be from the data and analysis obtained from these Ancillary Services.

As per the paper, Hasan Yasdifar et. al., a power mobilization framework works with the analysis and development of processes such as emergence, continuity, and change.

In the same paper, a parent-subsidiary relationship is mentioned discussing the utilization of resources impacting the management accounting of functions through time.

Intermediary Analysis

In the Intermediary Analysis section, there were theoretical study conducted, practical approaches used to solve problems and further research-oriented study conducted to understand how the business should function internally. The business had external agencies and organisations involved in contract making and competition participation. During the operation of the business through the accounting phase, it observed a reduction in the allowances allocated to the business over a year. There was a loss of approx. £460,000 from a total allowance of £2.5 million allocated for a year. As the next phase is the Seed Investment Funding, such allowances loss caused drastic impacts in further operations of the business.

During the business operational phase, a new operational strategy is introduced into the business with the purposes of limiting by guarantee or limiting by shares, using a Community Interest Company (CIC). The CIC companies also stated the Employment Intermediaries which regulate the contract making for the business. It has been explained from the fact that any Ancillary Process deals with providing gifts, making contracts, acquiring & disposing property, borrowing and investing in markets such as money markets and capital markets.

Images of Employment Intermediaries, @Source: Gov.UK.

Recently, the eBPF Toolkit was explored in a Hackathon by Intel to construct an ethernet frame. The proposals made at the Intel oneAPI Hackathon represented the Vision-based Processes involving networking information exchanged through Routers, Servers, and IoT Devices. Several Applications require a Private and Secure Data Packet Transfer or a Private and Secure Data Exchange method to send data. Such data exchanges could be used for Discoverability as well as used within Exchange Servers to promote a Private and Secure Data Transfer. Some of the considerations are Software Defined Networking (SDN) with Control Plane and Data Plane inside Routers and Switches. Such devices meet accountability through control, data and application plane.

During research a paper on Algorithmic Regulation was found by King’s College London and London School of Economics presented as a dissertation paper of Leighton Andrews et. al. 2017. With Algorithmic Regulation, it is possible to play a gap in the market role with Computing Systems involving Quantum Computing due to an increase in a variety of algorithms.

In 2016, a roundabout in New Delhi became a spectacle of discussion within a Focus Group, and there were discussions on where this could be located inside Delhi precisely. Moreover, it is observed that there are at least 8 exits to the roundabout in the Centre of Delhi Region annotated to be near a Metro Region.

As per the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) terms and drivers training rules, the stopping distance between two consecutive cars is approximately 2 seconds at a speed of 60 mph. These formulations originated from a distance factor which is inversely proportional to the square of that measured distance. The same goes true for Light Intensity in Lux. and/or a convection heat exchange from walls represented in an inverse square equation by reducing the other factors.

A Roundabout in New Delhi with 8 Exits.
A Roundabout in New Delhi with 8 Exits.

Consider, vehicles are approaching at the roundabout with varying distances to the centre of the roundabout one at a time. At every location identified by the vehicle position, the pivot on the vehicle could change based on a priority such as Ambulances, Fire & Safety, Police Vehicles, Fuel Transport vehicles and Other Passenger vehicles such as Load Carrying and Regular. Prioritizing an approach will result in prioritizing 8 exits at different durations over a period of time. The below metric displays such an event occurring.

Inverse-Square Law as a Metric.
Inverse-Square Law as a Metric.

Taking differences of such a metric is shown as below:

Differences of Inverse-Square Law as a Measurable Value.
Differences of Inverse-Square Law as a Measurable Value.

A Flux Gradient is calculated by taking the product of such Differences at Intervals with itself. And the Double Differences, also termed A Hessian are calculated by taking the differences of the differences over that period of time.

Left: A Flux gradient and Right: Differences in Convection Heat by Distances.

Another example with a room and any 4 wall points following a convection relation is presented above. The surface area on the internal walls of a room or property designates the heat content retained inside the building. The ratio of the surface area of the walls and the floor area denotes the heat retaining capacity of the room(s).

