Church to burn the Holy Quran

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
1 min readSep 6, 2010

So much for tolerance!

Jesus told his followers to turn the other cheek but this gentleman wants to burn the Holy Quran, as a way to commemorate 9/11. Dr Terry Jones, the attention seeking leader of the Church is no stranger to controversy having last year printed t-shirts with the slogan “Islam Is Of The Devil”, which were worn by members children to school.

But as was reported last year, there is one thing Jones likes doing more than burning books — and that’s making money. Reporter Megan Rolland delved into the church’s numerous for-profit business interests and found a church that local officials say may be violating its tax-exempt status. Perhaps he should have organised a burn your accounts day instead!

As Muslims say, that its great to have such a lofty teaching but what is the point when human beings are unable to follow it. Not only ordinary humans but even those who are religious leaders! Burning of the Holy Quran will not affect Allah, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) or the Muslim world’s faith in the truth of the Holy Quran.

What it will do is show these Christians in their true colours.



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