Spain is inviting back Jews expelled from the country in the 16th Century. But don’t mention the Muslims

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
1 min readMay 8, 2014

But now Spain and Portugal want to make amends, so we are told. They will give citizenship — full passports — to the descendants of families expelled from their countries. The government regards the expulsions as “a tragedy”, or — in the words of Spain’s justice minister — a “historical error”. It was, of course, an ethnic cleansing, a massive crime against humanity, but don’t let’s expect too much from our Spanish and Portuguese friends, as there are, unfortunately, a few problems. For example: Muslims need not apply.

…But so far as he is concerned, the so-called “generous” offer from Spain and Portugal is not being made for reasons of conscience, but because Jews are “good with money” and will help the economies of these two bankrupt nations. “This is a decision based on economic need,” he writes. “And that is why no invitation was extended to Muslims. The return of Muslims would mean that tens of millions [sic] of people could claim citizenship but they would not be bringing in money.”

The Jewish “expulsion” is seen as a tragedy in Spain, so much so, that they want to allow Jewish people back into the country to become citizens. The belief being that Jews will bring wealth and prosperity to the country. As for the Muslims who saved the Jews in Spain and ruled a flourishing society there?

The Spanish Government doesn’t want them.



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