Michel Bauwens: P2P Vision Statement

Nenad Maljković
Virtual Teams for Systemic Change
1 min readJan 1, 2017

Here is my vision, our emerging vision
Together we know everything, together we have everything
Each of us has and is the right piece of the puzzle
Alone we are a fragment, together we find wholeness
Finding solutions wherever they might be

You are what you make, you are what you share
To join or create, that is the question
The more connected, the richer
True wealth is in relationships
More views more light

Transparency brings light, illuminates the shadows
Difference enriches what we have in common
Information wants to be free
Culture wants to be shared
Life wants to be connected

Leadership is caring for the whole
Power with instead of power over
Designing exclusion into inclusion
Individuals and collectives are converging
I win, you win, we all win

More options create better choices
From taking profit to sharing benefit
Give a brick, get a house
Motivated by passion, striving for absolute quality
Through open designs, ever improving

Producer and user are one
Know the difference between scarcity and abundance
And humanity will be saved
Peer to peer is the next emergence of our relatedness
Me to the power of us

That is my vision, our shared vision

Peer to Peer Alternatives, www.p2pfoundation.net
Vision statement created in 2008 by Michel Bauwens
in collaboration with Lawrence Wollersheim & Akasa



Nenad Maljković
Virtual Teams for Systemic Change

Network weaver and group process facilitator with "Towards regenerative cultures through dialogic collaboration" motto. Based in Zagreb, Croatia.