The services offered by Ancillary, Fire & Safety, Administration, Some Pharmacies and Car Hire are some of the examples of Ancillary Services. Ancillary Services are associated to the Ancillary Processes that produce an Operational Efficiency. In-effect Ancillary Processes are associated to a Material Movement involving a Supply Chain or Transport within the sector of work.

One of the examples I have encountered in my Startup Business Plan to be presented here are:

The Material — Table with Purchase Orders, Activities.
The Material — Table with Purchase Orders, Activities.
Construction Site — Movement of Piling Cage Material involving 2 Cranes.
Construction Site — Movement of Piling Cage Material involving 2 Cranes.

These two pictures discuss about a Tabular Metadata involved in the Movement of Material on a Case-by-Case basis: (1) applied over a Construction Site, and (2) applied over an inspection of a Piling Cap.

A Room inside a Building with Walls.
A Room inside a Building with Walls.

Ancillary Services improve:

— The Selection of Sustainable Building Materials,

— The Assistance with Transportation

— Fire & Safety inside a Building

Ancillary Services require:

— A Large-Scale Data Storage

— A Large-Scale and Cost-efficient Construction Sites

— Efficient Cost-Management of Solutions without Issues

— Large Investments and Supported Frameworks

— A Deep-Understanding of the Implementation Impacts at a Location, Client, Contract and Labour.

— A Greater Management Overhead to get the Business Activities completed with Expected Quality.

Experiments Used

A visit to the Institutions, visit to Public Parks and Buildings, and to the places where security is of a concern a building surveillance legislation should be in place. Consider after migrating for job-seeking to any country with advanced regulatory frameworks, meeting a friend or a colleague from a former corporate organisation, while walking towards that place this would be treated as a surveillance matter.

1. A Card Reader Issue

Such a place with a security concern could be an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine), or a Hole-in-the-Wall. My observations for an ATM involve those with ATM Skimmers or without them as well as those that do charge a Transaction Fee as opposed to those that are free of charge. Having authentication issues could be treated as technical faults for most of the problems associated to the Internet. The former issue as stated is also let known to the Credit Reference Agencies, the details of the Bank Card.

Names in Experiments / Methods.
Names in Experiments / Methods.
Card readers / Screenshots / Also called Skimmers.
Card readers / Screenshots / Also called Skimmers.

2. Construction Machinery outside a Clinic during an Appointment with NHS

The Hospitals provide Doctor’s or Nurse’s appointments to perform tests and diagnosis. There are Multi-Speciality Hospitals that conduct blood tests based on online appointments. In one of the visits to the NHS (National Health Service) Hospitals, The Royal Surrey County Hospital (RoSCH), at Guildford a visit to NHS could be with pre-booked appointments as well as drop-in appointments based on a KiosK. As usual the NHS Outpatient Clinics, would have demonstrable information in the form of diagrams, charts and other graphics.

During the visit in November 2023 to the RoSCH, Guildford, there was huge sounds of a Machinery working such as a Mini-Excavator near to the Outpatient-Clinic for blood tests. Upon having the scheduled contract job, the same time work had to be stopped temporarily by the operator. I also took a picture and annotated it with a possible scenario of Radio-waves based Surveillance like RaDAR operating for the Site monitoring purposes. Considering Open-Space availability and the location of the Outpatient-Clinic the possible RaDAR waves should go through as shown in the below diagram to attain maximum performance such as through Hops, to eliminate any gaps Beyond the Site. Please see the annotated figure(s) below.

Machinery Outside and an Expected LiDaR or RaDaR Monitoring.
The Left Annotation shows an Estimation of Such an Activity in Space.
The Left Annotation shows an Estimation of Such an Activity in Space.
Machinery and Notice Board inside NHS Clinic Visit.

3. Fraud in a Penalty Charge Notice

Parking within a Residential Parking Permit Issuable Street is considered safe. The analysis of such a possibility of fining the Tenant parked beside the Derby Road area, is found to be conflicting with the presented Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) issued by the London Borough of Hounslow. The self-analysis involved reading through the legislations Traffic Management Act 2004 and Road Traffic Act.

