Ancillary Violations.

Ancillary Violations Observed across Material Transport, Equipment and Data Pipelines.

Ancillary Processes, Ancillary Services and Ancillary Equipment Observed During the Uxbridge Magistrates Court Case Heard on October the 5th, 2023 a Thursday.

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4 min readFeb 18, 2024



I came across the term “Ancillary” from the Climate Change Act 2008. The General Ancillary Powers is mentioned in Section 39, at Climate Change Act 2008. Ancillary Powers involve Accepting Gifts, Entering into Contracts, Acquiring, holding and disposing of property, borrowing money, and investing money.

The Committee associated to the General Ancillary Powers, will:

  • gather information and carry out research & analysis,
  • commission others to carry out such activities, and
  • publish results of such activities carried out by the Committee or others.

Only the Observations at the Property

31DERBYROAD, Hounslow from Jan 2023 — Sept 2023


1. From the Day 1, the issues populating at the Property was concerning the door-lock, upon sharing it in an email through a Plain Text Format. Without considering any GDPR violations, the door-lock code changed, and was later obtained at the Maintenance Team.

31 DERBY ROAD, Hounslow.

2. Power-Meter

2. Next, the issue was concerning the Power outlet door at the Property. The Power Meter initially displayed as 180 GBP and the Tenancy had 67 GBP as a Voucher with Top-Up Key. Usual Top-Ups would be limited to 10-15 GBP. Around the Second Day of Stay, the Power outlet door got locked from Inside and the Maintenance came to the Property to break-open the Latch. Below you can see the Photographs of the Maintenance working on the door latch.

Power Outlet Door — Including Top-Up Key, 31DERBYROAD, Hounslow.

3. Vehicle-Related

3. Then, the next issue was about the PCN (Penalty Charge Notice) Fraud exposed and found after a notice was placed at a vehicle with a wrong location. The method of Data Collection was reported to be the reason for the wrong location placed at the PCN Ticket. As CCTV Cameras have evolved, some of the Observations could have been checked through Ground LiDAR or RaDAR based methods. Some of these violate Ancillary Services offered through out, and must be cautiously applied as it is an investigation matter.

London Borough of Hounslow, LA15 EZW — NJX1354357, PCN Number: NJ3784459A; PCN Ticket and PCN Ticket Fraud — Communicated to the Police & Ombudsman.
An Apology Letter from London Borough of Hounslow.

After, giving a Forensics Report, the PCN Ticket Filing Account was taken off by the London Borough of Hounslow.

4. Power Virtual Credits

4. Then, in July 2023, there were Power-mishaps at the Property 31DERBYROAD, which caused a display of 15 GBP at the Top-Up Key Power Meter to reduce to 2 GBP after a Top-Up.

Power Top-Up using Top-Up Key.

Couple of my favourite shopping centres used to be Asian and Indian Food Markets.

Power Meter, Readings at 12:45, 14:55 and 18:54.
Letter to 31DERBYROAD, Concerning Creation of a Power Meter Account., 25 GBP — for Utility Bill.
The Uxbridge Magistrates Court, London.; and OVO Energy Postage.

5. Door-Lock Keys Access Through Access-Code

5. In July-August 2023, I’ve paid a sum of 214.80 GBP towards TIMPSON Locksmiths, through LoPay Ltd, for securing the access to the Safety Doors at the Exit and Entrance.

The Company Name was TIMPSON Emergency Services Limited paid on July 14th 2023. As per the photographs attached, the below images correspond to Flap Door Keys and the Invoice Paid through my Wise Bank Account.

TIMPSON Emergency Services Limited.

Such Ancillary Violations are Demonstrated Below:

