VR Church (From Alpha to Beta)

D.J. Soto
Virtual Reality Church
2 min readDec 26, 2016

The next steps for The Virtual Reality Church Experience.

Many of our readers followed us as we launched The Virtual Reality Church Experience this past fall. It was awesome to experience church in a new universe. We met people from all over the world!

It has been really quiet? Is VR church still around?
Yes. VR church is still here. We went through a major life transition (moving to another state and traveling), so we have not been able to host like we planned. However, we are settled in our new location, and we are gearing up for 2017.

What’s next for VR church?
In short, we are ready to take VR church from an alpha experience to a beta experience. What we mean is that VR church has been purely experimental until now.

When a developer is developing software, they use the term “alpha” to communicate the idea of early software testing. When they use the term “beta”, they are communicating the software is close to public release. The same idea applies to VR church. We’ve been experimenting in an alpha experience, but now we are transitioning to a beta experience.

It’s important to note we are not developing software. We are utilizing VR social media spaces like AltspaceVR and vTime to host our church experience. Our initial “alpha” question asked if meeting in a VR social space was viable and engaging. And the answer is yes!

What do you need?
We need you! We need a launch team!

We need a team of volunteers to be a part of and give input to VR church. If you have a Vive, Rift, or Gear VR, would you consider being a part of the beta experience?

What are the volunteer positions?
The following volunteer roles are just a sample of the needs. Please contact Pastor D.J. Soto at djsoto@sonata7.com to learn more.

  • Greeters
  • Teachers
  • Small Group Hosts
  • Producers
  • Graphic Designers
  • Administrative Assistants
  • Social Media Masters
  • Coders
  • Strategic Thinkers
  • Leaders
  • Evangelists
  • Writers

We are excited about 2017, and we hope you will join us on the adventure!

If you would like to learn more our VR church, check out these blog posts and online articles…