An Initial Analysis on the Acts gave insights into how the Penalty Charge might have been issued to the Vehicle with an observation time of 3 mins. and the remaining 2 mins. for the specified residential matters that could be involved. Further research was conducted and drafted on the community guidelines for issuing and responding to the Parking Ticket fine as per the London Borough of Hounslow Guidance Policy. Several steps discussed about a neighbour or residence discretion and some other points in the policy spoke about loading or unloading of the vehicles nearby the area.

The Penalty Charge Notice was issued to the Vehicle at around 11 am in the morning and identified at around 3 pm same day. Soon after obtaining the PCN Ticket, the nearby police station was approached to question about the ticket for claiming the wrong location being displayed on the Ticket.

PCN Fraud and Ticket Issued.

The PCN Ticket requires identifying the parking error, but there were no loading vehicles nearby the extended parking that stood outside of the regular parking bay. The Contravention Code: 01 looked debateable and was appeal with a successful response confirming the PCN Ticket was Fraudulent due to an Error in the Location. A Supporting Statement in the form of a One-Page report was also provided. An article intended to talk about Anti-Social Behaviour on a Street or a Deviation in the Observed Stock at a Location was presented at the blogging site through Personal and Company Branding Publishing.

A Road that is marked by Beyond Derby Road, after the article @Courtesy:

A Road that is marked by Beyond Derby Road, after the article @Courtesy:

4. Topping Up My Power Meter

The tenancy at the Property at 31DERBYROAD, started from: 6 Jan 2023 onwards, and the contract ended 5 Oct 2023. Each Flat has associated shared Power Meter at the Kitchen, usually shared by 3 households situated at the Ground Floor. The tenants have identified the HMO (Houses of Multiple Occupation) 2023, violation of offering to 3 or more households a common kitchen. As contracts could differ based on tenancy, a difference of opinion and a conflict of interest could arise.

The topping-up meter is usually topped-up from £15 to £25. After availing the Voucher codes from the Power Distributor for a certain period of tenancy, top-ups are generally initiated by the Tenant. One of the top-ups from a shop in Hounslow in July 2023 resulted in a reduction from £15 displayed as per the meter to about £2 within the meter itself. An update was made over a phone call through an online registry that contained about £500 in credit to £2 in actual observation.

Actual Top-Up Intended with a Credit Update over the Phone.
Actual Top-Up Intended with a Credit Update over the Phone.

Another observation regarding a recent media report is that of the Lithium Deposits found near the Pakistan Border. Lithium is used to manufacture Battery using Stored Charge. As per the report, this has created India one of the greatest manufacturers using Lithium Deposits.

Lithium Deposits found near India Pakistan Border.
Lithium Deposits found near India Pakistan Border.

5. Share code of the Passport

In the Late October 2023, after the Magistrates Court Case with the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency), the share code of my British passport was found to be invalid. Upon making a call to the HM Passport Office, it was known the Passport Details do exist in the Specified Name, but the share code from the website never showed any passport record.

This allowed the Passport to be discarded over Royal Mail through a Passport Enquiry Online. The picture below shown are the Attributes of a Passport annotated through Optical Character Recognition (OCR) or in-effect Character or Text Recognition through Computer-Vision. A Change of Passport Number has invalidated the Passport.

Passport Detected through OCR.
Passport Detected through OCR.

6. All Pay Card Fraud as HMCTS

After October 2023, the Magistrates Court Case, with the Uxbridge Magistrates Court, the settling of a sum of £200.00 with the Court directly resulted in a couple of letters issued. The first letter was explaining about Payment in the description with addressed by details originating from: Camberley, Mitcham, London with a non-existing Central Fines Unit. After confirmation from LCCC fines of HMCTS this was verified as a letter from White Business Park. All Pay Card Ltd and HMCTS was finally destroyed physically after registering the 19-digit card with the All Pay Card digitally. This reminds me of Vedic Mathematics a calculation of 19 inverse up to infinite number of decimals through a short-cut formula. Pictures attached below are that of the card.

All Pay Card Ltd — HMCTS 19-digit card.

