Welcome to 4.0

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2014

We’ve made changes

As you have all noticed by now we have changed the design of our site. When we started way back in 2006 the singular aim of the site was to be a place from where we could broadcast our Friday prayers live each week which back then was a complex and expensive thing to do.

Since then the site has grown and we started reporting and reblogging various news items to do with Islam and our movement, as well as editing and posting our own videos, initially hosted on our own servers and then later on Vimeo and Youtube. These additions meant that we needed to improve our site from a navigational viewpoint which we tried to do with re-designs in versions 2 and 3 and now a core principle in wed design focuses on readability and mobile responsive design.


Like many website we now have more people who read our content from mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, than on a traditional desktop and we needed to make sure that the site was best serving that medium of access. We also needed to make sure that the site kept up with backend web technologies as they advance as well as good design.

The new design is aimed to doing two important things — Firstly it makes proper use of white space and font types to help with readability across all platforms and secondly (and more importantly) it ties in well with future additions we have planned for the site.

Small changes

As the weeks go by you will notice small tweaks to this design as we work to get everything working the way we want (the search function for example). All of these are aimed at getting the site to a place which we are happy with and hopefully you as the reader will be happy with.

The future

We have a few things planned for the future of the site but the immediate target is to get an online shop launched from where our readers can buy physical books and download ebooks for free. We have been working on this for over six months now and are now very close to being able to launch version 1.0 of the shop. You will hear more about this in the coming months.


We are always happy to hear feedback, good or bad, so you can leave a comment below. Although we may not always reply, we do always read every comment that is posted.



Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque

A blog and twitter feed dedicated to discussing Islam. Working to portray the true meaning of the greatest religion.