Wall of silence over sickening slaughter

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2012

The above photo is from @bilalazeez

Every time I gripped my pen to write about the most sickening murder, imagery of deceased Master Abdul Qudoos would incapacitate my fingers to paralysis and my senses to numbness. I, too, am considerably cognizant of my disability to meet with the requisites of this very sore subject.

The spokesman of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community — who is not deemed a reliable enough source by a bunch of human rights activists-cum-journalists — reported;

As my friend truly described that the facts of the case require no commentary, no analysis, no explanation; they are in themselves so harrowing and bleak that any further scrutiny would dilute the narrative of the despicable affair, I leave the agonies of Master Abdul Qudoos unto your ability of perception.

However, I may quote Malcolm X — an American black militant leader who articulated the concepts of race, pride and Black Nationalism in the early 1960s — say;

How, in literal sense, his words encapsulated the grieving affair of Master Abdul Qudoos by making the innocent guilty and the guilty innocent. This most nauseous murder was not the top-story for any of the avaricious media-tycoons for there were no bucks to be wiped off behind this “insignificant” story of the castrated community. A thousand examples could be cited when ‘the media’ made up mountains out of specks, but in the matter of remembering Qudoos it about-faced with the real mountains in sight. In media, I do not know what thing a ‘story’ needs to be called a ‘true story’. Unfortunately, the most discriminated are more discriminated by this discriminatory demeanour of these media-men. Qudoos was neither the first one, nor will he be the last one to be killed. Suppression, with novel ideas, of Ahmadis is something old fashioned still in vogue in Pakistan while the deadly silence from the media certainly aids to this sort of criminal abuse.

Of all communities and of all religious sects in Pakistan, Ahmadi Muslims stand out for their worthiest forbearance, and for their grandeur towards peace which is most desired by the rest of the world too. These are not merely words, but the reaction of Ahmadis towards their fathomless persecution should suffice to substantiate this statement; they face the terrible waves of rioting and arson, their assets are confiscated and they, due to their faith, perhaps forfeit their own right of life. Hence, they never retaliate like some other goons of their own country. They neither take up the cudgel in their hands roaming in the streets, nor do they ever use the filthiest of means to pay the oppressors back. Rather, they preserve temperance which is conspicuous enough among their other traits.

Following this heinous act of murder, some young men peacefully managed to raise their voices on Twitter so as to bring some awareness to the masses. But the response to this mildest call on Twitter was terrible. Some considered the campaigners as the cluster of swarming bees, others disregarded this heinous murder on the pretext of it being the flimsy one. This coldness turned into pain when someone reacted to this call for justice by saying that victims can suffer from psychological disorders when they develop a reactive narcissism that makes them seem like abusers.

It is noteworthy that if you had followed the trend #JusticeForQadoos on Twitter, I am absolutely sure you would have noticed that none of the members of Ahmadiyya Community had unleashed nastiness on their countrymen but merely demanded a judicial probe into this pathetic murder. Did the sloganeers of #JusticeForQadoos aim any of the ugliest of abuses, which you often come across on Twitter being hurled at peace-loving people or even at those who dissent in their views, at a single entity who could have abetted in this crime?

It is not of yore, when the activists spearheaded the awareness-campaigns on social media against the moral-policing of Maya Khan and subsequently made their voice heard and then happily acclaimed their success, too. I do not mean to depreciate their efforts of decrying this moral policing, but to me the murder of Qudoos is vividly more reprehensible than that of Maya’s vigilance.

It is too bad that you do not speak up for justice.

Original article



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