7. Change of Door-Lock for A Key Access

A change of the door-lock for external key access to a property has been noticed. This is changed without being accountable for remaining liabilities to be covered by the business entities, on giving a set of complaints to the governmental organisations, banking organisations, the council, property maintenance and the facilities management. This change is observed to have impact on the duty of care and obligations of the Property Maintenance towards the tenant. For such changes, a potential usage of Ancillary Powers is seen. There was a £245.00 payment towards change of door lock code or accessing flap door lock to obtain the keys to side entrance and exit to the garden. An insurance claim was also sent for processing such that the lack of providing door-code access keys, and other issues are claimable for. This issue of Ancillary Powers is to be addressed through already available services, and blockades for such are found to be dependent in nature.

An example of a Potential Ancillary Service that may have caused Doors to be Locked.
An example of a Potential Ancillary Service that may have caused Doors to be Locked.

Methods Used

Data Collection Method

While conducting the experiments and performing a data analysis, there were several data collection techniques used. They involved phone calls, email communications, sharing data and information across channels including social media, Google Photos Albums, Google Groups maintaining a little bit of anonymity, interacting with peers in the industries and taking part in events. The steps that were followed is documented in at least a 7-step process:

(1) Discover,

(2) Excoriate,

(3) Collate,

(4) Collect & Aggregate,

(5) Acquire,

(6) Delivering, Testing & Reporting, and

(7) Expose

Process Methodology.
Process Methodology.

The Dataset

The dataset contains a list of assorted documents that are regulatory in nature, involving governmental departments collected over a period. The documents are in the format of PDF (Postscript Document Format), Images and Photographs. The documents are written in English Language, with a couple of images in some. The Mindee and MindeeAPI allows the Structured capture of Documents in Headers, Rows and Footer. The Structure of the document consists of:

The Header would consist of:

1. Topic, and

2. Purpose,

The Body of the Documents would consist of:

1. Description, and

2. Addressee,

3. Addressed By

The Footer would consist of:

1. First Emailed On

The Structure of the set of documents are captured at Mindee as shown below:

Documents’ Structure.

The Dataset consists of 74 Documents annotated.

Managing Client Cases with a Work-Context Diagram

A lot of documents gave rise to business entities providing descriptions of information. All content is text-recognized through a MindeeAPI. The client case management (CCM) is performed through Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms for arriving at a spectrum of issues found from the documents. The work-context diagram provides the work taken in routine steps alongside the adjacent systems. Gritting of Salt observed on Roads is a typical example of a work-context connecting the lorry dumping the gritted salt, the weather monitoring stations deployed and the work itself responding to business processes and elsewise.

The work-context for case management involves making an appointment, assigning the client to an advisor, an advisor talking about the issues faced by the client, the client obtaining help from the advisor and case manager regarding emailing required, drafting an email, negotiating the terms, resolving the issues and finalising the case. The CCM idea is presented here using an Open-Source solution, Mindee.

Client Case Management (CCM) and the Process.
Client Case Management (CCM) and the Process. Project Management

In this study, PRINCE2 Project Management Methodology is used to document Issue Register, from Case Studies and Create a Risk Register. Gathering all the documents after applying OCR Recognition ensures the dataset is complete and trained. The dataset with a Trained model recognizes new document once uploaded by categorizing the inferences into a format pre-designed through the Mindee. Every document text inferred through Mindee is separated into:

a) Purpose, and

b) Topic

Purpose and Topic on the Left and other Attributes on the Right.

The entire one-page screenshot of the document is text-recognized in Mindee using a left-hand side preview of the document alongside a set of attributes at the right-hand side. Some of the topics at the right-hand side of the Mindee Trained Inference Window consists of:

Summary of Findings from Methods

1. Escalation of issues on reporting

From the methods, a couple of things are deduced. Ancillary Powers are extendable and they are mostly difficult to control. Ancillary Powers are generally associated with Ancillary Processes but when such issues are raised, there are no proper means to handle them. From Property Ombudsman Issues, Utility Issues and Tenancy Issues effective measures must be in place before-hand to discuss and arrive at a conclusion very early in the process. The process of complaining an issue escalates itself at every step of the process.

