Why so many Latinos are becoming Muslims

Virtual Mosque
virtual mosque
Published in
1 min readNov 2, 2013

Just as the U.S. Latino population is on the rise — Hispanics are now the nation’s largest minority — so is the number of Latino Muslims. And it’s not just a result of Arab Latin Americans emigrating to the United States.

According to organizations like WhyIslam.org, Latinos are one of the fastest growing segments of the Muslim community. About six percent of U.S. Muslims are now Latino — and as many as a fifth of new converts to Islam nationwide are Latino.

The American Muslim Association of North America, based in North Miami, says heavily Hispanic South Florida in particular is home to a rising number of Latino Muslims.

This article is a typical example that shows exactly why the West regards Islam as a threat. The reason is very simple. When people properly study Islam they embrace it and as the number of such people increases in the West, negative propaganda increases that it is a threat.

Original Source: AimIslam.com



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