Halal protesters to draw line at boycott of favourite curry house

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
1 min readMay 8, 2014

Protesters currently boycotting Subway and Pizza Express over their use of Halal meat have said they’ll still enjoy a Balti from their local curry house because ‘that is different’.

Having eaten Halal meat at curry houses for years, many of the protesters said boycotting their favourite curry would be stupid as “it’s made by foreigners anyway, innit.”

Unhappy consumer Simon Williams told us, “Curries are different, but you can’t get more British than a Pizza and a massive Subway Club sandwich, and that’s why I’m not happy.”

Yesterday it was The Sun and today it is The Daily Mail that is screaming about the halal meat we are all being forced to eat without our knowledge.

As “secret halal meat” gets more coverage than the horse meat scandal ever did, this satirical blog hits the nail on the head of just how stupid this furore really is.



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