Where Did Hilary Go?

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
1 min readMay 10, 2011

It is the image that has come to define a pivotal point in history, capturing the moment the deadly raid on Osama Bin Laden’s lair was watched in awe by the White House elite.

But it appears for one U.S. newspaper, a couple of the people sat with President Barack Obama in the Situation Room that day were not quite elite enough.

Brooklyn-based Hasidic newspaper Der Zeitung printed a story this week with a subtly manipulated version of the historic image — all the men in the photograph remain untouched but the two women in the picture have been Photoshopped out.

Photoshopped picture removing the women

It is thought the newspaper, which is written in Yiddish and serves a small part of the area’s ultra-orthodox Jewish community, removed the women because of religious issues regarding female modesty.

While Mrs Clinton is dressed in the picture in a full jacket, wearing a top beneath that covers her almost right up to her neck, the newspaper never intentionally prints any images of women at all in case they could be considered sexually suggestive.

More critical observers suggest the women have been edited by Der Zeitung, which translates as ‘The Time’, because of an ideological objection to women holding positions of power.

The Situation Room photograph shows President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and various other members of their inner circle watching Sunday night’s Navy SEAL operation, which ended with Bin Laden being killed.

The full article can be read HERE



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