Qadianis threatened with expulsion for attending wedding

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2012

The marriage of Anas Malik P V and Krisula T P today turned out to be a low-key affair with even their immediate family members being forced to keep away from the wedding reception.

The close relatives of Anas, who belongs to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at in Kozhikode, stayed away after the head of Jama’at issued a diktat stating that they would be expelled from the community if they attend the function.

Mohammed Koya V (75), father of Anas, said his family is facing ostracism after the Ameer of Kozhikode Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat made an announcement last Friday calling for a boycott of the wedding reception.

Anas Malick had married Krisula, a Hindu girl, three years ago in a civil marriage. The two were living separately in their homes hoping that the marriage would be solemnized in the Muslim religious way with the permission of both the families.

Anas and family had applied to the Jama’at and were waiting for months to solemnize the marriage. The two families have now come together and a wedding reception was organized by Krisula’s family for the couple yesterday.

Mohammed Koya was on the verge of tears at the wedding reception hall as he sat amidst empty chairs Wednesday noon. He said that the last minute boycott call gave by the Jama’at came as a rude shock to him.

Shohaib P V, brother of Anas, said the family is planning to take legal recourse and approach the State Human Rights Commission. He said the family had expected 1,500 people for the wedding.

K M Ahmed Koya, Ameer, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Kozhikode, admitted that Anas Malik has been expelled from the Jamaat after his marriage with the Hindu girl. He however said that he had not given any call for social ostracism of the family.



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