Life is worthless in Gaza

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
1 min readNov 8, 2014

This is one of the most powerful and upsetting things I have read recently from someone living life in Gaza.

I have always thought that those who resort to violence or those who go as far as exploding themselves are sick and inhuman. But now I know how it feels to have nothing to lose but your worthless life. I know how it feels to be so desperate that you literally cry from disappointment when you actually wake up in the morning, and to spend the night before asking God for a last favor … to take your life because you’re just too cowardly to take it yourself. Gaza is no longer a city or a territory. It is a disease. It is an unbearable pain, an un-treatable wound. Gaza is the opposite of life, but at the same time far beyond death

As the Israeli and Egyptian Governments continual closure of borders make life in Gaza ever more unbearable Pam Bailey wonders ‘where have all the activists gone?’.



Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque

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