Muslim women stopped from becoming Labour councillors

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
1 min readFeb 6, 2016

From the BBC News:

Muslim Women’s Network UK demanded an inquiry into “systematic misogyny displayed by significant numbers of Muslim male local councillors”.

“They don’t like women to be heard, to be empowered,” it told BBC Newsnight.

Jean Khote, a sitting Labour councillor in Leicester, said good women candidates were barred by the membership in some areas with high Muslim populations — and that was kept from people higher up the party.

The mindsets of the Muslim men who came from Pakistan are in full affect in local politics in the UK.

There is no room in Islam for this kind of systematic abuse of women, cultural mindsets like this though are hard to break and I believe that there is little chance these men will ever change their ways, but this being the UK, these women at least have a way to protest to have these matters investigated and hopefully changed so that the next Muslim women who wants to stand can do so without being threatened and slandered.



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