Transition as planetary force

To cope with planetary challenges we need to self-organise locally AND we need to self-organise as planetary force. That’s what I believe after being active 6+ years in permaculture and Transition movement.

Nenad Maljković
Virtual Teams for Systemic Change
3 min readDec 30, 2016


I wrote this in my role as Co-guardian of the Organisational Co-design Working Group within the Transition Hubs Group.

Dear Hubsters,

Looks like 2017 will be important and very interesting year for all of us. End of May we will meet in Santorso, Italy, to discuss and agree on our path forward. Between January and May we will be in communication online to discuss and agree some key aspects of our collaboration.

In my role as co-guardian of our Organisational Co-design Working Group I have particular perspective on this process that I would like to explain using Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle graph:

I believe that we are bunch of idealists that are quite clear about that WHY :) For me, that’s permaculture ethics that I like to share as Earth Care, People Care, Future Care and that I would like to experience in line with our Transition principles while I’m living on this Earth.

However, we are still looking for clarity in HOW we collaborate beyond our neighbourhoods. We are quite clear how to do it locally, but on levels of scale between street, neighbourhood, village or town scale and global, planetary scale we did have some collective learning since we started to collaborate and we are still learning. Starting from January we will address exactly that issue in multiple ways and this process will be driven by Organisational Co-design Working Group. And there will be multiple ways for you to engage :)

There is one particular concern that we want to address: it’s about possible gap in organisational or collaboration culture between Hubsters that are longer within the Hubs Group and those that joined recently. We will be addressing it in several ongoing, simultaneous, open online discussions between January and May 2017:

The aim of all this is that we start our Gathering in May with better understanding on HOW we want to collaborate within the Hubs Group, so that we can spend our precious time together to discuss and agree on WHAT we want to do together in the future. I hope that time horizon for our discussion — and for our agreements and commitments — will this time reach well into the future… 5, 10, 20 years or longer.

I believe that Transitioners worldwide are LEADERS in a sense that Simon Sinek thinks about leadership — and the way I see it, his thinking about leadership is fully in line with what we all want to live as Transition culture.



Nenad Maljković
Virtual Teams for Systemic Change

Network weaver and group process facilitator with "Towards regenerative cultures through dialogic collaboration" motto. Based in Zagreb, Croatia.