XR is the new VFX? and how Katy Perry is making it possible

Tom Sharman
Virtual Library
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2020

I promise you this is not a clickbait title. Katy Perry is making huge moves in the immersive tech space with her impressive performance during the 2020 American Idol’s finale.

During her performance, Katy is transported from the usual set of American Idol into a cartoon-like wonderland that moves around her and adapts to the music.

The performance was a result of the show switching to a virtual format due to COVID-19 lockdowns. The show’s producers used augmented reality and virtual production technology to film the show remotely.

This was created using a green screen and virtual environments to place Katy in various scenarios such as a cartoon-like living room, a chapel and back to the ‘real-world’ of the American Idol set.

During an interview with BBC radio DJ Zoe Ball, Katy Perry reveals that the performance was captured on a massive green screen and enhanced with the immersive visuals in post.

On the technology, Katy Perry commented:

“There’s also going to be a performance, my very first big performance of ‘Daisies,’ and I just filmed it the other day on this incredible new technology; it’s augmented reality and virtual reality on a green screen. Someone set it up for me, I went in there, I filmed it, and then I left.”

VFX companies have used immersive technology in the past and we have seen a growing adoption of virtual production methods.

Virtual Production can be a faster and more streamlined solution for some use cases. Using tools like Unreal Engine to produce impressive results that can be viewed immediately and quickly adjusted. For example changing the background or lighting of a set without having to make any physical changes.

Check out Epic Games’ Virtual Production tools as an example of what can be achieved combining immersive technology and production.

Immersive technology also offers the ability to engage the audience and offer them a glimpse into the virtual world. Using AR filters on Instagram, Snapchat or TikTok you can give fans the opportunity to join your virtual space.

This continued advancement of the technology, and publicity from Katy Perry and American Idol helps to cement virtual production as a viable tool. It’s use case for live performance art could be powerful, especially with the ability to engage the audience and allow them to enter your virtual world.

Behind the scenes with XR Studios

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Tom Sharman
Virtual Library

Do stuff in YouTube, Social Media & Virtual Reality | Currently @VirtualUmbrella + @KatiePrice YT | Influencer Council @theBCMA