[Video] Lessons of Ramadan

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
1 min readAug 5, 2012

Mr Nasir Ahmad reflects on the lessons of Ramadan and shows that it is meant to inspire us to serve humanity. He pointed to the Holy Quran which says prayers of those who do not help humanity are wasteful. In support of this he quoted a hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) where on the day of judgement Allah will ask people why they did not feed Him or give Him water or clothe Him. And on people ask how they could feed him or clothe him Allah will say by providing for people in need. Mr Nasir Ahmad pointed to the New Testament and showed that it too has a similar message for humanity.

Please accept our apologies for the poor quality of the video, which was due to lighting issues on the day at the Mosque.



Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque

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