AI, boobs, and representation

Virtual Invitation Only
4 min readOct 11, 2022



I just wanted to rant about boobs, AI, and representation but in a way that might define and hopefully help someone with their own words and feelings.

This medium is so cool…

From the paintings, the anime, and the videos, I think the discussion focuses too much on the standard artist’s perspectives and monetary issues related to that when we should be focusing on how it will actually help, how this medium will change art forever.

The cat is already out of the bag; the models published on torrents, now we have to talk about an AI-generated art future.

I want to focus on how it’ll help people of other body shapes. I also want to talk about the big boob renaissance that’s — currently — infecting twitter and its interpretation to many women. Not just with NSFW content but an actual representation of how busty women are presented.

I hope people are inspired to see more representation of stupidly thicc women in a light that isn’t inherently lewd, just part of the story.

I’ll shout out to Stephen Erikson for giving me my first taste of that in Malazan Book of the Fallen, where there are busty, competent characters where boobs are not their only quality or their entire personality.

The characters are tragic and hot, but it is only said in passing what they look like, so any scene is much more desirable than it ever could be because it doesn’t feel like a male fantasy but a character who happens to have those qualities.

I like to see myself in this medium.

So, I hope not to come off as some puritan going, We need more busty representation!!1!!11!!, like some Twitter user.

I hope to see characters that are well proportioned, that actually fit into the story, and are real people with ambitions and feelings. Or, in AI’s case, medieval paintings, medieval art, medieval anything.

I cannot run, and my breasts get in my way of many things (I had to quit all most sports over it), but there is also some good to it. Breasts are soft, have great pockets, and people like me over them. It isn’t entirely a bad thing. It’s okay to sometimes think about people from one aspect, especially if we enjoy that side of them and can appreciate that side. There is so much more to them, and if we look into the deeper past, they were revered; at least, my interpretation of some of the more motherly portrayals in religious idols.

When I write busty characters or put them in paintings.

I see pessimism online about big boobs, such as back pain, that makes me roll my eyes. It’s so reductionist to throw it all down to nuisance or annoyance when there are more levels.

‘You should get a reduction, I have been told by other women my entire life and a few men, and throughout most of that time, I agreed, but recently over the past two years have learned to embrace them, enjoy them, and frankly, love them.

I like my shape, it is mine, and no one can take that away from me.

Cultural Impact

The other thing that I see missing from this AI debate is the cultural aspect of body shapes that have influenced media of the past, such as paintings and literature, where everyone was smashed down into the same body type throughout cultures, mainly because that was only the natural types people looked at throughout most of history (That we know of).

We think of big boobs through the lens of plastic surgery.

Honestly, the smaller busts are not actually that busty, like with Scarlet Johannsson.

The reality is that there are people with significantly bustier bodies who’ll likely never see the light of day in Hollywood without it being some wench portrayed on Game of Thrones.

So when I post busty art, it isn’t just that ‘oh, boobs’; it’s deeper than that. But it isn’t entirely about representation either.

It’s about that human element and empathy.

The debate is sad sometimes.

People interject their opinions on something they hate. It’s as if they have tailored their feed to only the things they hate.

They cannot just enjoy things in front of them without reducing them.

When people talk about a character's bust size, they reduce the artwork to their boobs, even when intending not to. In saying, ew, her boobs are too big, or this wouldn’t be the author’s or painter’s original intentions.

They’re reducing it down to boobs… again!

We cannot reduce it to boobs in that negative light or any debate into the purely negative. We need to appreciate more, especially AI paintings and media that will soon be indistinguishable from traditional art (As some already are).

It isn’t like I am against NSFW content or don’t want to see well-proportioned characters sexualized.

There’s always a place for it.

Don’t twist my words by thinking this is the ONLY way, and my way is some single-lane highway.

I cringe when writing this since I feel this is some obvious first-world problem.

I’m no world changer.

I’m doing this in my part-time and just having a little rant. Hopefully, I can put down words that might enlighten, educate, or entertain someone about this tiny issue.

Thank you for your eyes in reading this.

I hope this article helps.