2. Internet and Power-Grid Anomaly in Credits

Consider, experiments numbers. 3 and 6, they are having an additional workflow, that should not interfere with the usual routine. The experiment number 3, is associated to share code of the Passport getting changed in the Gov.UK website retaining the value of the code same in the office Information Systems. This is found to be a database code value change connected to the Gov.UK website. Another anomaly observed in this list of experiments is the experiment number 6, that details on the change of power meter top-up value after topping-up the meter through a purchase bill. These anomalies are connected to cyber incident(s): first one being an internet anomalous-behaviour resulting in a change of value, and another one being a power-grid systems anomalous-behaviour resulting in the fall of credit value shown at the power meter.

3. NHS Visit and the Appointment

Making an appointment with the NHS for an Outpatient Clinic involves the Internet and a couple of websites and emailing. Information Systems that are being used are inter-related through services, and such observations are at the Companies House website where if mistakes are occurring, the site itself suggests us to possibly register through a LTD. (LTD with Dot) Or LTD or Limited Company. This is seen through a Dropdown with a change to a legacy User Interface (UX). Such offerings make the Information Systems proceed with a cheaper and less reliable methods of communication, making it aligned to a Fraud offering.

Power Meter Shown in the Report.
Power Meter Shown in the Report.

4. Card readers and Skimmers

A Skimmer is usually considered as a Scam and this is because they read the card details and information during authentication and is possible to have the transactions tapped through Wireless Technology. A skimmer attached Hole-In-the-Wall Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) Systems is usually bearing a transaction fee of about £1 to £2. The fee involved does provide some amount of Privacy when the skimmers could be wire-tapped. Considering an enclosed ATM Machine with an optional Security Professional as an ATM customer chooses, any Intelligence matter such as observed in Information Systems issue with the NHS is not addressable as well. Some good standards connecting the Government, Ethical and Legal ones are essential to be in place, rather than only a Hole-In-the-Wall Surveillance behaviour.

Findings from Methods

The methods introduced involve some amount of data collection and understanding the business activities. The surveying and sampling techniques used involved organising the documents in approaching the Notary in London, approaching the Hounslow Heath Police Station to speak about a 5x5x5 Intelligence form. Communicating to the 5x5x5 Report Assessor involved a multi-stage process reducing the net number of Assessors from initial 5 to 2. A Reporting Officer was not provided by the Hounslow Heath Police Station and the completed form involved a former Professor in Mechanical Engineering at the BITS (Birla Institute of Technology), Pilani. The 5x5x5 Intelligence form was submitted to the Scotland Yard at a later date.

An A Priori of the Magistrates Court Case constituted collection of company data inside Companies House from the Property Maintenance, a Limited Company and HM Land Registry Information of 31DERBYROAD. The Posteriori Knowledge of Filing the Magistrates Court Case involved understanding the complaint in a dendrite format, also understanding the Court produced an Inadmissible Evidence, a Laptop, through a Video Call, which is only to be presented as an Exhibit. Finally, a set of recorded events that constituted to the creation of a Client Case Management (CCMIntel) originating from the idea of a Manifold, intended to create a measure for Risk Analysis.

A Priori Fact — A Posteriori Knowledge with a Demonstrative Evidence.
A Priori Fact — A Posteriori Knowledge with a Demonstrative Evidence.

1. Issue Register from Prince2

An Issue Register from the Prince2 Methodology contains a list of issues with people assigned to deal with the issue. An issue register will contain the degree of impact and the degree of likelihood, associated to the detection of such an issue and resolving the issue based on certain criteria. In this study, I present some statistics and criteria involved in forming the issue register. As per Case Management, an issue register is formed at a third-level of the Client Case Management Workflow Process. As per the workflow, the data workflow relevant to the Issue Register stage is Excoriate, whereas that for Risk Register is Delivering, Testing & Reporting.

