Fighting at meeting over status of Ahmadi

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
2 min readJan 1, 2016

From The Guardian:

A scuffle broke out on Tuesday between the two at a gathering of Pakistan’s Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) when the chairman, Mohammad Khan Sherani, called on the group to consider whether Ahmadis, who are declared non-Muslims by the constitution, should be considered murtads that have rejected Islam.

A declaration of apostasy by the constitutional body charged with advising parliament on lawmaking would likely put Ahmadis in even greater peril, given that many interpretations of Islamic law prescribe death for people who quit the religion.

Tahir Ashrafi, a liberal-minded voice on the CII, strongly opposed any discussion of the incendiary issue, prompting a furious confrontation with Sherani, who is also an elected member of parliament.

I wonder which Islamic doctrine these Muslims were following when they embrioled themselves in violence, in their Parliament no less, whilst trying to discuss the matter of putting into the constitution harsher laws on the ‘non-Muslim’ status of both Ahmadi movements.

Perhaps these Muslim clerics are unaware than even calling another Muslim a ‘kafir’ is stricly prohibited in Islam, let alone passing laws to do so.

Interestingly The Guardian goes on to say:

Pakistan’s 5 million Ahmadis already face considerable persecution because of their belief that the movement’s founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, was a messiah

For the sake of clarity it should be made clear that the Qadiani sect believe that Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a Prophet, and even go so far as to claim that if he was not then no Prophet has ever come to this World.

The Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam correctly assert that he was the Promised Messiah and that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was unequivocally the last Prophet.



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