Animal welfare & Halal meat

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
1 min readMay 7, 2014

Today’s ‘The Sun’ headline screamed “Halal secret of Pizza Express”, in an effort we can only assume to anger their core readership into hating anything to do with Islam more than they already do. And this after social media went crazy about the news that some Subway restaurants in the UK were selling halal meat only, and removing from sale products which contain pork.

This all comes off the back of the Danish Government banning halal and kosher meat from being produced in their country in an effort to safeguard animal rights.

The word halal, due to ignorant media reporting, has become synonymous with animal cruelty and there are concerted efforts by some in the UK to also have meat produced in a halal manner banned here.

So in this Khutba we look at what the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) say about animal rights and their treatment, and show that the reality is that under Islamic guidance animals would suffer far less than they currently do at the hands of human beings.



Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque

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