Live Broadcast: April 2016 Community Meeting

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
1 min readApr 3, 2016

On the first Sunday of every month we open up the doors of our Mosque in Wembley for our ‘Community Meeting’. This live service is for those of you who are unable to attend a Mosque in person, and for our members who are spread across the World.

Click here to watch our LIVE BROADCAST

This is, as always, a gathering which is open to all people, Muslim or not, and is a chance for people to come along and join in with our efforts to portray the true meaning of Islam, or just to meet new and interesting people and have a free hot meal.

Venue: UK Mosque (Wembley)
Time: 15:00 (BST)



Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque

A blog and twitter feed dedicated to discussing Islam. Working to portray the true meaning of the greatest religion.