Wholesome World of LewdTubers

Creation Web Novel Studio
Virtual Invitation Only
3 min readSep 19, 2022


Often, we think of “wholesome” when thinking of activities that are widely accepted by society, such as going on a walk or hugging a fluffy animal. But, I’d say that the world of lewdTubers is one of the more wholesome communities on social media.

@TiramisuBunnyVT @kitbashstudios

The word “lewdTuber” likely hasn’t become a term that’s widely known by those not already familiar with vTubers. Just like with vTubers, they are artists who choose to interact with their communities through an avatar.

What sometimes sets them apart is how they interact with the fans that follow them. While vTubers may talk about topics that are sexual, it’s not one of the main focuses. vTubers could end up feeling overwhelmed if things reach a level of lewdness that they didn’t anticipate.

A lewdTuber is an artist that embraces the idea of risque and sensual themes — creating an experience for their fans. Some have called it equivalent to the “girlfriend experience,” but this is usually used in a demeaning manner to frame the lewdTuber as not having anything to offer aside from what they provide — the term also insinuates their fanbase is people with no romantic experience.

@BrileyLessThan3 uploaded a video that concisely explained generally agreed-upon ideas of what is a lewdTuber.

Having delved into the world of lewdTubers, something that I have consistently noticed is a community where the artists often genuinely care about the health of those that follow them and have interacted with them in the past. This can be seen when a lewdTuber will offer advice out of concern.



It’s a surprisingly wholesome interaction, even when the lewdTubers share sensual artwork.


They will often listen to the people that follow them either on Twitter or on their streams (Twitch or YouTube). Many lewdTubers have had past experiences with relationships, a few even in committed ones, allowing them to provide insight to those having difficulties IRL (In Real Life).

LewdTubers will even try to help others who are curious about entering the industry — whether the interested artist feels it’s necessary to grow on social media or believe that the transition will align with their personality better.

They even help those in relationships where both parties are streamers.

For myself, I enjoy interacting with lewdTubers since I don’t have to worry about how the vTuber will view my artwork. Many of my characters are female that tends to lean on the more voluptuous side — similar to the artwork shared on social media by lewdTubers.

My artwork makes it difficult to interact with people not inclined to enjoy such content — from semi-erotic to erotic scenes. It’s likely the reason why I chose to create this publication, to help those unfamiliar with the community navigate around and offer to explain the environment.

If you’re interested, I’d appreciate it if you check out my web novel series, the longest original narrated web novel series on YouTube. Maybe even leave a like, comment, and — possibly — subscribe if you enjoy it.

Check out the other articles on Virtual Invitation Only. This is a publication created to offer a place for those who enjoy the sexual side of the internet and social media — presented in a classy manner.

Look forward to the future, where I hope to have interviews with those in the more adult industries on social media — usually connected to the vTuber community in some manner. I’ll be continuing to release more quality articles.

Feel free to send me a Tweet.



Creation Web Novel Studio
Virtual Invitation Only

Author of the longest narrated web novel series on YouTube. What would you do with unlimited power? YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CreationWebNovelStudio