Metrics involved in the Analysis of the Data Collected is defined using Term-Frequency vs Inverse-Document-Frequency. Some part of the analysis is also converted to a Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) vector. Tf-Idf provide ratios of relevance of a set of keywords or n-grams over a set of available documents inside the cloud repository. The corpus available for this NLP analysis is a text corpus based on en_web_core_sm. An Issue Register consists of a word or two-words that map to a floating-point value. The word-cloud formed can be prioritized using relevance and similarity indices. A sample issue register is provided below:

An Issue Register represented in a Tree Format.
An Issue Register represented in a Tree Format.

2. Capital Movement

From research and study conducted on the Property Management, it is understood that the Property has been sold to Kingsley DSM Ltd through SRJ Accounting. Then, the property was managed by Easy Estates Group as the Maintenance Team with Hampshire Heights Ltd as the Lettings Agency. The Property 31DERBYROAD, was bought for a sum of 440,000 GBP in March 2022. Then, a debt was taken by Kent Reliance for a sum of 385,000 GBP by David Rosenthal, of Kingsley DSM Ltd in 6th March 2023. Mr. David Rosenthal works as a Tax official and is a Senior Director in his company. Due to the property offered being a violated property according to HMO (Houses of Multiple-Occupation) 2022 rules and regulations, two additional electronic equipments were provided having bought from purchase order(s) of BTS (Boots Order) Warehouse. Due to a PCN Ticket allocated to the vehicle and having found it is originated from a Fraud Allocation of Penalty Charge Notice, the risk on the Vehicle near the Property DERBYROAD increases. With the increasing risk, the impacts also increase due to a possible scenario of Neighbour Discretion.

As per the above finding, a capital of around 55,000 GBP was moved for the purpose of securing the Property Investment through a Loan. Whereas the Vehicle which was allocated the Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) was added to the 5x5x5 form to recommend to the Reporting Officer and state the value of Security for the Vehicle. This has formed a Liability within the Accounting Equation.

3. The Client-Case Management (CCM) Idea Applied to an AI Domain

Artificial Intelligence helps in the analysis of the Case written in plain text format, rich text format, word document and excel files. Case details are also written as attachments through a PDF document. PDF documents are parsed using parsers that use Bayesian Inference and Analysis, Text-Recognition and Document-Similarity and Indexing. Artificial Intelligence is focused on producing products and deliverables in services, and the dataset involved is focused on producing Digital Information Products (DIP) that benefit the Consumers.

Through giving complaints to relevant agencies and governmental organisations, concerning Property Ombudsman, Banking and the Council; escalation of Powers have not been Observed. The Client-Case Management (CCM) introduced here involves an Evaluative Cycle, that goes through the metrics, the hypothesis and the case studies. Aligning the metrics to the hypotheses provide us an ample understanding of the cohesion and coupling of the problem. A hypothesis conforms to a well-defined statement that is able to measure the validity and the reliability of an expected outcome. Here are the complaints provided with correspondence to the Client-Case Management.

4. CCMIntel

Out of these complaints what is understood are there are 6–7 Entities that Operate through a Cycle. And there is a final Ombudsman that receives the update. As per the UK list of Civic Bodies, there are 421 Civic Bodies including multiple levels of Ombudsman from a Police Ombudsman to the Property Ombudsman or the Property Redress Scheme (PRS). Client-Case Management with Intel focuses on a customer or Consumer Problem through Governmental Regulations.

What CCM brings to the Government and other Enterprise Agencies is:

1. A Dispute Resolution on Issues addressed by the Enterprise.

2. Supporting Exchange Servers through an Intel.

3. Dedicated Case Manager and Case Assessor for addressing the Problem.

4. Addressing Cost-Disputes in Industrial or Trade-Sector work ensuring the Process is Lean.

5. Potential Risk and Incident Reporting on Cases identified through Advanced Techniques.

6. Implementing a Feedback-System into the Case-Study in the CCM Process and after.

7. Knowledge Sharing on Losses and Risks Mitigated alongside CCM Process

4.1 Complaints Model

In the Complains Model, careful consideration was taken to set the components that go into the Top-level and the lower-level. Such as in a complaints process, the fine or a value to pay through either Credits or an Allowance, is typically not known but is proceeded with a best guess outcome. The Likelihood of an Event related to the components, the Impact and the Risks vary based on the complaints process. 7 of such components are holistically presented below:

1. Enterprise,

2. Facilities Management,

3. Accountability,

4. Vehicle Protection,

5. Local Council,

6. Bank, and

7. Ombudsman.

4.2 Work-out Model

In a work-out model, those components are flipped from bottom to top to complete the loop. This is to indicate the relative positions of:

· 1. The Bank,

· 2. Local Council,

· 3. Vehicle Protection.

