New Inventions

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
1 min readDec 4, 2013

Used for years as an excellent tool for Dawah activities, Islamic websites and social media have been proved as a perfect tool to gather support for the needy, after a successful campaign went viral to offer help for a Muslim heart transplant patient.

Maria’s case went viral at social media after her family launched a fund raising campaign beyond US to save the life of the 31-year-old Muslim.

Under the title ‘Heart for Maria Haroon’, a Facebook page was made to raise money for the operation.

Twitter followers were also able to make contributions for Maria through @HeartForMaria.

Every time something new is launched there is a debate in the Muslim community about whether it is halal or not. As the Promised Messiah Hazrat Mirza Ghulam ahmad said it is not the invention that is halal or not but its use.

The same applies to social media which has attracted a bad press many times. The above quote is a wonderful example of how it may be used positively for the benefit of humanity.

Original Source: On Islam



Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque

A blog and twitter feed dedicated to discussing Islam. Working to portray the true meaning of the greatest religion.