Sunni Justice

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
1 min readAug 1, 2011

In what Human Rights Watch called “a sad day for Indonesia,’ a court Thursday gave astonishingly light sentences to religious fanatics who led a frenzied mob that killed three members of the Ahmadiyah sect on video to between three and six months in jail.

An estimated 1,000 Muslims descended on the Ahmadiyah compound in the western Java town of Cikeusik in Banten province in February. The videotape, shot secretly, went viral across the world, showing the mob running down three men as they fled for their lives and beating them to death with rocks and sticks.

As hundreds of people prayed outside the Serang District Court, the leader, Idris bin Mahdani, was convicted of nothing more than illegal possession of a machete. He was jailed for five months and 15 days. Dani bin Misra, a 17-year-old who was shown in the film smashing a victim’s skull with a stone, received three months for manslaughter. None of the 12 who stood trial faced murder charges.

Whether Qadianis are Muslims or not is not the point. The point is that all the people of a country are entitled to justice without regard to race, nationality, colour, creed, sex or religion.

The above is another example of Sunni justice in a country in which they are the majority.

The full story can be read here



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