These three areas are critical to our understanding of the progress of the complaint. The processes are inter-linked very much because of a validity problem, as online nature of problem-solving has ensured delivery without affecting other cases or clients.

The Complaints and the Work-out Model.

5. The Consistency and Concordance on the Sequence of Events

Consistency is a metric that is predominantly observed in Databases and Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMs). With ACID (Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability) systems and SOLID (Service OnLine Integrated Database) Methodology, the question to ask is whether the achieved Consistency is applied through Non-Violating Standards. During the Data Collection phase of the creation of the Client-Case Management (CCM) concept, the consistency in data exchange through communications and recording the collection of the data, was observed before the Accountability phase of the Project, EquipAny.

The metric Concordance is defined in several Mathematical Techniques, including Correlation and Coefficients. Some of the examples of Correlation Coefficients and Correlation Values are Kendall-Tau rank correlation coefficient, Spearmann-rank correlation coefficient and Pearson correlation coefficient. Concordance is simply defined by taking two column values and representing them in an aligned fashion such that the measure across the mapped values produce a meaningful information. SOLID applied on Big-Data use Semantic Methodology and Database Techniques over a Big-Data Framework and is observed to be applied before and after the ACID properties of the Database is addressed.

A Sequence of Events recorded in a Timeline is a useful technique to analyse what went wrong and what is to be accepted. Such a sequence of events is useful for a Client-Case Management Purpose for which the Data Process and the CCM Process must be applied over Standards that do not Violate, applied over the Ancillary Powers, so that there is Effective Reduction of Ancillary Powers concerning the Civic Bodies.

Sequence of Events Observed in this Example Scenario

A list of events representing contributory reasons for losses incurred over the period. These may not be caused due to Ancillary Powers or Ancillary Services, but this is an indication of such losses from Jan 2023 to July 2023. In July 2023, a letter on Account creation for the Top-Up key is arrived. A series of 9 such events are recorded.

FRAUD Events.
FRAUD Events.

Given below are Unexpected Trails involved in this Losses Declaration due to an Influence

In data science there are unexpected values. In this case, unexpected trials are prevailed to demonstrate there is some ambiguity in such deliberation of such events. As a matter of fact, I’ve observed two instances of power abuse using Ancillary Powers and Ancillary Services at the Property. Considering these two screenshots, the power meter read about 180 units initially when there was a disruption of service inside the power door. First instance, the door containing the power meter got locked causing the latch to be broken.

In the next instance, in July 2023, the credit inside the power meter was 500 units although the display showed only 15 in the top-up meter. At a later test on the access door to the property 31DERBYRD, the key to the door lock is found to be not matching the lock.

Names in Events.
Names in Events. — Unexpected Trails.

6. Hypotheses on the Findings

Cyber Crime is Significant and does Exist with a High Impact Through Violating Ancillary Services or Ancillary Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

Could an Eventual Consistency on these Surveillance Collected Data Match Our Present Standards for E-Discovery, Web3 and Web 4.0.

Could we depend on a Simulated Applications applied on Images to Eliminate any Legacy Systems that may act upon Surveillance to reduce the Ancillary Powers.

Restricting and Isolate the CRUD Operations on Systems such as ATMs and ATM connected Systems to only Create Operations.

This part of the Civic Report, was written for the purposes of creating a Business Resumption Plan (BRP) for the Business, HEAD SHIP LTD.

During this period, I worked with Intel, LEAP, @SAS , @RollsRoyce.



Virtual Court Room

Project, technical details and standards for Computer Vision and Data Science. Contact: