The Truth Triumph

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
1 min readFeb 5, 2015
The Promised Messiah said that as time goes on people will accept his interpretation of Islam, regardless of whether they accept him as the Messiah and Mehdi or not.

In the last few weeks we have seen that the most orthodox Sunni leaders, religious and secular, have accepted the Ahmadi interpretations in two areas.

The first is divorce. The traditional Sunni view has been that a man was entitled to pronounce the word divorce thrice and he would be divorced, even if the wife was not aware of it. The Council for Islamic ideology in Pakistan announced in the last few weeks that it has recommended to the Pakistan government to make this practice unlawful and punishable. It is worth mentioning that first family law reform implemented by the Pakistan government in 1962 was drafted by Mr Nasir Ahmad Farqui, a prominent member of this jamaat.

The second reform is related to rape-law. Last year the religious court threw out a case involving rape where the evidence was on DNA and not eye witness testimony of four people. A khutba was delivered from our UK mosque which criticised this decision and showed that DNA evidence is admissible. The Pakistan parliament has now passed a law enabling DNA evidence to be used to prove rape.

These incident prove the truth of what Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad said and quoted above.

If you cannot watch the video above, then below is the podcast.
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Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque

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